A gaggle of Karens showed up at an Orange County, CA meeting (mini-Florida) to protest mask wearing. When the Karen intelligentsia gathers, genius is everywhere.
(7 votes)
A gaggle of Karens showed up at an Orange County, CA meeting (mini-Florida) to protest mask wearing. When the Karen intelligentsia gathers, genius is everywhere.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Holy fuck that's some f.a.g.r.t.d's right there, the icing on the cake was the poor 110-year-old.
(Long Spike)
coronavirus: Nature's way of taking out the dumb.
(Old Spike)
annoying when karens are right but masks don't do shit to stop transmission. japan and korea have been the world's biggest mask-wearing countries for years and they also have the highest number of doctor visits per year. it's a lot more really, even more than countries with free healthcare, and that's despite having fewer doctors and a healthy lifestyle that results in less lifestyle and age-related disease.
mask catch coughs but so what? they don7t catch your breath, and what they do catch they only hold onto for a short time. your wet breath on the mask dries out over time and flies off again. what masks do increase is the amount of breath droplets goingupwards where they can travel further and infect more people. this seems to be why mask countries have more sick people, not less.
mask countries have more sick people:
masks send more of your breath upwards where it can spread further:
(Long Spike)
Ever asked why that would be? I can't speak for the Japanese, but Koreans go to the doctor for every minor ailment. A few sneezes? Doctor. Headache? Doctor. It's the culture. It's also cheap.
Edit: the rest of your post is such pure shite it could have come from your colon right after a 24 hour yoghurt eating marathon.
The two anti-mask countries, the USA and the UK are two of the most affected countries in the world.
Mask-wearing Korean and Japan? A smidge over 30,000 cases between them, despite being affected much sooner.
Saying masks don't work is like saying condoms don't prevent pregnancy. Sure they're not 100% perfect but they do a bloody good job.
(Old Spike)
why are they getting so many minor ailments if wearing masks decrease virus transmission?
(Long Spike)
They're not. It's the same. In the UK, the NHS is so underfunded you only go when you have to. In the US, people can't afford the doctor. In Korea it's cheap so everyone goes.
Also, people don't wear masks in Korea in normal times - only during this crisis and when the air pollution is bad (미세먼지)
(Old Spike)
really? in korea people don't get sick more often than your home country (assuming you moved to korea at some point)?
here in japan they really do get sick all the time. i work in a school and literally every kid wears a mask all day every day during flu season, yet we have to shut down entire classrooms and sometimes entire floors because 1/4-1/3 of them all have flu at the same time, which is orders of magnitude more than my colleagues in other countries report. they tell me 4-5 out with the flu at once is high.
(Long Spike)
...Yeah, that doesn't happen in Korea. 14 years here compared to 26 in the UK - I see no difference in the number of sick people. The difference is in when you go to see the doctor.
(Long Spike)
Give your brain a chance. Masks cut down on transmission from the person who spews the virus. Period. End of story.
Make an effort not to be stupid but there are plenty of Karens out there if you can't help it.
(Old Spike)
as evidenced by what? there is evidence masks can catch most of one cough, that's it.
your own image even shows droplets going high into the air for fuck's sake! masks would work if people were coughing in each other's faces, but that's not how we spend our days. more likely it's sharing the same room for a long time.
try your own advice and use your brain - take your image of the masked guy coughing. that jet of white stuff going upwards, where is that going to end up in a few minutes?
(Long Spike)
Splutter from a cough/sneeze can travel far. If you have a mask it can't. Very simple, really.
(Old Spike)
Or, just cough into your elbow. away from any people. It's easier to get people to comply with that than wearing a mask.
And yes, you'll still get idiots that won't do either. Can't be stopped.
(Long Spike)
People are conditioned to societal norms. Try standing in a crowded elevator and facing away from the door. Not only will others look at you oddly, you'll feel an urge to correct yourself.
If everyone is wearing a mask except you, you'll soon change suit.
(Old Spike)
Already living in that reality.
I haven't changed.
I'll try the elevator thing some time.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL That just doesn't get through. Complete with pics and circles even. Dead virus? OK. WOW. This guy is a complete waste of air and food.
(Old Spike)
It's the droplets that get you, granted the aerosols can and do infect it's not nearly as likely. The clip is a perfect example of just how effective it can be.
That "jet of white stuff going upwards" as you call it is not the main culprit. There also seems to be a correlation on the dosage of the virus you're exposed to and how sick you get, still unconfirmed... haven't checked.
(Old Spike)
Statistic is a red herring. Visits to the doctor highly depend on the SS system.
Masks: Would you then also recommend doctors and nurses in operating theaters not to wear masks?
Look at it this way (unless the answer to the above question is yes):
Is what these people say about CO2 bullshit? Yes
Is wearing a mask protecting the wearer? No
Is it protecting the people around the wearer? Yes, to some extent.
Is this perfect? No, of course not. Like a fire alarm that only goes off in 70% (or 50% or 30%) of the cases of fire (and has no other adverse side effects like going off when there is no fire) it is better than no fire alarm at all so you wouldn't toss it out unless you find a better solution.