Trump's Coronavirus Calendar

KarlJohanson's picture

Trump's Coronavirus Calendar

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.9 (20 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Trump at least knows how to screw up big, he's got plenty of experience. Few countries have fought this war with any kind of aggression, we're all just waiting for it to swarm us, prioritising short-term economic interests over our long-term health & stability. It's been quite an eye-opener IMO.

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Evulva 1's picture

Why'd this get downvoted?

It's your hero speaking and saying things 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

therapy is kind of a cure...... 

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monkeymania's picture

Trump on February 27th was the most surreal. When he waved his hands and said "It's going to disappear like a miracle" it really showed just what a fucking moron we have as president.

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Dagambit's picture

still not bigger than..


the cold

the flu


not more deaths than


veteran suicides a day

average day in chicago


my stance, still don't give a fuck


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KarlJohanson's picture
Dagambit's picture

OMG, every where with socialize government healthcare the virus is running amuck. Still doing good in the USA. Because of the media's over reaction to this bullshit, we have to shutdown for a while and everyone work from home. Still handling it better than Obama and swine flu.

I hope our death toll really does get high, and most of the people that bite it, are the anti-vaxxers.

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KarlJohanson's picture

Trump said that Obama implimented a new rule that comlicated testing that affected swine flu testing. Guess what... Trump lied about that. Liars lie. You don't deserve to be lied to. You deserve better than a liar in charge.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This has been topic now for a while and people like him still don't seem to get the basics and thus the reason for isolation. The funny part is that in the same breath they deny science on this issue they embrace it on similar ones like "anti vaxxers"

Shit like this should hve one in stitches....

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Evulva 1's picture

Fucking idiot

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boldfart's picture
sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

thought it was going to be the "china virus" one

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Seamonkey89's picture

Didn't he lock down the boarder in January? Why only show one side?


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KarlJohanson's picture

No he didn't. You've been lied to and you don't deserve to be lied to.

The truth isn't half way between what actually happened and a lie.

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