The WHO team who went to China was led by the WHO Assistant Director-General, Canadian Bruce Aylward.
China must have bribed him to bribe his health minister back home. Makes perfect sense.
In other news, the Whitehouse has tasked the CIA with proving the "China's lying" conspiracy theory. [link]
- this may be a hint to the China Bad cullt members on here that this is yet unproven. Unless China's also bribing the Whitehouse & CIA...Oh god!
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Congrats on pushing disinfo to the front page of this site, retards
(Long Spike)
Get over it.
(Old Spike)
Did you give that post a 5-star rating, LG?
(Long Spike)
Look at all the other disasters they have downplayed, or tried to cover up. The Earthquake that flattened whole cities and many many schools, the flood that they kept the numbers down on to keep it from becoming a stage 4 emergency. The SARS outbreaks, Tiananmen Square... [link]
Feel free to add more to this list, fellow China Bad Cult Members.
(Long Spike)
Maybe just realize that China isn't perfect, and has a past history of doing some fucked up shit and trying to cover it up?
Damn butthurt commies.
(Old Spike)
LMAO.. Comrade Gordon - a regular Fox News contributor & China Bad crackpot who authored "The Coming Collapse of China (2001)" - gives his 2c:
Since Canada is now a colony of China, does that make SpikedNation a de facto Chinese website?
We should probably get some monitoring & filtering packages installed just in case. What do you think, LG?
(Old Spike)
none of the China Bad cowards have a thing to say.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
So hey.
When we were arguing a few months ago, I was encouraged to chat with you off site to settle things. I was told then that your name is Nathan.
Is it just a coincidence, or are you the hot pot king?
(Old Spike)
Lol no. I'm Dan. Hot Pot King wouldn't waste so much time on here he's busy getting a back rub from Xi Jinping. I'm not sure I ever invited you to Discord to settle anything, I've asked sal9000 to do it because he's been a vindictive cunt towards me for months for no apparent reason & does shit that's beyond the normal use of the site, wandering into kick land. You were invited because you had a technical issue with your account - turned out to be a email sending problem & was fixed.
Anyone can join the Discord server btw, there's no activity on there but realtime chat is way better than this waiting 5-10 mins between comments.
I doubt anyone will join, it's too far outside their comfort zone. Sal made a bunch of excuses like he couldn't because people were in his house. LOL