6 Tactics of the Communists


danmanjones's picture

Hitler was anti-communist.

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lawngnome's picture

Watch the whole thing, ya jackass.

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danmanjones's picture

I watched about 5 minutes & could see IQ points & faith in humanity flooding out of my brain. Thanks but no thanks.

Framing the Nazi party as communist is just beyond the pale.

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lawngnome's picture

Sigh.   The video and message is not about hitler, or nazis.


But who am I to say,  you are the all-knowing ruler of this site.

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danmanjones's picture

A message built on ahistorical horse shit isn't something I'm going to spend 12 minutes watching. You can explain it if you want.

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Raining Blood's picture

you can do alot with 12 minutes. like looks to see if the military actually rolled into ny

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danmanjones's picture

exactly. why waste it on retarded shite like this video

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Raining Blood's picture

so are you posting stufff without watching them first?

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danmanjones's picture


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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Doesn't work.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Everyone who watched more than a minute of this video is now dumber.

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