Was it voted off the site? Then I'll remove it again. But I doubt it as not many are bothered to vote anyway. Or was it removed by the OP because someone came up with valid arguments (in the form of peer reviewed scientific publications) against use of masks, then I would pretty much like to see this, and don't worry I will not remove the video...
(8 votes)
(Long Spike)
Oxygen thieves!
I have never face palmed so much in my life.
Every country has lots of morons, but the American morons are just in a league of their own. sheesh...
(Long Spike)
There was an avalanche of peer reviewed scientific publications posted that made mask-wearing an obvious waste of time. It had to be removed. People should just not wear masks. Listen to Trump and Trumptard Nation. It will just disappear like a miracle. The people in the video are just better informed than mask-wearers.
(Old Spike)
OMG I rarely use this but LMFAOROTFLSMPLMAO - you can be a real coward, eh? LOL 10 minutes of googling to put together more than 10 studies seriously questioning the efficacy of masks as shared between medical professionals and you couldn't let it go to the front page. Dude, you must be getting paid to wear your ass out there like that just to avoid getting some real, non-politicized, information up on the front page that just happens and it really IS just a coincidence - they ARE ignorant - they don't want to be told to wear masks lol NOT because they have read a plethora of peer-reviewed scientific studies but because they don't like your bosses. But you can't have a nuanced position - it's like it violates your job description. The folks here opposing masks are likely very poorly informed individuals - unfortunately for you their position is backed by science and yours is not. But because they don't want to wear masks you have to push masks to back the current position of one tribe over another about one polorizing issue.
You wanted to make a post about how stupid it is not to wear a mask and put it on the front page - science indicates masks are ineffective for both patients and medical professionals. Now, shall we reproduce all of this again, although I was conversing with Sato and DaftCunt asked for evidence. It was about to get there to the front page ol' Donkeypunch - but you had to delete it. Why occulicity, why? Daft did you get a chance to read the evidence that there is no evidence that masks do anything backed up by over 10 different medical professional scientific studies or did he delete before you had a chance to read?
Well, DaftCunt has been nice enough to repost it. Daft I'll hold the venom in this time don't know you saw my commentary surrounding the presentation of the evidence but I was being kind of a dick. Anyway, let's get going with reproducing the previous post deleted by Occulicity coward. Okay okay LMAO so let's do this again and Daft no pulling back on the super friends let's hit the front page with this one.
1. LMAO Okay okay so first SATO you post your comment pointing out that spreading the disinfo that masks are effective is giving folks a false sense of security, causing them to more likely violate social distancing, spreading the virus more rapidly and making things worse. Eh - you attack Sato with typical ad hominem with no argument and say some stupid shit or what not (I pay so little attention these days).
2. Okay okay next I'll come in and I say something like "Someone who's informed. It's unfortunate to see so many who think they're doing right make it worse. People think masks do something and so they gather together and violate social distancing. And the virus spreads. Driven by politicized narratives."
3. Okay okay now DaftCunt, you say somethin' smarmy about how since I'm so informed perhaps I'd like to present some evidence that masks are ineffective.
Okay are we all ready?
(Long Spike)
Surgical masks are made of a nonwoven fabric created using a melt blowing process. They came into use in the 1960s
Damn stupid surgeons, if they had only saved the money spent on masks and sent it to Trump then he could have bought 4 extra golf courses.
(Old Spike)
A fuckload of words and no link to any scientific publication, that was to be expected from you so I am not disappointed (I am a little disappointed by sato, though, as he seems a reasonable and down to earth person).
Now, as it is so "easily googled", indulge us please.
Like I said, I WILL NOT delete this just because my opinion is not reflected in the studies, I am seriously interested in this.
(Old Spike)
Oh, gee, I don't know - what happened to the study? Fuck, gee, I don't know - what happened to it now?
Thanks to Monkeyboy, I think I've confirmed something I needed to know about SpikedNation. Can't say anything more without being accused of threatening to doxx.
Where's the study? Here's where it was - but it seems all of a sudden this study, commissioned in 2016 by dental professionals, nurses, medics, etc - all the people who prior to all this horseshit were the ones with an actual reason to worry about the effectiveness of masks, and which looked at over 15 different studies conducted between 2004 and 2016, and which concluded that there is no evidence that masks protect the wearer or patients, has been scrubbed from the Internet. When you go to this link now, you are greated with the following message:
If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.
Please note that the content from Oral Health Group is primarily intended to educate and inform dental professionals.
If you are looking to further educate yourself on the topic of PPE in the dental industry, we invite you to read the articles below:
See that study is just for Dentists - it concludes that there is no scientific evidence that masks protect the wearer or the patient, even if both are wearing masks - it's not for the public. We need the public to believe masks ARE effective for some reason, as that is what's relevant in the current climate. You see? I don't really know what prompted the removal of the scientific review along with it's references to over 31 other studies. MonkeyMania deleted his post when it went to the front page BECAUSE I quoted extensively from the study.
Once you get your ad homimens out of the way, take a moment to think and tell me if there's any chance you find any of the rest the least bit interesting, Mr. SCIENCE?
(Long Spike)
LOLOL What in the fuck are you on? Talk to someone will ya? Jesus.
(Old Spike)
I'm on you now.
(Old Spike)
So, this morning I read of a study regarding effectiveness of DIY masks.
Conclusion, wearing even a DIY mask is limiting spread of droplets.
I would still encourage anybody to post their findings to the contrary.