The Trump Covid-19 Timeline

monkeymania's picture


It's incredibly sickening but it's no alternative fact. It's just an inept leader lying and bungling his way through a crisis.


How could it have gone so wrong with a moron like Trump as president?



Average: 4.1 (17 votes)


gardendaleguy's picture

this is just a montage of a  'president handeling the situation as it evolved'...i see no wrong in his sure you know people who still dont believe Covid is real....especially given the facts that since he was elected there have been MANY attempts to get Trump out of what i gather from this video...?  (besides that all of this is somehow Donald Trump's fault?)...If you take away the 'creepy audio', this is in reality, a president who has risen above and beyond his circumstances...(many times over),All things considered, i am sorry for you to hear this, but there is no other man on the planet that could endure what he has to deal with on the Daily...and based on the circumstances.. he is doing a damn fine job!..also: WTF does Lincoln have to do with ANY of this?!?!?...shit..Lincoln would be proud!  ( and if he wasnt...he wouldve just tore up that proclamation if he could see what the world looks like now!)


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

WOW, just WOW!


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monkeymania's picture

LOLOLOL DAMN! Thank you! That explained a lot. How fucked up people are to elect a complete dumbfuck as president and then actually believe Trump is in any way competent. Cult Trumptards have the level of comprehension of a back of the bus 3rd grader. Holy shit! We are fucked!


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Whow i killed alot of ppl, maybe i should have told them that they should have the vaccine before they released the virus.... its like talking to children 

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boldfart's picture

Hurricane Hanna  now beating up southern Texas is God's way of punishing those who wear masks there.

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Dagambit's picture

uh oh... I am about to lay down some facts. Monkeymania and Daftcunt don't like facts:


Men and Women are different!


There are 2 sexes and Genders - freak anomalies aside.


Masks are for the sick


Masks do not stop or hinder a virus, which is smaller than your spit, from escaping your bullshit cotton mask, that NO ONE keeps on, distance, or even wears properly 100% of the time. Looking at you Doctor Fauci.


Peace protesters, do not, surrond vehicles, fight police, burn down buildings, threaten others, loot, or riot. They may crowd the streets in uniform fashion with a goal in mind, like march in solidarity from one side to the other. They do not just remain in the street and fuck others over impeding traffic for the entire day like a bunch of asphault squatters.


Russiagate HOAX

Roger Stone's sentence was absord and an abuse of power

General Flynn was setup

Mike Pence may be the best vice president in the history of the USA

Biden has a real "on tape" quid pro quo


Trump and republicans may have fucked us over in debt and stimulus checks already, I can't fucking believe there is a round 2 being considered.


COVID-19 is being represented way worse than it is, and 1/3 of the worlds deaths are in New York, under that Cuomo asshole for putting Covid patients in nursing homes, then letting the elderly back in after relocating them.


They gave Cuomo 1 mil for his election and he reopened the homes back up, killing 1/3 of all the world's vicitims to this virus. Fuck that guy. No other state is anywhere close. As long as we don't sacrifice our elderly we will be okay.

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monkeymania's picture

Check out reality sometime Dr Gonzo. You seriously need to deprogram from your cult. Give it a try. You've got nothing to lose because you are totally lost.

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boldfart's picture

Lay down some facts?  I have news  for you facts are only facts when they are true!  

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Ah, I get it now, sorry mate it took a while!

You are (and always were) taking the piss out of the trumptards by exaggerating their "arguments" to the next level creating such a perfect caricature of a "trumptard" that it is really hard to spot.

KUDOS, my man, excellent job!




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Dagambit's picture

Finally, you get it!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I dont know what you are talking about, but to come back on the masks -

-there are ppl that spit when they talk

-in wallmart there are ppl who talk to themselves when shopping, spitting on the food in the proces :)

-there should be no reason to not wear masks because some ppl look better with one

-and this...

Mask Sex Films - 18QT Sex Tube

Dont wear a mask and suck my cock bitch :)


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Seamonkey89's picture

When he was reacting to it first, you said he was an idiot. When he banned people from China, you called him racist. When he slows his reaction at Fouci's suggestion, you call it 'his timeline'. Yall are the joke here, not him 



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Seamonkey89's picture

Trump 2020!!

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monkeymania's picture

Get a grip on reality.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

He did a good job so far, he blurts out something stupid from time to time but he's not that bad, ppl think they can do better like giving everything for free, but thats not how it works

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monkeymania's picture

A tremendous job actually. It is what it is.

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skeptoid's picture

You got so angry over in this thread here -


that when you deployed your proxy sock accounts to kill three downvotes on one of your bafflingly idiotic comments you immediately posted without taking a breath and forgot to switch back to your MonkeyMania account, Charles Martel.


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boldfart's picture

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Coronavirus: UK 'could have acted differently' and did Sweden succeed? -  BBC News


Sweden never shut anythig down and it looks like they are done with the virus. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And there are probably good reasons for that.


However, if we compare this to Norway, Sweden suddenly doesn't look that good at all:
Sweden (population 10 million): Cases 85700, deaths 5838

Norway (population 5 million): Cases 11600, deaths 264

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