Why does the US prop up the wahhabi saudi regime?
Watch to find out.
The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Russians. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.”
- Graham Fuller, former Deputy Director of the CIA’s National Council on Intelligence, 1999 [link]
(1 vote)
(Old Spike)
Churchill meeting with Ibn Saud whom he showered with money and gifts.
(Long Spike)
damonjones, cmon man. This is a step in the right direction sorta (history, but with a political lean somewhat. Although in saying that. It's a bit hard to bring up historical events in the past that doesnt really have anything do to with politics, unless it's sports related or a natural disaster or accident of some sort).
I remember a time you would post up some good shit.
Now? You tow that 'party line' any harder and you're going to give yourself a back injury.
Chalenge: Post something without religious or political stint to it. This ain't just for damonjones either guys.
(Old Spike)
My posts are pretty organic, it's just shit I come across that I think is either entertaining or informative. Half are entertaining & the other half are an indulgence/soap box kinda thing. I try to post a 50/50 mix.
Right now I want to let people know how geopolitics of the "war on terror" works because it underlies a lot of important stuff. Unfortunately the best content is on podcasts & either isn't on Youtube or too dry for people to listen to.
History, politics & religion are intertwined, especially in the Middle East.
Keen to know what "party line" you mean?
(Long Spike)
What's with all the pro-China vids man?.... So many posts about Chinese or American influence of something or another, and how spiffy one is , an how not so spiffy the other has been (or is).
Both sides on the geo-political scale have been utter c@$ts at one stage or another.
You can't butter up one side of a burnt biscuit and still expect it to taste good. You gots ta butter both side friend!
It almost seems less 'organic' of recent and more like you're trying to make a point or convince.
(Old Spike)
I like to debunk bullshit mainstream narratives & the anti-China stuff flooding Western media in the past 6-12 months has been ridiculous. I see this new cold war stance as stupid & dangerous.
Speaking of stupid & dangerous I'm salty about US war mongering & foreign policy in recent decades & sometimes post videos critical of it, usually in a way to inform people rather than just preach.
These 2 issues are tied together IMO.
I guess a lot of my stuff political videos are aimed to convince. It's not a case of "pro-China" though, it's more pushback against the disinformation that people seem to have absorbed. I dunno why people don't want to discuss these things like adults, it's a pretty tough crowd. Mostly they seem more inclined to run away or act like babies whenever their opinions are threatened. I find that interesting too but try not to push too hard because reasonable people don't want so much bullshit on here.
On the geopolitical scale the US is hyper aggressive & is just crazy these days. China hasn't fired a shot outside its borders in 30+ years. They're now being smeared with this "concentration camp" bullshit when it's a relatively humane way to deal with the wahhabi threat. If China was agitating anti-social forces in the US then I'd say they're 2 sides of the same coin but I just don't see it that way.
(Long Spike)
China doesn't need to fight over land. They produce and manufacture just about a crazy amount about everything we all use. Polluted the living shit outa their own country in the process.
And why fight over land when you can just make your own islands?