Orville S01E01


skeptoid's picture

That link is REALLY dirty. Hey I didn't know Norm was in this.

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skeptoid's picture

Wow this show fucking sucks as of the 15 minute mark.

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Ziggy's picture

I thought it was great, and hilarious

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skeptoid's picture

Then you will enjoy A Million Ways to Die in the West if you haven't seen it already. It is equally unfunny.

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napalm4sd's picture

Petition to permanetly ban sal9000 for providing a link that attempts to defen/incapacitate/infiltrate with a virus. FUCK that sack of shit son of a bitch cock sucker for providing that link. FUCK him. I still have ringing in my ears.. 


I haven't been on spiked in probably a month because it's basically corrupt/dead/non functional. But holy fuck, this will not help its case in any manner. FUCK sal9000 and FUCK spikednation. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

link worked fine for me. do you not use an ad blocker?

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skeptoid's picture

LOL - Those were not ads: My computer needs a rape kit.

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Grothesk's picture

Napalm, were you the baby that made a user name like "FUCKSpikedNation" and whined like a baby? 

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napalm4sd's picture

Brah, i've been convinced the site was dead for the past month or so. Is the front page not just a blank screen for you? Because all I see is a blank screen. 

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napalm4sd's picture

And no, I did not make a different account. Wouldnt even know how if I wanted to, the site is so fucking weird now. 

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skeptoid's picture

DId you miss the big moderator fight? Violet and Critical had a fight and both left, but now Violet is back. I would have preferred they both go or both stay. In any case dmanjone... the guy with the arab dude avatar... is continuing to work on the site. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why don't you keep on doing what you did for the last month INSTEAD of logging into spiked.

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napalm4sd's picture

why don't you suck on the wrinkliest portion of my scrotum you idiot dog fucker?


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

yeah sure sounds like it.....

EDIT: something's still weon with the commenting. This was supposed to be a reply to grothesk above...


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bronobo's picture

i thought it was alright, but not that great. the jokes were so-so, like they were amusing but no LOL. the story itself wasn't that compelling, if we were supposed to take it seriously. but who knows, maybe the new star trek series will be worse than orville.

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