Half Life: Alyx Gameplay

puttefnask's picture

Half-Life: Alyx Gameplay Video 1

I forgot to add the number 3!

This is all the gameplay released today. 3 videos from Valve. and one 9 minute video from IGN. Half Life: Alyx will release on 03.23.



Average: 4.7 (7 votes)


phanto's picture

This reminds me of when they first released the first Half-Life 2 gameplay footage showing off the capabilities of their new physics engine. It blew everyone away.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Looks fucking awesome. Still, can't bring myself into buying a VR set. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I will soon, i think it costs to much for what is essentialy plastic 2 lenses and a small screen, my niece and nephew have one and it is realy cool, especialy for horror games, you stand right in the train, you are in the room, you can almost feel it, it is amazing, i even had the urge to walk then i thought o no i move with the controller

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Eventually, I'l have to buy a set too. Too big of a Half-Life fan to miss out on this.  

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GKhan's picture

I always loved how each room was basically a puzzle to solve vs shoot, shoot, shoot some more.

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The Evil Bat's picture

And then move a besa block or two

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I see they still haven't figured out how to walk properly lol.


Ill keep my controller/ keyboard.

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puttefnask's picture

There's actually several ways you can choose from in options(Smooth movement, teleport and quick dash).

Teleporting is there for people who get motion sickness.

Luckily I never get sick in VR, but my brother does instantly during motion in-game, and it's fucking hilarious.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Fair. I can't read or game in a moving vehicle. The travelling aspect of travelling is just dead time to me.

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