Mobius Trailer

sal9000's picture

MORBIUS - Teaser Trailer

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


The Evil Bat's picture

LoL. At the end. CGI batman meets Old school non-CGI batman.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Boy, this looks shit....

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Dagambit's picture

Jared Leto is a great casting for this role. I just hope Sony doesn't fuck it up.


side note here: I was a pretty big comic book fan enthusist growing up, very behind now a days and I don't collect the comics anymore. They shifted the medium to bring those character to life in movies for my generation, they have been doing it for years, but now they finally have the technology to make it --- cool? 


Do you guys think in about another 10 years, there are going to be movie stars portraying the newer generations favorite YouTubers? Or something? Weird thought in my head, but I could see my kids becoming excited about a movie involving Fortnight or someshit.. they already did it with us and like DOOM or Street Fighter. Just a thought!

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The Evil Bat's picture

I enjoyed Street Fighter. Doom....that shouldn't have seen the light of day as it was. Don't forget Judge Dredd, Double Dragon, Mario Brothers. Also should forget all the older superhero movies that there only just re-doing

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puttefnask's picture

It's like someone won an auction for the storage full of Buffy The Vampire Slayer costumes.

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