Mon, 2020-04-27 16:30 — Raining Blood 阿木爷爷榫卯打造一座木拱桥,全程无钉子,高手在民间 Video of 阿木爷爷榫卯打造一座木拱桥,全程无钉子,高手在民间 something else to listen to, just wait 10 or so seconds. 5 Average: 5 (6 votes)
(Site Administrator)
i want to thank you Raining blood for posting some great content. this is exactly what spikednation needs.
(Old Spike)
Well presented, unique submission. Not a pathetic copycat of a temporary banned member, 5.
(Long Spike)
i'm a timeline and vehicle manufactoring kind of guy. if its not that, the link probably came from a temporary banned member
(Old Spike)
The copycat reference was NOT AT ALL aimed at you. I apologise for the confusion.
(Short Spike)
Spikednation Lurker and only just recently created account for over 5years, good content. thank you.