Title is crap, but seeing the cuffs go on earns 5 stars!
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Yeah, figured you'd like this sort of stuff. Do you jerk off to jews being loaded on nazi trains as well?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You still wonder why you are subtitled the way you are? Really?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I am on the fence in regards to wearing a mask, I dont think the government should be enforcing a mask mandate, but yeah the guy was being a dick and could have just wore one. If you are scared of catching the chinavirus then dont go out to a fucking sporting event. But that wasnt not why he got arrested, he got arrested for failure to ID and was unlawfully detained as the cop asked him to "wait a minute" for his boss to show up. Regardless of the maskless guy being a dick, the cop is a representative of the government, has training, and is supposed to held to a higher standard and be clear with his directions and stances, the cop is all over the place and is very confusing. He had no authority to require him to ID, no authority to detain him, without committing a crime. He does have the authority to trespass him as he is a representative of the college and given the authority to trespass on the colloeges behalf but he is not clear with that and ultimately arrests him for failure to id. The maskless dude was being a dick, but the cop does not have the right to be a dick back, he is being paid to be professional. This is a bad arrest and the cop is in the wrong, which is an abuse of governmental power! Loading jews on trains for camps was an abuse of governmental power. Extreme end of the spectrum but still abuse of power nonetheless! Sure, slippery slope fallacy, but I am not sayign this leads to that, I am saying cheering for abuse of power is wrong in both instances.
Did any of that make sense? Or did you just read this as "sounding retarded"?
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phanto (Short Spike)
"Yes I was speeding officer but now that you've pulled me over I'm stopped so you can't give me a ticket anymore"
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ahent (Old Spike)
I think if the guy had the funds and the determination he could get most of this thrown out. It's not exactly a law he wear a mask, in general state legislatures are tasked with law making and I am not sure that any have mandated masks as law. I guess they could charge him with disorderly conduct, but again not sure how solid that is. Is the guy an ass? Yes. But, not sure charges will hold up, Makes me wonder if we will see a lot of these types of things slide through courts at a later date and get dismissed entirely or plead down to something minor.
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phanto (Short Spike)
He can be charged for trespassing though if the owners told him to leave and he decided to stay until the cops forced him out.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Well it depends on what they charged him with. Trespass then the cops fucked up in that they asked for the id and arrested him for the refusal, also they cannot ask you to leave but then at the same time ask for you to stay. They have to allow you to leave. Refuse to ID then the cops fucked up in that they can ask you to identify yourself but not require you to present ID and it has to be for a suspected crime, they kept saying if he doesnt leave then they will charge him with a crime(at the same time they ask for his id), he was not suspected of a crime he was being threatened with a crime and gets arrested for not providing his ID, which cannot be a crime in of itself.
The second video really is in favor of the mask less dude. At the start of the second video the cop asks for his id and then trespasses him for refusing to provide identification, but later says he "will" be trespassed "for not following the rules". The cop is all over the place and would be very hard to explain himself in court. Now where the cop really fucks up is when the officer DETAINS him to "wait for the supervisor"! An officer cannot "hold you for a second" or otherwise detain(which is an arrest) anyone to wait for his boss to show up. The cops are all over the place and I really doubt this would ever go to a trial as it would be difficult to prosecute. You cant charge someone with being a dick or for not wearing a mask.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Now as for the charges and whether or not they "stick". I'd bet they do. This is a large university and law enforcement officers filing the charges where the University has tremendous pull in the local government and courts. This is not a squabble between to citizens. The judge and the prosecutor will be pressed hard to make these charges stick. The mask less dude probably has some money but again, the lawyer he hires will be up against a powerful machine and will have to use some large amount of "favors" to get these charges reduced. If he wants them argued and fought, then he will have to get an out of area lawyer. Each of which would be very costly. The courts dont care about the punishment, they want the charges to stick, so the mask less dude would be facing a very soft punishment, probably a fine of a hundred bucks or so, or he can pay $5-7k to fight it and risk the chance of losing anyway and face severe harsh punishment. Arguments come much much later, like trial day later.
He would not be charged with failure to wear a mask, as that is not a law, BUT he can be and was trespassed by the officer, of which he would be charged. Again, he could fight it and probably win as the officer did not allow him to leave and said he can go in with a mask AND said he must stay for his boss to show up(LOL), but that is a very costly fight to win. The failure to id charge might get tossed as it is pretty clear when officers can demand you present ID. Yeah, he may have gotten a disorderly charge. Its a catchall charge that cops love to tack on and is a very ambiguous charge making it hard to fight. It wouldnt surprise me at all if they tacked on a resisting arrest charge as well! Again, very ambiguous, he put his arm up and touched the officer when the officer reached in to grab him. Hell that could be assaulting an officer if the cops wanted to really fuck with him! You can beat the charge but you cant beat the ride!
If you want to learn more about this kind of shit then check out the youtube channel Audit the Audit, they do a great job of looking into the laws and explaining the how and why of these sorts of things.
(Long Spike)
Title is crap, but seeing the cuffs go on earns 5 stars!
(sounds retarded)
Yeah, figured you'd like this sort of stuff. Do you jerk off to jews being loaded on nazi trains as well?
(Old Spike)
You still wonder why you are subtitled the way you are? Really?
(sounds retarded)
I am on the fence in regards to wearing a mask, I dont think the government should be enforcing a mask mandate, but yeah the guy was being a dick and could have just wore one. If you are scared of catching the chinavirus then dont go out to a fucking sporting event. But that wasnt not why he got arrested, he got arrested for failure to ID and was unlawfully detained as the cop asked him to "wait a minute" for his boss to show up. Regardless of the maskless guy being a dick, the cop is a representative of the government, has training, and is supposed to held to a higher standard and be clear with his directions and stances, the cop is all over the place and is very confusing. He had no authority to require him to ID, no authority to detain him, without committing a crime. He does have the authority to trespass him as he is a representative of the college and given the authority to trespass on the colloeges behalf but he is not clear with that and ultimately arrests him for failure to id. The maskless dude was being a dick, but the cop does not have the right to be a dick back, he is being paid to be professional. This is a bad arrest and the cop is in the wrong, which is an abuse of governmental power! Loading jews on trains for camps was an abuse of governmental power. Extreme end of the spectrum but still abuse of power nonetheless! Sure, slippery slope fallacy, but I am not sayign this leads to that, I am saying cheering for abuse of power is wrong in both instances.
Did any of that make sense? Or did you just read this as "sounding retarded"?
(Short Spike)
"Yes I was speeding officer but now that you've pulled me over I'm stopped so you can't give me a ticket anymore"
(Old Spike)
I think if the guy had the funds and the determination he could get most of this thrown out. It's not exactly a law he wear a mask, in general state legislatures are tasked with law making and I am not sure that any have mandated masks as law. I guess they could charge him with disorderly conduct, but again not sure how solid that is. Is the guy an ass? Yes. But, not sure charges will hold up, Makes me wonder if we will see a lot of these types of things slide through courts at a later date and get dismissed entirely or plead down to something minor.
(Short Spike)
He can be charged for trespassing though if the owners told him to leave and he decided to stay until the cops forced him out.
(sounds retarded)
Well it depends on what they charged him with. Trespass then the cops fucked up in that they asked for the id and arrested him for the refusal, also they cannot ask you to leave but then at the same time ask for you to stay. They have to allow you to leave. Refuse to ID then the cops fucked up in that they can ask you to identify yourself but not require you to present ID and it has to be for a suspected crime, they kept saying if he doesnt leave then they will charge him with a crime(at the same time they ask for his id), he was not suspected of a crime he was being threatened with a crime and gets arrested for not providing his ID, which cannot be a crime in of itself.
The second video really is in favor of the mask less dude. At the start of the second video the cop asks for his id and then trespasses him for refusing to provide identification, but later says he "will" be trespassed "for not following the rules". The cop is all over the place and would be very hard to explain himself in court. Now where the cop really fucks up is when the officer DETAINS him to "wait for the supervisor"! An officer cannot "hold you for a second" or otherwise detain(which is an arrest) anyone to wait for his boss to show up. The cops are all over the place and I really doubt this would ever go to a trial as it would be difficult to prosecute. You cant charge someone with being a dick or for not wearing a mask.
(sounds retarded)
Now as for the charges and whether or not they "stick". I'd bet they do. This is a large university and law enforcement officers filing the charges where the University has tremendous pull in the local government and courts. This is not a squabble between to citizens. The judge and the prosecutor will be pressed hard to make these charges stick. The mask less dude probably has some money but again, the lawyer he hires will be up against a powerful machine and will have to use some large amount of "favors" to get these charges reduced. If he wants them argued and fought, then he will have to get an out of area lawyer. Each of which would be very costly. The courts dont care about the punishment, they want the charges to stick, so the mask less dude would be facing a very soft punishment, probably a fine of a hundred bucks or so, or he can pay $5-7k to fight it and risk the chance of losing anyway and face severe harsh punishment. Arguments come much much later, like trial day later.
He would not be charged with failure to wear a mask, as that is not a law, BUT he can be and was trespassed by the officer, of which he would be charged. Again, he could fight it and probably win as the officer did not allow him to leave and said he can go in with a mask AND said he must stay for his boss to show up(LOL), but that is a very costly fight to win. The failure to id charge might get tossed as it is pretty clear when officers can demand you present ID. Yeah, he may have gotten a disorderly charge. Its a catchall charge that cops love to tack on and is a very ambiguous charge making it hard to fight. It wouldnt surprise me at all if they tacked on a resisting arrest charge as well! Again, very ambiguous, he put his arm up and touched the officer when the officer reached in to grab him. Hell that could be assaulting an officer if the cops wanted to really fuck with him! You can beat the charge but you cant beat the ride!
If you want to learn more about this kind of shit then check out the youtube channel Audit the Audit, they do a great job of looking into the laws and explaining the how and why of these sorts of things.