lady goes at cop with scissors


Dem Bones's picture

Lucky police officer! She could've scratched his shoulder with those scary scissors, and he'd have been in a WORLD of pain for about a second.

Trigger happy cops are just the saddest thing. What a fucking loser.

I love how she's lying on the floor after being shot twice, and he's screaming at her to drop the scissors, as if she's gonna do a crazy ninja move and somehow stab him in the eye.

FUCK, these videos make me hate humanity.

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Maxpower's picture

I don't think he's obligated to chance it with someone coming at him who intends to stab him. If you charge a cop with scissors or anything that can be considered a weapon, you're going to be shot. It's that simple.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

He could have also shot her in the leg or the arm

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nope, way too dangerous. Hitting a moving target with a handgun is hard enough even for trained people. Hitting an even faster moving arm or leg would be sheer luck.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

No it is not, i did it many times, and if you have a little bit of balls you fight her unarmed

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The Evil Bat's picture

Or better yet. The cop grabs a pair of scissors and makes it a fair fight.

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ubershin's picture

imagine if a white man wouldve killed her. black cop killing white usually is ok in jury trials np

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Zeb's picture

Should of went to school, she would of known to not run with scissors.


Wouldnt it be funny if it wasnt the gunshots that killed her it was her falling on the scissors that did.


I mean.. tragic turn of events.. one less crazy person in the world I hope, God bless.

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trooper_trent's picture

Should have.... would have

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sato's picture

ikr. he would've known that if he'd paid attention at school.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I'm actually amazed that she pulled off a front flip right after taking those rounds.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You don't scissorwieldingly run towards a person pointing a gun at you. 

If you get shot in the process it is your fault.


If it would have been a white cop and a black attacker the public uproar would have been hillarious.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

So, what about a tazer?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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How about just kill people that charge others with weapons. Who fucking cares, they're trash.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

They're not trash, they're mentally ill.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you're that dangerous, it's too late. When I deal with dangerous people I don't have a split second to think about their life story.


It's them, or me. Ain't no other way about it.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
You've added in a "split second" and changed the situation. This was not a split second situation. The officer had ample time to draw a taser, he could have also fired it much sooner rather than waiting for her to attack him.
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theblackswordsman's picture
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Have you ever been in the situation where someone was trying to take your life before?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I have been in that situation maybe a hundred times, most of the time you can talk em out of it sometimes you have to shoot, sometimes you can just take the weapon from them, looking at this situation, he could have taken the weapon, she is not Bruce Lee... you use both hands to grab the weapon wielding arm and kick the lower leg, manipulate her on the ground, and cuff

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
No, but I'm also not a trained police officer. Are you telling me the cop was so scared for his life that he couldn't arm himself with his taser?
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

He would have had to holster his gun and then take out the tazer, aim and fire. By then the scissors are possibly stuck somewhere in his body.


I would use a tazer for an unarmed offender, as soon as weapons are involved the gun is a reasonable measure (regardless of the mental state of the attacker) as the cop's right to leave the situation unharmed always has to be priority.


This is not a "fair" (street) fight, there is no honour in it. 


I am surprised this even makes for a yt video....

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
She was behind a counter, on the phone, he could have backed off and had ample time, and you can arm your taser with one hand.
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NoToucH's picture

Trigger happy...I mean who is afraid of a woman with a knife or scissor?? Even if you are not fit or sportive, thats not a reason to inmediatly start yea fucking piece of shit officer. Butttt, the woman is a fucking annoying and stupid bitch too, hes obviously on edge and this is in America...going at a officer with any kind of weapon there is just fucking asking for it. Both are retards, woman slightly bigger and payed for it with her life, the cop is a fucking pussy if he was seriously afraid of an older fat woman with a scissor.

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