9/11 was an inside job


boldfart's picture

Ah, perhaps the retard beanie wearing is to hide the tinfoil?

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Dirt Digger's picture

More like the steel plate and surgical scar.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

7/11 was a parttime job

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

id be willing to bet he'd refused to take any antibody test to see if he had it

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ubershin's picture

lol why do people still talk about trump like anyone is changing anyone's mind on him. by now u either love him or hate him and the rest simply dont care by now, just annoying obv

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skeptoid's picture

I don't love or hate Trump.

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boldfart's picture

I belive you. I do not care what the others say, I say you are an independant minded intellegent person who can detirmine the facts and make a proper decision.

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