Lick the Shrine for your chance to win COVID-19


The Evil Bat's picture

I heard that in Iran they burnt down a quarantine tent for the carona virus infected.

And from what I've been told, it's just like the flu. You avoid it just the same way you would avoid getting the flu.

If these shrine lickers wanna get anything from the Carona virus to Cold sores/herpes then let em. Once they die off, that means a few less stupid people in the world.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Corona is more dangerous than the flu as it is more contageous, about 3 times as many get infected.

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danmanjones's picture
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GKhan's picture


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oooooh the times when hard rock was so, hmmmmmmm, gay!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Isn't the death rate in Iran about 1 in 15?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

now thats it's global, WHO says the death rate is 3.4%, still don't know how it behaves

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danmanjones's picture

Iran death rate was wild a week ago but it's lining up with other countries now that they have more testing available. They said that sanctions had prevented them from getting testing underway earlier, I'm unsure how true that is. About 5 days ago China donated 350k testkits to Iran & I expect them to keep helping out. Iran has shortages of a bunch of things necessary for dealing with this disease.


Iran figures are 77 deaths from 2336 cases now [link] but as mentioned their testing is still behind where it should be.

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