Well, the memo released by Trump anyway. The rest of it was locked away on a classified server for some mysterious reason. It was clearly a perfect phone call and attacking it is obviously a hoax, witch hunt, and just hatred of a real American. Anyone who even insinuates that it was anything but perfect is just being an anti-American.
Ask any Trumptard. He HASN'T been impeached. The paperwork hasn't been done.
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
vox is ful of shit
(Long Spike)
Totally but what part of the document shown is false? It needs to be made clear and this is the best forum to collect the factual data. Perhaps a Chinese government version or something from Putin/TASS?
(Old Spike)
Dude you still haven't admitted RussiaGate was a hoax. Maybe hang up your witch hunting boots, at least when they lead you outside your borders.
(Long Spike)
So no explanation of what is false in that video. Gotcha. You still believe that Russia didn't try to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election despite all of the evidence gathered by Robert Mueller, every U.S. intelligence agency, testimony from Trump associates in court and before Congress. Stick to your China great routine. You just embarrass yourself.
Why are the Trumpublican Senators fighting tooth and nail to eliminate any witnesses in the Senate trial of Trump? Any guesses? Right. Why is Trump fighting tooth and nail-taking it to the U.S. Supreme Court- to keep his tax returns and financial records secret after saying he would release them if he got elected? Any idea? Right. You are a pathetic fool.
(Old Spike)
There's no evidence that Russia tried to interfere with the 2016 election.
Mueller is a hack. He supported the Iraq WMD hoax too.
"every U.S. intelligence agency" didn't support it either. Not that it matters. They're not exactly infallible.
Next thing you'll tell me is that the Iraq WMDs & mobile chemical weapons labs were real. Learn to use your own brain monkey.
(Long Spike)
LOL OK Dinmin. Please work on a novel about how the document in this post was fake though-this is the comment section for it-and take a break from your China Great routine.
(Old Spike)
I didn't watch the video, no idea what document you're talking about.
Vox pushed the RussiaGate hoax, no doubt this is just more misinformation for people like you to salivate over.
You joined Falun Gong yet?
(Long Spike)
I didn't watch it.........IT'S LIES! Get the fuck out of here moron. Get a grip.
(Old Spike)
Vox IS full of shit & you're hysterical, as usual
(Site Administrator)
When they use words like "hoax" and 'witch hunt" come out of a trunk supporters mouth you need to move on. They are two words that happen to be Trump buzzwords that he and fox news repeated over and over to them. You're wasting your breath on a blind cultist who lives in the alternate Trump universe.
(Old Spike)
RussiaGate was a hoax & I called it out on here about a year before Mueller's report came out based on my own findings, with help from mostly progressive sources like Aaron Mate, Matt Taibi etc. I do not watch Fox "news" unless there's an interview I hear about like the Comey or Barr ones.
Mueller was also part of the Iraq WMD hoax & as head of the FBI sat by while the CIA was torturing suspects in US custody which ruined any chance of trials for the 9/11 attacks. And the guy's held up as a national hero in some circles. Comey is even worse, if that's possible.
None of my opinions are based on R v D partisan bullshit, I'm not even American & don't give a shit which charlatan you elect, so long as it's not Hillary because she's a psycho warmonger.
(Old Spike)
Yep, pretty much.
(sounds retarded)
There's always two sides! Trump is a businessman, which means he sits at the top has has other people do all the work for him and he operates like a businessmen NOT a two-faced politician. He doesnt care about the details just wants shit done. I dont think he really knew what all this shit was about as it was all Guiliani's show. Guilinani wanted to do something for Trump and started looking into Ukraine interferance of the 2016 elections and instead he caught wind of Hunter Biden and his father's scheme and ran with it. Shokan met with Guliani and told him how the FBI and western run anti-corruption organizations treated him and his staffers like shit and that yovanovitch, the American ambassador, also treated him like shit then demanded he didnt prosecute certain people. Shokan was pissed but Gulinani didnt care all too much about that stuff as he just wanted info on the Bidens dirty dealings and thats when Shokan said he was investigating a money laundering scheme but got shut down by the FBI and yovanovitch. So Guiliani tried to get Shokan into the USA but yovanovitch blocked his visa. The holding company was based in the USA and all leads went there but they couldnt do anything without the FBI's help and they were'nt going to help Trump. Then Guilani tells Trump all this and says yovanovitch is getting in the way so she got fired. But the FBI still wouldnt do anything about it so Trump asks the Ukrainian presedent to investigate it. I really dont think it has anythign to do with Biden simply being a political rival, I think it has more to do with the establishment's dirty dealings and hating Trump more then anything. Problem is Guiliani has no hard evidence the Biden's stole money, corrupt, sure, criminal, I dont know. An investigation would need to happen and I think that is what this is all about, to stop an investigation into the establishment's dirty dealings. All the Shokan shit was just political inside fighting, I mean literally, his staffers got into a fist fight with the anti-corruption FBI backed staffers. I think Trump knew very little about most of it besides what Guiliani told him and I think Trump was just concerned about getting back to golfing or whatever. He wanted to give Guilani the power to investigate corrupt dealins and the establishment fought back.
(Long Spike)
Finally! That squares it all away. Perfect call.
(sounds retarded)
What I was trying to say is that Trump didnt just sit around wondering how he can take down Biden like the left is trying to say he did. I dont think he really cared but wanted to help Guiliani get his investigation going. For you to make it a bad call you have to go on the premise that Biden did NOTHING wrong! If you think Biden MIGHT have or HAS done something wrong then Trumps call IS PERFECT!!! All that other bullshit with Shokan and Guiliani is just typical government bullshit and in fighting but VOX makes it seems like everything was on the up and up and USA government is always right and Trump is always bad becuase Orangemanbad! There is alot more to it then what this stupid video makes it out to be. I think a trial in the Senate will be a good thing and sort this shit out, I DO NOT think Trumnp should have gotten impeached though! Its a fucking sham and a damn shame it is being weaponized like this. That call and all the evidence they used is highly subjective just like the fucking articles of impeachment themselves and I call bullshit on it all and on the Dems!
(Long Spike)
Nah, Trump doesn't operate lika a mafia boss. He hasn't been a pathological liar, con man, and a scam artist his whole life so there's no way the memo shown is fact or that he engaged in anything impeachable in any way. All Trump has to do is have Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, and John Bolton appear as witnesses at his Senate trial, he will be completely exonerated, and the matter will finally be closed. Why wouldn't a completely innocent Trump want them to appear to completely clear him? What is the reasoning for not having them appear as witnesses again?
(sounds retarded)
Equal but seperate branches of government. Pelosi been a fucking bitch to him since he took office and others called for his impeachment the day they were sworn in combine that with the RussiaHoax being based on lies and corruption from the FBI working witht he DNC, why the fuck would he "work" with the same people trying to impeach him? The Dems of the house have to go through the SCOTUS. Otherwise every president could be impeached, even your beloved Obama when he got caught selling weapons to Mexican Cartels and refused to hand over evidence or have peopel testify JUST LIKE TRUMP! The executive branch is seperate and equal to the Legislative branch, hence the reason they need to go through the courts. Imagine if the CIA could just ask any and every FBI agent to come in and do an interview looking for dirt on the FBI director so they could get him fired. Do you really think FBI agents would cooperate? Jesus christ, pull your head out of your ass!
(Long Spike)
by Monkey's standards: If Jeffery Epstein started to run for president, and Trump started to investigate him for fucking underage girls, because he found possible evidence of wrong doing and cover ups in the FBI that led him to Epstein then Trump needs to be impeached.
I don't give a shit who it is, or what position they hold, or even worse, want to hold. If there is corruption then find it and bring it out. How many times, did they ask Trump for his overseas deals? Clinton and Obama both questioned foreign officals to see if Trump was dirty, the difference is... when no dirt was found "the left" made some up, and then leaked it, with the Bureau to help.
If Biden didn't do anything then no big deal. If he did, which I think he did, because the media isn't covering it and everyone is re-routing the questions from it, except FOX, then he should face the consequences. If this was Trump's kid, we would all be on the same page, but becuase it is creepy Joe, the left has to be in uproar.
(sounds retarded)
The same goes for Clintons Foundations! I was just reading more about it today. Very shady dealings going on but yet we cant talk about that, no no no, we gotta focus on Trump. Fuckign Bullshit! I got so pissed I bought a Trump 2020 sticker for my car, lol! My girlfreinds a democrat and I got lot liberal friends and this says "stick it up your ass"!
(Long Spike)
The Clintons are dogshit. There's a crazy thing going on right now pointing out the lies, con jobs, and scams of Trump because of that overblown "He's the president of the United States" thing.
(Long Spike)
The Spiked Nation Trumptard circus is out but nothing about the subject of the post itself? You know, that perfect phone call. I wonder why not? Tax returns? Mexico paying for the wall? Let it all out. Spin it all into a "Greatest president in U.S. history" Trumptard circle jerk.