Tue, 2019-11-05 11:49 — sal9000 White Nationalists Decide To Film A Video In Front Of Emmett Till's Memorial! Video of White Nationalists Decide To Film A Video In Front Of Emmett Till's Memorial! don't turn your sound up. an alarm is going to go off a scare off the rats 3.57143 Average: 3.6 (7 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
LOL, you can laugh at this because it was one of the rare occasions you did not take part, right?
(Old Spike)
Well that made no sense, but good try cunt. You'll get another shot I'm sure.
(Short Spike)
Huu-ware Are y'all Huwiaat peeple?
(Long Spike)
Where the hell is anyone at? Looks like it's just about in the middle of bloody nowhere.
(Old Spike)
They installed remote monitoring and alarms after the sign kept being vandalized by idiots.
(Long Spike)
Oh no, I get that. But I more meant in relation with the rest of the town. Looks more like a country side road, kinda 'middle of nowhere' location.
(Old Spike)
that's where they pulled his body out of the river
(Long Spike)
Damn....Cheers sal9000
(Old Spike)
Emmett Till was a victim of the OG #metoo #belive all women movement.