These scumbags are not representatives of the entire country.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
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acdc51502112 (Long Spike)
more people have woken up because they know all that the liberals and "conservatives" are doing is BS. Individuals are not dumb like the liberal laurentian elites want you to believe. These people are from all over this great province of all stripes....I will not accept a totalitarian regime, but people like you are pleading for it.
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phanto (Short Spike)
These people claim that measures to keep COVID cases down to manageable levels are excessive. And yet I see that 99.9% of them can't even take the most basic and reasonable precautions such as keeping your distances and wearing a mask when in crowds. They have no credibility in their claim of being able to asses what is "reasonable".
More people will die or have their lives ruined by permanent lung tissue damage and more lockdowns will have to happen because of them spreading the virus with their childish refusal to put up with mild discomfort and inconvenience when in public for a year. There is no totalitarism here, only crybabies who don't even have enough grit to put up with temporary life-saving measures for the exceptional times and are making up excuses.
And yet when I go out in public I see that most people are reasonable and are taking the proper precautions. These protesters are a loud, virus-spreading minority.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
to be frank the Black Lives Matter crowd protested for 9 months and yet no one is blaming them for spreading the virus. Liberal much??
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ubershin (Old Spike)
i guess it's the other sides turn to protest now for another 9 months straight. Good luck making anyone change their mind at this point.
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phanto (Short Spike)
Why does it have to be a left wing vs right wing issue? It's a pandemic. It doesn't give a shit about politics. It's only about those who take precautions and those who don't.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You can't see that this is about freedom vs. fearful submission. Freedom comes with a price.
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phanto (Short Spike)
Fearful submission? It isn't like it is some sort of irrational fear. We know that this virus spreads like wildfire when no precautions are taken. We know that it has a high mortality rate for people with compromized immune systems. We know that the more active cases we have the more likely these vulnerable people will become infected. We also know that if we reach a certain number of active cases the mortality rate will significantly increase because we will run out of ressources to treat the more serious cases. The basic precautions of keeping a 2m distance with other people and wearing a mask are about slowing down the spread of the virus to mainly protect these people, not yourself.
The "freedom" you want is avoiding a temporary mild discomfort and inconvenience of these precautions. The "price" you are asking to pay is the death of millions of people other than you. I see this as a disgustingly selfish attitude. Claiming "freedom" for this is just as nonsensical as claiming freedom for drunk driving.
I have a co-worker whose wife has a compromised immune system. If she catches the virus, she dies. There are millions of people like her in the country. It is exhasperating to see people not even willing to make the slightest effort to make it less likely for that to happen.
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JTrillo (Short Spike)
They wore masks though.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
LOL, that is the problem, this "wake up" minority is really loud. I am a silent member of a fb group where they spread their shit.
Here in Mallorca many got hit exceptionally hard I understand their frustration and they need someone to be "guitly" for the misery they are in. The ones that make me laugh are the "conspiracy cunts".
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i think its appropriate. can't call them retards cause it might not be there fault. like how you see someone who's developmentally disabled and they're wearing a toronto blue jays jacket. its not there fault, the jacket was probably donated to them.
if this was germany during the 40's and we were killing them, i don't think any other country would bat an eye
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
blood - all I see in your statement above is deep desire for it. See it in many others as well on both sides.
You keep bringing up "if this was Germany" as though that's a thing. I haven't heard anyone say that in my local circle, and I know a lot of church people. Besides, they way recent events and non-events have been weaponized carries a much more Maoist flavor to it than a Hitlerian aspect.
I've been seeing clips of folks from one particular side of the political spectrum refer to this or that as Nazi for well over 5 years now - not just extreme left but supposed run-of-the-mill Democrats as well. I don't recall you making jokes or trolls along the lines of your final sentence above during that entire time. But now that someone other than crazed leftists and hypnotized establishment supporters aren't the only ones using it you suddenly want to point out that we aren't living in Nazi Germany and laugh about it. Cool cool.
You notice anything besides the fact that you deeply hate these folks for not having made the purchase you made? Anything about the clothes, the vehicles? Do you really understand what's developing here?
But if you like Nazis then fine let's go with Nazis - whether Maoist or Nazi both are totaliterian and authoritarian nightmares at each point of the horseshoe so I don't care which one you use as a symbol. From a source you trust:
After the Great Depression hit, suddenly the Nazi Party became a major contender for power. Yet you had Americans meeting Hitler and saying, "This guy is a clown. He's like a caricature of himself." And a lot of them went through this whole litany about how even if Hitler got into a position of power, other German politicians would somehow be able to control him. A lot of German politicians believed this themselves.
Of course, everyone began to reassess that very quickly after he took power. But some of the Americans were much more prescient -- for instance, Edgar Mowrer, the Chicago Daily News correspondent, kept frantically trying to warn readers and the world, "What he's saying about the Jews is serious. Don't underestimate him."
The story goes on to detail the various actors who tried to raise awareness of the brutality associated with the regimes rise to power, what was planned for and then later done to Jews, and the risks they took, and how people didn't take it seriously, etc. I've been tracking and studying the way deep hatred for those who worship God, or live by principles derived from such, has been carefully cultivated in our society for many years now. It's amazing to me how predictable so much of this has been. If there isn't a landslide of epic proportions in two weeks either way, I predict that you will see blood and lots of it. Much more than you can consume on an empty stomach. So cheer up.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
man, good thing i didnt reply to blood. was going to go off on how there blood should be and will be used a lubrication when its time to restart the wheels of society...
what you wrote it long, i'm pretty sure you mentioned something to daftcunt a few days ago about germany, maybe even a sieg heil. again. comments long, maybe i'll come back or move onto the next
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What I write to Daft Cunt is specifically intended for Daft Cunt and you know I'm trolling his German heritage while the little one looks on.
You were supposed to respond to blood with whatever and then I would drop that or some adapted version of it. But you took too long and I had points to make.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oooooh, you got that one wrong, dear. You attempt to troll, but, as with pretty much everything else in your life, fail miserably.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
read the article a few days ago. got me wondering how the german news at the time was compared to the american news of what was going on in germany. then its got me wondering if maybe people should be listening to non-american news right now to get the best info about america.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
"These scumbags are not representatives of the entire country."
(Short Spike)
These scumbags are not representatives of the entire country.
(sounds retarded)
(Long Spike)
more people have woken up because they know all that the liberals and "conservatives" are doing is BS. Individuals are not dumb like the liberal laurentian elites want you to believe. These people are from all over this great province of all stripes....I will not accept a totalitarian regime, but people like you are pleading for it.
(Short Spike)
These people claim that measures to keep COVID cases down to manageable levels are excessive. And yet I see that 99.9% of them can't even take the most basic and reasonable precautions such as keeping your distances and wearing a mask when in crowds. They have no credibility in their claim of being able to asses what is "reasonable".
More people will die or have their lives ruined by permanent lung tissue damage and more lockdowns will have to happen because of them spreading the virus with their childish refusal to put up with mild discomfort and inconvenience when in public for a year. There is no totalitarism here, only crybabies who don't even have enough grit to put up with temporary life-saving measures for the exceptional times and are making up excuses.
And yet when I go out in public I see that most people are reasonable and are taking the proper precautions. These protesters are a loud, virus-spreading minority.
(Old Spike)
to be frank the Black Lives Matter crowd protested for 9 months and yet no one is blaming them for spreading the virus. Liberal much??
(Old Spike)
i guess it's the other sides turn to protest now for another 9 months straight. Good luck making anyone change their mind at this point.
(Short Spike)
Why does it have to be a left wing vs right wing issue? It's a pandemic. It doesn't give a shit about politics. It's only about those who take precautions and those who don't.
(Old Spike)
You can't see that this is about freedom vs. fearful submission. Freedom comes with a price.
(Short Spike)
Fearful submission? It isn't like it is some sort of irrational fear. We know that this virus spreads like wildfire when no precautions are taken. We know that it has a high mortality rate for people with compromized immune systems. We know that the more active cases we have the more likely these vulnerable people will become infected. We also know that if we reach a certain number of active cases the mortality rate will significantly increase because we will run out of ressources to treat the more serious cases. The basic precautions of keeping a 2m distance with other people and wearing a mask are about slowing down the spread of the virus to mainly protect these people, not yourself.
The "freedom" you want is avoiding a temporary mild discomfort and inconvenience of these precautions. The "price" you are asking to pay is the death of millions of people other than you. I see this as a disgustingly selfish attitude. Claiming "freedom" for this is just as nonsensical as claiming freedom for drunk driving.
I have a co-worker whose wife has a compromised immune system. If she catches the virus, she dies. There are millions of people like her in the country. It is exhasperating to see people not even willing to make the slightest effort to make it less likely for that to happen.
(Short Spike)
They wore masks though.
(Old Spike)
LOL, that is the problem, this "wake up" minority is really loud. I am a silent member of a fb group where they spread their shit.
Here in Mallorca many got hit exceptionally hard I understand their frustration and they need someone to be "guitly" for the misery they are in. The ones that make me laugh are the "conspiracy cunts".
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
i think its appropriate. can't call them retards cause it might not be there fault. like how you see someone who's developmentally disabled and they're wearing a toronto blue jays jacket. its not there fault, the jacket was probably donated to them.
if this was germany during the 40's and we were killing them, i don't think any other country would bat an eye
(Old Spike)
blood - all I see in your statement above is deep desire for it. See it in many others as well on both sides.
You keep bringing up "if this was Germany" as though that's a thing. I haven't heard anyone say that in my local circle, and I know a lot of church people. Besides, they way recent events and non-events have been weaponized carries a much more Maoist flavor to it than a Hitlerian aspect.
I've been seeing clips of folks from one particular side of the political spectrum refer to this or that as Nazi for well over 5 years now - not just extreme left but supposed run-of-the-mill Democrats as well. I don't recall you making jokes or trolls along the lines of your final sentence above during that entire time. But now that someone other than crazed leftists and hypnotized establishment supporters aren't the only ones using it you suddenly want to point out that we aren't living in Nazi Germany and laugh about it. Cool cool.
You notice anything besides the fact that you deeply hate these folks for not having made the purchase you made? Anything about the clothes, the vehicles? Do you really understand what's developing here?
But if you like Nazis then fine let's go with Nazis - whether Maoist or Nazi both are totaliterian and authoritarian nightmares at each point of the horseshoe so I don't care which one you use as a symbol. From a source you trust:
After the Great Depression hit, suddenly the Nazi Party became a major contender for power. Yet you had Americans meeting Hitler and saying, "This guy is a clown. He's like a caricature of himself." And a lot of them went through this whole litany about how even if Hitler got into a position of power, other German politicians would somehow be able to control him. A lot of German politicians believed this themselves.
Of course, everyone began to reassess that very quickly after he took power. But some of the Americans were much more prescient -- for instance, Edgar Mowrer, the Chicago Daily News correspondent, kept frantically trying to warn readers and the world, "What he's saying about the Jews is serious. Don't underestimate him."
The story goes on to detail the various actors who tried to raise awareness of the brutality associated with the regimes rise to power, what was planned for and then later done to Jews, and the risks they took, and how people didn't take it seriously, etc. I've been tracking and studying the way deep hatred for those who worship God, or live by principles derived from such, has been carefully cultivated in our society for many years now. It's amazing to me how predictable so much of this has been. If there isn't a landslide of epic proportions in two weeks either way, I predict that you will see blood and lots of it. Much more than you can consume on an empty stomach. So cheer up.
(Old Spike)
man, good thing i didnt reply to blood. was going to go off on how there blood should be and will be used a lubrication when its time to restart the wheels of society...
what you wrote it long, i'm pretty sure you mentioned something to daftcunt a few days ago about germany, maybe even a sieg heil. again. comments long, maybe i'll come back or move onto the next
(Old Spike)
What I write to Daft Cunt is specifically intended for Daft Cunt and you know I'm trolling his German heritage while the little one looks on.
You were supposed to respond to blood with whatever and then I would drop that or some adapted version of it. But you took too long and I had points to make.
(Old Spike)
Oooooh, you got that one wrong, dear. You attempt to troll, but, as with pretty much everything else in your life, fail miserably.
(Old Spike)
read the article a few days ago. got me wondering how the german news at the time was compared to the american news of what was going on in germany. then its got me wondering if maybe people should be listening to non-american news right now to get the best info about america.
(Long Spike)
"These scumbags are not representatives of the entire country."
Is it because it is a peaceful protest?