Where the Collusion Case Began 1hr 15min


3pointdog's picture

so sad.... to only see 4 senators in a hearing... this is widespread corruption at the highest level

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sato's picture

the information in this video is disputed.


fact check: trump colluded with the russians and is guilty and is only not being arrested right now because he is the president. no democrats are guilty of anything. flynn is guilty. none of the investigation into trump or his associates was politically motivated. there is lots of evidence that trump is guilty. there is no evidence that was a false narrative pushed but anti-trumpers.



see how legitimate that all sounds? i gave no supporting evidence to any of that but it sounds all official and leftists will just eat it up and repeat the same fabricated unevidenced crap.


and it all ends with nothing but "condemnation" and half the country still believing all that horseshit that was pushed onto them for the last 4 years.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes, and the persuasiveness of that excellent example statement you put forth is increased exponentially by the delivery of the statement by a person who knows how to speak rhetoric. Scott Adams gave an example of this just the other day. He read a statement like the one you wrote and gave certain phrases and words the precise degree of emphasis and earnestness that makes it seem like everything he's saying is established fact.

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