2,600 uncounted ballots found in Floyd County Georgia


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Maybe they listened to the Rebublicans chanting, STOP THE COUNT. Somehow it is never good enough, and those little bit of votes wouldent do anything anyway..

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Some states hang in the balance of 7 thousand votes.


Every verification counts.


If georgia has proveable fraud it may trigger inquiry into other contested states.


Michigan has an outstanding number of complaints in particular.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Stop thinking in terms of states, the votes is what count, ppl vote not states

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stokkebye's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Would it realy make a difference?

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stokkebye's picture

Actually, it IS the states that vote, that is the whole purpose of the electoral college. If there are problems, like there have been, then in some states the state legislators can vote. They elect an elector to represent the state to go to the capital and vote. We have a Republic, NOT a direct democracy. That is why it does not matter what the "popular" vote is. And rightfully fucking so. California and NY should not be dictating what happens in smaller states. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You realy think that the states themself will vote trump? After the election? The answer is no not even if the representatives are republican, the USA is not totalitarian you seem to forget that, trump might be, but majority of ppl are not not even the republicans, just wait and see

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Pantysoaker's picture
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enough to get the supreme court involved, all trump needs

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Most republicans have accepted Biden as their president

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Plus you don't want the vacation and hospitality crowd determining everything for the part of the country that does the back breaking and dangerous work.


Italy has had this problem for a long time. (Still does?) Warm Southern Part of the country determines the outcome of the northern part where work days are longer.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what state balances on 7 thousand votes? here i thought this 2600 votes is in a district that trumps behind 14k votes. the 10k votes he got tossed in pa, he's down about 40k votes,  you also got to remember, he might be down 7k votes in a state, but he also might need 35k votes in a county to overturn the state.

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stokkebye's picture

Have you seen the latest Project Varitas video? A recounter deliberately counted Trump votes for Biden and the "auditor" never checked and when they got caught they targeted the watcher. How many did not get caught? A few thousand here a few thousand there, it all adds up and IS voter fraud! What about the hundreds of thousands that never got caught? You cannot really believe there are not more dirty deeds going on! Get your head out of the sand and wake up!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

is that the one about the mail delivery guy who says he saw/heared something but it turned out that he didnt see or hear shit and that project veritas wrote his affidavit and started a gofundme page?  do i need to go into accusations not being proof or do i have to give you an example of a crime you didnt do and how you should be guilty as if you did do it till it was proven otherwise. at this point voter fraud is as systemic as the rights concept of systemic racism. which is funny cause they'll never accept either.

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stokkebye's picture

Like I have explained numerous times to you already, all criminal investigations and court proceedings START with an accusation! An officer will write an affidavit, making accusations, then the prosecutor brings the case to the court to prosecute you, with evidence. You got a real problem with reading comprehension which is getting real old, I said: "Have you seen the latest Project Varitas video?" This is a NEW video about the Georgia recount that just happened and IS still happening. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i don't need help with how the system works. i'm trying to get you to say that accusations regardless of the evidence they are based on should be taken as proof and you are guilty until proven innocent. like the case in pa. where trumps campagn said no observers were allowed in.


this is a part of the dialogue.

Judge Diamond: Are your observers in the counting room?

Trump campaign: "There's a non zero number of people in the room"

Judge Diamond: "I’m asking you as a member of the bar of this court: are people representing the Donald J Trump for president, representing the plaintiffs, in that room?"

Trump campaign lawyer: "Yes."

Judge Diamond: "I'm sorry, then what's your problem?"


does the georgia one have anything to do with lindsey graham and other republicans asking/pressuring the secretary of state whos a republican to throw out out ballots?



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stokkebye's picture

An accusation is enough to warrant an investigation. The problem is this is a civil case, not a criminal case, I think it should be criminal but no prosecutor would ever touch this as it is too political. In civil cases the bar is set way lower for the burden of proof, that is a preponderance of the evidence, basically it is more than %50 likely they did it. Also, in a civil case their is no prosecutor, no investigations by the justice department, you only get discovery and you or your lawyers have to "prosecute" the case. Discovery can take months sometimes years. There is not enough time for that, so they are going with what they got. ALSO, like I said before, it is more for the public. WIthout months and months to gather evidence, without a justice department investigation, you will not be able to obtain hard evidence, but again, it is civil, you do not need hard evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Thats why OJ was found not guilty of murder but was found to be civilly liable. Even if all you show is the smoke, but no gun, the public will cry foul. This might have been Trumps plan all along. Let the dems cheat, get caught cheating, then the public will see it and demand things change. How else would you get the public to demand a more secure voting system?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

trump lawyers are like


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Our accusations have a better basis than the Russian collusion ever did.


NOTHING became of that.


Even if Trump loses and is dragged through this again, it still won't work. Because it didn't happen.


Then he's coming back in 2024. You can bet your bottom dollar people will still be paying more attention to him than Biden.


The more people bring him up, th more the media continues to drag him through the dirt, the more he actually controls them.


THE ONLY WAY to get rid of him and is to stop bringing him up, and hopefully kill his momentum. Which is too hard for humans that are tempted so by this man.


If they fail in doing that they will turn him into a martyr. Then you will have a demographic of people that swore him in for life in their hearts.


The same way many people swore him OUT for life in theirs.


Which creates the next conflict.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

well. i dont really know that much but i do know that what you got from william bar about the russian collusion isnt whats in the paperwork. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf . coming this january are many litigations against trump, some of those will probably have something to do with the russian collusion case. then you also have 4 years of trump and family getting dragged by all media if any of those litigations suits bare any fruit. but there is absolutly no way a xpresident will serve jail time. but some stuff might make him ineligible, some of that stuff might lose him some supporters.


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stokkebye's picture

Trump said it during the debates, as to why people voted him into office and why he ran, BECUASE of people LIKE Joe Biden! People are fed up with the corruption and ditry backroom dealings. This voter fraud BS has been going on for a very long time, I got a feeling Trump wanted it to happen so he can out them on it, its working, people are waking up. Bush straight up fucked us, Obama fucked us with a smile on his face! How do we stop these kinds of people? We vote them out, which we did! Trump! Trump is getting old, I dont think he will run again. We might get someone even hardcore then Trump that WILL smash the establishment. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the reason trump got in is that people didnt vote. people were complacent and didnt think trump would win. and also people didnt vote in the right places to give hilary the win.

2000 50 50 million votes

2004 62 59

2008 59 69

2012 60 65

2016 62 65

2020 73 78

just going by the last 4 elections, a few things stand out. the number of democratic votes. it went down in 2012 from 2008, the amount of votes didnt change from 2012 to 2016. then a huge spike in votes from 2016 to 2020. alot of people were probably kicking themselves in the ass for not voting.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Especially the dead ones.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Assuming that's true.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

tucker carlson gave an apology yesterday or the day before, more fact checking went into the apology then repeating trumps words

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What makes you think I care about what Fox news says?


I don't. I actually think they are the worst. Their shtick is pretending to be the alternative edgy view. While still being corperate as fuck.


They just try to dumb down adult conversation for children.


The people they steal HALF the story from are ahead of them by hours to days.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

-What if they recount and find only 30 percent acctualy voted for trump? Tha would make the entire thing even more silly.


-And if it is set up the counts of ballots and voting machines, you should realise that you are over powered an need to shut up for your own good  :)

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stokkebye's picture

Yes, I know right! I mean if everyone had that attitude we'd still have slaves picking our cotton and woman would not be able to vote! Fuck, we'd be living under the third Reich with blond hair, blue eyes and no more Jews! Lets go further and say we'd never have broken away from England and we'd still be under the Queen. What a wonderful world that would be! :)

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stokkebye's picture

Many moons ago, I was put into the Individual Readiness Reserve(IRR), which all military persons get put into after they finish their active duty time, problem was it came to light Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's and I pulled my head out of my ass in time to realize the Iraq and Afgan wars were bullshit and we had no right to be there. During this time Bush was pulling some BS and calling on ex-military in the IRR, which was nicknamed Bush's back door draft. I got my orders to report to Fort Benning and ship out to Afghanistan. I refused to go, just as did hundreds of thousands of ex-military in the same position as I. I got many calls threatening arrest and yadda yadda, then they said they were sending two MP's to my house. Here I was at a crossroad, I could have "shut up" and obeyed like you suggest, and who knows how many innocent people I would have killed or how much poppy we could have grown and shipped back to the USA with, or how much more oil we could have pumped out of Iraq, or how much more money Cheney could have made with Haliburton. You know why we will never know? Because I told them if they came to my door I'd blow their fucking heads off with my shotgun! Guess what? They never came! Imagine that! I can sleep good at night knowing I never had to be put in a position that could have killed innocent people, and that I did my little part. That was followed by many years of protesting. And that is why I support and voted for Trump! I am afraid of Biden starting the war machine back up, just like Obama!  

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trooper_trent's picture

of the 2600 found votes, 800 were for trump, 1800 for Biden.

Somewhere in the distance I hear a chant with a lazy southern drawl, "STOP THE RECOUNT! STOP THE RECOUNT!"


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theblackswordsman's picture
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No, don't stop the recounting.


The Truth is the Truth and I want to see it.

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skeptoid's picture

An election in NV has been thrown out - one district in Clark County. If there is enough smoke and fire Trump can freeze the three states, push past the certification deadline, and send it contingent. At which point it's largely a toss-up based on individual electors and house delegations.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Oh yes. We have about 4 more big layers to get through before a an official result.


Right now the college is watching everything. Those that are not constitutionally obligated to vote the way the way the people told them may feel they need to intervene.


It's a final safety measure with the hope that if the majority is decieveed. These "Wise men" can still protect the country.


Even after certification the results can still be challenged within 3 business days.


For now some of the states are stepping up  to contribute to election clarity.


If enough is found, SCOTUS can force the non compliant states to recount.


From there we get the best results we can in the time given. (If every state in question starts now.)


After that colleg, certifies the votes in December. And A president is sworn in January.


It will be edge of the seat stuff until Jan.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if you look into it, the election in clark county, it wasn't thrown out, there going to make a choice in december if that county specificaly has a special election. they didnt throw anything out. they could very well decide to do a recount next month.

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skeptoid's picture

Translation: As of right now, results thrown out. Maybe a redo? Sound like like as of now it's been thrown out.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it sounds like it because thats what trump tweeted out yesterday,

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