How To Humanely Dispatch Mice


Woodsman's picture

C02 is not a pleasant way to die, it is actually very painful.  C02 buildup is what causes the burning sensation in our lungs and causes us to eventually try to inhale even if underwater.  People that have been resuscitated from drowning have said the pain causes your body to inhale and once the water displaces the C02 you are no longer in pain and relax and fall asleep.  There was a show on the most ethical way to euthanize animals (including people) and hypoxia is the way to go, but using almost any gas other than C02.  C0 (carbon monoxide) would be much better than C02 but nitrogen sounded like the best choice.

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boldfart's picture

Nitrogen does work it is painless some say even pleasurable??? The US decided for those reasons it was not suitable for use in the Gas Chamber.

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stokkebye's picture

Fucking snowflakes! Im raising rabbits for meat and fur and Im teaching my daughter how to kill them. She's 5. When she was 3 she helped me skin a coon to make a hat. If her mom wasnt such a liberal antigun retard I would have had her hunting by now. Im butchering up a goat and my daughter cant wait to help! If she can handle it then grown ass people should be able to. For fuck sake, where do you think your food comes from and how does it get there? 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

We get our meat from the "supermercado, all wrapped in nice plastic wrap." Dunno what you on about, that ain't meat :P

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monkeymania's picture

Oh the humanity!



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Woodsman's picture


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