"Police were on the scene within 5 mins and found him on the ground. He declined to provide information about the incident and left after removing his Nazi Armband."
(5 votes)
"Police were on the scene within 5 mins and found him on the ground. He declined to provide information about the incident and left after removing his Nazi Armband."
Now do that to a BLM and watch you get life in prison?
(Old Spike)
If you think that idiot was a Nazi then I'm a god damn Chinaman. He didn't even have the arm band on the correct fucking arm.
If the NAZIS were still a thing, they'd utterly obliterate the modern American leftist pretending they're bad asses by sucker punching people.
(Long Spike)
We all know neo-Nazis are idiots...why are you giving a shit which arm it's on?
"Heeeeeeeeh, you're not Nazi-ing right."
(Old Spike)
no no sorry groth its nazi-ing left .............because u see the nahzzithingy should be on the left....not the right........
(Long Spike)
"Don't punch me! I'm intentionally displaying this Swastika on the wrong arm to show how opposed I am to it, you see!"
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
If you know they're idiots from the outset then what's more idiotic?
1) The shit that comes out of the skinheads mouth...
2) or actually giveing a single fuck about the idiotic things that the skinhead inevitably says?
I think not joining the skin head in the idiot club is preferable to demonstrating I lack the basic mental capacity of a well rounded adult.
(Old Spike)
Wow that armband must have hurt his feelings so much the man had no choice but defending himself.
(Long Spike)
He will not divide us.
(Long Spike)
Yup, because shit that offends me I have a right to violence against it, mentality that we have been seeing for the last year now.
(Old Spike)
I'm sure Grothesk would protest vehemently if I assaulted him and then claimed I was justified because his Marxist beliefs were a "threat" to me.
(Old Spike)
Seems that the video was removed due to YouTube's policy on "harassment and bullying."
...Starting to regret that pro-censorship stance yet, regressives?