

boldfart's picture

Poor guy hw has no idea!

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skeptoid's picture

Your uncle regularly adds 2+2 to get 5 - say, why are there so many Trumptards in Germany, Boldfart?


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boldfart's picture

Hitler was voted into power after promising an economic miracle and suppression of rhe country's enimies. Perhaps a parrallel could be drawn wit Trump?

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skeptoid's picture

Could be - seems more like Germany has a whack-load of folks who aren't interested in being told what to do by authoritarian nanny types who hold the promise of becoming something much worse (see history). Did you watch the video Boldfart? 2+2=5 was Orwell's impression of Nazi Germany - it terrified him to the core, more than all the bullets and bombs combined. Doesn't seem to bug you though. History fades, doesn't it?

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boldfart's picture

As usual your arguments are getting more liks pidgeon chess every day.




P.S. I have read the book, and spoken with survivors of Stalingrad and the American conquest of the Rhur.  Your ignorance does you credit.

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skeptoid's picture

So then you do understand the danger of allowing someone to force you to affirm something is true that you know is not true. It marks the end of freedom and the beginning of subjugation - not just of your body of its mind and spirit as well.


I've also spoken to the survivors of Stalingrad, as well as with the children of survivors of the Holodomor.

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boldfart's picture

As I said.

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skeptoid's picture

As long as you remain possessed by ideology, you'll always only be playing checkers kid.

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boldfart's picture

Try learning English, it might improve the clairity of your garbled posts.

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skeptoid's picture

Obama was voted into power after promising an economic miracle and suppression of rhe country's enimies. Perhaps a parrallel could be drawn wit Trump?

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boldfart's picture

enimies.  parrallel  wit ???????????????????


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skeptoid's picture

Oh dear.

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boldfart's picture

Try learning English, it might improve the clairity of your garbled posts.


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