Star Trek Discovery E1-2


subroutine's picture
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Sadly this remake sucks ...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it wasn't bad. the outer space part and where the klingons ships warp in was probably the best tv space visual effects ever. better than battlestar galactica

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Trevicahn's picture

A reminder that that frist few episodes of TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise were all pretty "Meh".    It really took until season 3 before TNG started getting decent.         Remember the man skirts? Lol.    

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Benign Individual's picture

As an opening couple of episodes it set the stage well I feel (this coming from a devout next gen-ds9 fan) but at the end of the episode it previewed what was to come and it just seems like a generic gritty action scifi with none of the show aimed towards any actual "discovery" or as those familiar with the old series are more used to hearing "to seek out new civilisations, to boldly go were no man has gone before".

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scruples's picture

Good observation, something I didn't pick up on.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

They have a thing on CBS(i think) that they showed the next day on Netflix called AfterTrek and the Sarek guy was on it and some producer and im pretty sure they said that the Klingon war thing is only for the first season then they will get down to TNG DS9 style stuff..Star Trek stuff basically..

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thrasymacus's picture

Yeah, visually it was really good.  Klingon wardrobe was kinda meh,  I prefer the old bondage looking stuff.  They looked so identical in this one, all with those lobstered style of of uniform.  Klingons should have a dash of  space pirate in their get up.  The variation in the Klingon high command was cool.


Michelle Yeoh kinda brought it down a notch; I don't think she's  a strong actress.  Crouching Tiger, Hidden turtle or whatever, sure.  She's great in those types of roles, and I liked the idea of her as a Fed Captain....just didn't think she had the acting chops.  Overall the casting seems good enough, but the way NETFLIX/HBO TV is today, it kinda has to be great.


Still, imma stay tuned.   The setting is a great choice.  Some meandering plotwise is fine, but I'd like a Star Trek that isn't 'Connundrum/moral question/Alien Menace of the week'.  That format was fine, but let's do something different. Let's show this dirty, desperate, oft referenced war from start to finish.  It worked really well for BSG, lots of character development, and even with just one major threat it was always tense.  Man, I'm getting my hopes up.  Does CBS even have that kinda of quality show in them? I just googled their line up and it's pretty horrifying.

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scruples's picture

The design of the Klingons is bad, otherwise I like it.

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Dagambit's picture

This is BEFORE every movie and all the shows. That is why it is different. Everything you are used, shitty 1 episode plots about stuff that doesn't matter is centuries away when the universe is borning until the BORG or Ramulan episodes of conflict. We don't have a lot of friends yet and just came out of a war 100 years ago with the Klingons. Jesus, just enjoy the show. Everyone is a critic now a days.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i do like it i think they did a good job updating it for modern tv and i think they will eventually get to real star trek episodes..because, no offence, what makes it star trek are not those shitty one episode plots but the good one episode plots with moral dilemas n shit..fighting wars is fun and all but thats just something they throw in when they run out of ideas for good one episode plots.. but i like this show so far.

Only fault i found was in the beginning when the captain and first officer were helping the egg\pod people get water and the first officer decides to explain to the captain why they are the captain didnt already know!! I know it was for the benefit of the audience but its lazy writing and takes you out of the story if you know what i mean..

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

didnt the first scene have them breaking the prime directive?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

maybe i dont know..but that kinda stuff is ok back then, or in the future..maybe they didnt have a prime directive at that time i dunno

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Trevicahn's picture

I think its what they meant when Michael said "Not Violatiing General Order 1.    I'm thinking thats the Prime Directive.     


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