[Spiked Member] Client Not Interested? Say These 3 Words

Thorno's picture

Client Not Interested? Say These 3 Words

You're in a call meeting or discussion with a potential client and they say something that translates to, "Sorry, this isn't something that is relevant right now" or "I don;t think this is something we need at this time". What do you do and what do you say? How can you avoid a client saying they are not interested? In this video Roy Hoss covers how to turn a no into a yes and how to avoid losing prospective clients by using 3 words and following 2 simple principles. If you have any feedback on the video and any suggestions or ideas on improving the video, let me know :-)

Average: 2 (4 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Image result for sell me this pen gif

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monkeymania's picture
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Thorno's picture

Huge fans of selling it seems. 
'Sell me this Pen' might be a video I'll do :-)
I don't know what movie the used car salesman scene is from but damn that is cringe level greasy

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monkeymania's picture

Wait, you're in the sales racket and don't know the comedy cult classic movie with the bizarre name Used Cars? Watch it immediately.

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Thorno's picture

Sounds good, i'll have to take a look into it but I doubt it comes anywhere close to being as good as Wolf of Wallstreet.
 I don't really do sales to customers, I sell to businesses but I have sold to customers in the past...hated it.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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This should interest you.



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stokkebye's picture
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stokkebye's picture
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Thorno's picture

Any suggestions on what to imporve or you guys just hate sales too much to bother with constructive criticism?
I work as a closer for several marketing companies and SaaS companies before that , this is the first time i've made a youtube channel on the topic and i'm trying to grow it so any input good or bad would be appreciated.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Your argument is flawed if nothing actually has changed. Then saying this would only make you look incompetent if the (prospect) client actually knows their stuff.


If it is true and also significant to your client you would be stupid not to point it out in the first place. Make sure to bring evidence.

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stokkebye's picture

Man, I've been selling shit all my life. You gotta be able to read people, adapt to their personality, how to relate on a personal level with people, be charismatic and know when to push and when to relax. Fucking adderal or cocaine helps ALOT as well!!! 

I got a friend that is a genius, like a computer genuis from the 80's type, socially retarded, coke bottle glasses, unibrow, etc... He has a BA in eletrical engineering and a masters in library sciences. He fucking works in a hospital as a boiler maintenance guy now, because he couldnt sell himself! He's had more job interviews all over the country then anyone I know, he knows his shit very well, but he always dealt with the HR dept that barely knew what the fuck he was talking about half the time, if they set him up with engineers instead they'd know how valuable he is but the HR fucks didnt like him as a person and that was the nail in the coffin. I tried to coach him on selling himself and tried to pump him up by bringing him to strip clubs and bars to get his confidence up but in the end nothing worked. 

One company I worked at when I was 19, a sales job, had us split into groups and gave us a pen and told us go out into the city and trade that pen for other more valuable items and 2 hours later come back and whoever had the more valuable item won. It was fucking great. It taught us how to approach strangers and barter and use charm and hone in our skills to sell. You gotta have the confidence to know you will make that sale no matter what. 

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stokkebye's picture

Heres a link to Used Cars for free online. https://www6.123movies.st/watch/used-cars.yq9kj/yqmrz6p

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