Nightmare Scenario Continues


Raining Blood's picture

there isn't, just a trump echo chamber

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skeptoid's picture

No amount of indication will change your view.

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Raining Blood's picture

facts will. just i don't think blocking the counting of black mail in ballots from a predominatly black atlanta georgia is voter fraud. but the ones on the right do

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skeptoid's picture

Blacks came out in larger numbers for Trump - nothing received after November 3rd should be counted but via fraud it probably won't matter. The Veritas expose shows us why.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

is that the guy that dressed up like a pimp and cut a bunch of photage together?

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skeptoid's picture

If that's your view of the work he's produced then it explains completely the positions you currently hold.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

sarah huckabee sanders told peolpe to watch his videos "whether it's accurate or not"


my view of him is based on his body of work and him. i don't have to apply filters. you said something last week like "tim is often wrong" and yet you still watch him

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skeptoid's picture

Why are you telling me what Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about Veritas videos? Is your sense-making apparatus limited entirely to what this person said about that person, or who this person had on as a guest, or any other input other than you viewing and analyzing the content yourself? It's something you're good at, so why would you avoid doing it?


We are all often wrong - Tim admits when he's been wrong. Do you get how these two things aren't the same thing?

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Raining Blood's picture

sarah. who at the time was the press secretary. plays for the red team. told people to watch it but that it might not be accurate. if anyone adds "it might not be accurate" to anything i wrote, i'd feel like i had issues credibility. guy's gotten more charges and fines then people he's exposed.

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skeptoid's picture

Veritas has won all legal challenges so far I believe, but I think in the past James himself had one stick for something he did. So you agree he exposes things? Why would you not trust yourselve to review the content yourself and make your own decision? Trying to make sense of the world based solely on reputational data provided to you from within your chosen echo chamber? You talk about right wing echo chambers but then you make statements indicating that you filter and make sense based entirely on an echo chamber without looking at "whatever it is" yourself and using that noggin'. You're not a dumb as you're repeatedly told you are by those who want to keep you thinking that way.

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trooper_trent's picture

Why does nobody talk about the built in fraud protection of the ballots themselves? after verifying signatures match, they're recorded digitally so that another one can't be recorded for the same person. where are all of these magical extra ballots coming for if they're accepted for legally registered voters and are not duplicates when they're scanned and recorded?  People somehow think you can just fabricate hundreds of thousands of fake ballots,and that they'll magically have the correct unique barcode that maps to a fake but somehow legally registered voter?

Everyone talked about how votes postmarked by the 3rd could take days to come in.  This happens EVERY ELECTION, it's not a new thing.  It's just happening more because so many more people want this piece of shit out of the White House, and more people mailed them in because there's a fucking pandemic and don't want to leave the house.  Guess what! more votes means it takes longer to count them.  Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.  Not everything is a global conspiracy, sometimes you're just on the wrong side.


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skeptoid's picture

Received on Nov. 4th, back-stamped to Nov 3rd according to the latest Veritas expose of Nevada - it's a claim by a whistleblower not yet proven.

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trooper_trent's picture

No, in the mail room the morning of the 4th at the time of open from being collected on the 3rd. To be stamped before any new ballots came in so that they could keep them separate. Whistleblower or attention whore that doesn't know how the job works.  I see this one video saying one thing, and then 20 other fact checker articles saying that the normal process is to postmark any existing mail from the previous day before sorting any new mail. But apparently THIS one is real and all other "non-partisan" fact check sources are lying hacks.  

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skeptoid's picture

I don't know if the Veritas whistleblower is revealing actual fraud - election officials are now involved so I guess we'll find out.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

For some it is a "nightmare" for others hillarity ensues. I took my pick!


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skeptoid's picture

You think thousands dying in a civil war is hilarious? How deep does your hatred for America and Americans truly go?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"....thousands dying in a civil war...." isn't hillarious at all, what would be is that the US voters complaining about it would have achieved it all by themselves.

Once all the votes are counted Trump or Biden simply will have to admit defeat and the situation would be solved. We all know who probably would struggle with this, and at least throw some doubt generating comments in it, and have the "thousands dying in a civil war" on their conscience (but of course wouldn't care). Not those laughing about the the idiots in charge.


You are just miffed that the "civil war" would be initiated by those from your favourite side of the political spectrum.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

in trump fashion, send other people to die

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skeptoid's picture

Sending others to die is a Trump thing - first time in history a President has sent others to die. Crazy.


You asked why I feared a civil war, because it seemed so unlikely and crazy to you. Now, you'll shift to "this civil war is Trump's fault" if things continue to develop this way. The reason I have some amount of success predicting what's about to happen is because I don't stick with one echo chamber and I actively seek out reliable sources. Those are sources who are honestly saying what they believe is happening. I take all of that information and develop a probability. The probable coutcome I predicted is proceeding on course, but it can still change. 


You and Daft Cunt are fitting the narrative I predicted almsot perfectly:


"You are just miffed that the "civil war" would be initiated by those from your favourite side of the political spectrum."


^ And there it is. Repent sons.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it was a multifaceted comment.,c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1554773863/production/designs/4599593_0.jpg


234k covid deaths.


and around 415 people have been dismissed or resigned.


honestly, i'm really suprised trump supporters haven't stormed into the counting center because of his stupid rhetorics. they'd definately get shot by the national guard.


no civil war, the thoughts absurd. people like to say it, but they don't mean it and aren't willing to compare it to anything in the past. they don't understand or recognize that the vast majority of people are not willing to resort to violence. a lack of understanding of how the law reacts to groups who live outside of what society deems acceptable and a false sense of security that the groups actions will be considered patriotic instead of acts of terrorism.

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skeptoid's picture

"...willing to compare it to anything in the past."


Why would anyone choose to be so irrational as to compare wars today to those of the past under some misguided notion that a war of today isn't war unless it resembles a war of the past? That's some bad thinking right there.


Beside that,  I see a completely different scenario than you do - no wonder you disagree. You think it would be Trump supporters taking aggressive action in the scenario that concerns me. Again, I think you should have expanded your sources of factual data because it seems like you've been heavily influenced by an exploitative MSM. In my nightmare scenario it will be something like this x10,000 or more with folks like you applauding until the good heart's tolerance finally breaks:


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you see a completly different scenario because you choose to. you could say project veritas won litigations but he's payed 100k to the people that took him to court. the others were dismissed because of the first amendment. i could say 5+5=12. you could take me to court. the case would be dismissed and that doesn't give any validation to my math.


bundy stand off is my point. before that you had waco. neither of them were one group against another group. both of them, the law came. like they always will. group want to start living outside what society consideres normal. the law comes. you want to start raising hell. the law comes. the government only needs to think you did something wrong for them to start looking for you. they got satelites, drones, cctv, residents doorbell cameras. phone tracking and phone tracing(the covid thing). there is no place you can hide these days.

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skeptoid's picture

"bundy stand off is my point. before that you had waco. neither of them were one group against another group. both of them, the law came. like they always will. group want to start living outside what society consideres normal"


The final court decision was that the Bundy's were within the law. Did you even know that? 


You think of the "the government" as a single entity - people will be backed into a place where they will have to make a choice, government agent/worker/stooge/bureaucrat or not. What the "government" is and what it does and who it comes after will differ depending on where you are, and this includes the people who make up the federal government. You think what happened to the Bundy's was lawful - see the problem? You're wrong - it was unlawful, but you applauded it anyway and you still think it was the Bundy's who violated the law. See the problem? You prove with every comment how right I am - I wish it wasn't the case because I would like to be wrong.


Btw, you still holding firm on voter fraud not being a determinant factor in this election? We're at a point now where just two individual ballot chasers could have produced the outcome.

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Raining Blood's picture

did sal mention the end results of the litigation or did he mention the presence of police? are they still occupying the federal building? did you even know that?


theres probably as much evidence to support the voter fraud claims as there is evidence of the effect of the gravity of other planets have on our decisions.


didn't sato put up a picture of a camera with a scope and sal put something up yesterday about rudy g complaining about the observer not havnig binoculars? what are the odds?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm not tim pool, i wouldnt engage in a convo without knowing what i was talking about.


check out my history on the bundy standoff. seriously, rarely is there a conversation that happens between me and you, that i haven't already picked which way the convo is going to go

its a game for me to get the convo to that point. extra points if i can get you to bring it up.

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