road salt is crack to moose

sal9000's picture

Moose licks car - Close encounter - Alberta Canada

shorrt article from


Motorists in Florida occasionally need to keep an eye out for 12-foot, 463-pound alligators hanging out on the side of the road. Canadians have a different problem: moose that are addicted to licking road salt off of cars.

It sounds silly, like a winter-themed urban legend or some strange outgrowth of an overactive imagination, but it's a real problem that some drivers deal with on a shockingly regular basis. It's common enough that Canadian officials need to put up signs to remind motorists that road salt is not a normal part of a well-balanced moose diet.


"I hate to say it, but this road salt is kind of like crack [to moose]," explained Joe Urie, the owner of the Jasper Tour Company, in an interview with the CBC. Moose can lick the salt off of the tarmac, but they've learned that it's just as delicious -- and probably more concentrated -- if it comes off of a car's body panels, so they approach motorists. It's a problem that's becoming increasingly common as the moose population grows (it's inversely proportional to the wolf population, which is declining), and as moose become more and more comfortable around humans.


Tourists are compounding the problem by traveling to the area specifically to give the Rocky Mountain car wash a shot; a moose licking a RAV4 is social media gold. Canadian officials have consequently taken measures to keep moose away from cars, and to keep people away from moose, according to Jasper-based publication Fitzhugh. Starting in 2020, motorists are no longer allowed to leave their car if they encounter wildlife in Jasper National Park. And, those who feed, entice, or disturb wildlife in the park risk receiving a C$25,000 fine (about $20,000 U.S.).


What happens if a moose simply can't resist getting a fix of salt? According to Alberta Parks, motorists should try to scare off the moose by honking their horn, for example, but they should never attempt to push it away.


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stokkebye's picture

Leave it to fucking government to create a problem where no problem exist. If it kills the moose isnt that helping to depopulate the over populated Moose herds? I mean they fucking mentioned it in the article in reference to the declining wolf population! So what's the problem??? I doubt it will kill the Moose, this is just some animal Guru saying it will give the Moose an upset tummy, so the government implements a $20k fine for a wild animal wanting to lick salt, wtf! 

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Raining Blood's picture

what happens to a crackhead with you cut him off? same thing. the moose get to a point where they don't fear us anymore and then when its in dire need, its going to do what its got to, they gona get that salt sucka

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stokkebye's picture

Cull the herds! We eliminated their natural predators, so we have to step in and take them out. But you'd have crybaby liberals throwing a hissy fit not wanting to accept reality! I got a problem with the deer pop in my neighborhood. They dont care about people, pop exploded, they eat everything in our yard, bring ticks in our yard, get hit by cars, I hit one about 2 weeks ago. The town wont do shit and wont allow us to kill them. 

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Pdub's picture

Honk the horn.

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stokkebye's picture

Moose dont give a fuck about horns, LOL! I had to drive towards one to get it to move and I had a big ass truck. Fucking deer dont even care about horns.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah! Honk it! We wanna see what happens.

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