Video is not related, LOL. Remember all you fuckheads making fun of Americans buying weapons recently because of the Chinavirus? I mentioned I bought a shotgun and got shit for it. Well last night my neighbor caught two people snooping around his yard after they parked their truck on the street. I live in a nice quiet suburb, never had anything like this happen before. And guess what, I saw my neighbor carrying in a rifle case from his car this morning after talking to him. He got wise pretty quick. We live near a city with shootings happening almost every night and now people from the inner city are getting hungry and desperate, and where are they going to go and find stuff? The suburbs!
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
That sucks. Ban those bums from McDonalds!
(Old Spike)
But according to all the Eurocucks who can't own or use firearms in self-defense, that man should have told those men to wait while he called the police to come help him.
(Old Spike)
No, he should have put a 'gun free zone' sign on his lawn, then they couldn't legally bring guns on his property and he'd be fine.
(Old Spike)
No he should have killed them over a wallet with a couple of dollars, and the cops got one of em, so he gets his money back either way, no need for killing you psycho, and in europe we can kill in self defence when we get shot first, and we can get weapons, with a license, and in some cases you can get a consealed weapon permit from the governor, or atleast that is how it is in Belgium, so you have no idea what you are talking about.
(Old Spike)
Funny how where I live (where you need your guns licensed and registerd) no shootings at all happened following the corona crisis.
Now what might be the reason for that?
(sounds retarded)
Poverty, corrupted government run by corporations, federal reserve and the banks who own them siphoning off the wealth, low morals and ethics, no sense of community by design, valuing profits over lives, military industrial complex, making swords instead of ploughs for decades, entertainment industry that pumps unrealistic expectancies, etc... That could be the reason!