Pretty sure I saw some of those fake "chinese village life" videos on here actually. Well-made-up girls doing manual labor they've apparently been doing their whole life but somehow still have perfectly smooth hands. "simple" village people who claim to do all their own work but somehow live on large well-kept estates.
What's most egregious is all the protesting they're engaging in is outlawed in the country they claim to support. You want free speech shut down? OK then let's end your right to speak.
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
Nobody knows fake expert videos like these 2. They've built a small empire pretending to be experts.
(Long Spike)
Dinminnnnnnnnn, you are attacking the messenger not the message. Something you stand strongly against. Don't lower your wu mao status. You have worked so hard.
(Old Spike)
if anyone watched it can they give a rundown of what the charges are this time?
are they saying that prc are sponsoring idealised rural lifetyle videos, or that some of the ones on youtube are fake, or...?