Mass Shooting Tops the Charts

Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Las Vegas mass shooting

No one has uplaoded this yet. Weird, since this place loves to talk about terroristic attacks oh wait it's not terrorism because no motive was announced.

O.k.  whats the other hot topic that get's your 2nd amendment panties all wrinkled... Gun control riiiggghhttt.

Average: 4.4 (9 votes)


TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

If everybody in that crowd had a gun to defend themselves, they would have killed that guy before he killed 50 people.

But on the other hand, that guy is in his full constitutional right.


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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Sniper rifles maybe, since he was shooting from high up. I say we arm everybody with open carry sniper rifles and close range combat weapons. 

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Night vision scopes and shit.

Extended magazines, armor piercing bullets.

Silencers, they need silencers, can you imagine all these people shooting at the same time unmuffled?

Small fat chicks with short hair are going to whine, man!


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sato's picture

that's an assumption that isn't backed up by reality. when it's a single gunman in clear view and there are a few bystanders you're absolutely correct, but when it's a large crowd and someone is shooting from an unseen location, people drawing their weapons seem to be the attackers, and you end up with a gunfight in the confusion. this is why the army wears uniforms.

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The Evil Bat's picture

The second amendment needs to be amended.

For example. What use/need did this guy have to own a gun like that in the first place? (Apart from needing to be able to shoot vast amounts of ammunition into people)

In skippy land (or Australia as some people call it) you need to have a actual need/excuse to have a firearm. And even then you wouldn't be able to get any automatic firearms. Because we had one massacre because some gun nut went fucking troppo and Australia fucking learnt from this experience.

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Maxpower's picture

From what I've heard, he used fully automatic weapons, which are already illegal.


There are a lot of guns in America, and I think it's safe to say, there is no putting that toothpaste back in the tube.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Great point.

This guy illigally modified his rifles to fire in a full-auto mode.  Is it difficult?  Well that depends.  I have the plans to build a drop in auto-sear, which are freely availble on the internet, but I'm not a machinist and lack the skills and tools neseccary to make it.


It's literally three pieces of metal and a spring that sit down inside the lower receiver.  Of course it also requires you to swap out a few other parts, like the hammer, trigger and selector switch.  Of course anyone who with enough money and free time can do what this guy did.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

What use/need did this guy have to own a gun like that in the first place?

The firearms he had, in the configuratoin he had them, have been banned for quite some time now.  I know you don't live here and have no clue what our gun laws are like, but suffice it to say that the firearms he used, if he had been cought in possession of them, would have ended with a maximum penalty of 10 years and $10,000 fine for each firearm.

Of course he was on a suicide mission so he didn't give a single shit about any some stupid law.

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The Evil Bat's picture

As always fullauto, cheers for the info.


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BabyDuckling's picture

ATLANTA (AP) — The Las Vegas gunman possessed a little-known device called a “bump stock” that was not widely sold — until now.

Originally created with the idea of making it easier for people with disabilities to shoot a gun, the attachments allow a semi-automatic rifle to mimic a fully automatic weapon by unleashing an entire large magazine in seconds. Now the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history has drawn attention to the devices, which critics say flout federal restrictions on automatic guns.

The stocks have been around for less than a decade. The government gave its seal of approval to selling them in 2010 after concluding that they did not violate federal law.

The device basically replaces the gun’s shoulder rest with a “support step” that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter’s finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil then causes the gun to buck back and forth, repeatedly “bumping” the trigger against the finger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic. The rapid fire does not necessarily make the weapon any more lethal — much of that would be dependent on the type of ammunition used. But it does allow the person firing the weapon to get off more shots more quickly.

It’s unclear how many have been sold. The industry leader, Slide Force, did not return messages seeking comment. But the Abilene, Texas, company’s Facebook page is filled with videos extolling its features, including one in which a woman gushed, “It’s so easy because once you slid it forward and leaned into it, it just fires.” In another video, a man fires off 58 rounds to celebrate his 58th birthday in just 12 seconds.

Sales for firearms or specific accessories seem to jump after every high-profile shooting. That will likely happen again with bump stocks, said Dr. Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis.

“People will go, ‘Oh geez, I should get one of those.’ The other is that people will be concerned about efforts to ban them,” Wintemute said.

Manufacturers tout the stocks, some of which sell for less than $200, as offering a simple and affordable alternative to automatic weapons without the hassle of a rigorous background check and other restrictions.

Ed Turner, a former police officer who owns a gun shop in Stockbridge, Georgia, said he’s already seeing a run on bump stocks since the shooting. He said he would be surprised if he had sold two of them in the past decade, but now he’s unable to find any available, even from wholesalers.


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Grothesk's picture

Sandy Hook was the death of any "gun control" debate in America.  Who gives a shit about fucking fat ass drunk adults at a fucking concert?  When 20+ kids and teachers were mowed down at a school and we didn't do shit save for pump a bunch of "thoughts and prayers" out our ass then it doesn't fucking matter.  This guy used a gun that was meant to kill 50+ people as it was designed to do.  We'll be sad for a few days, "thoughts and prayers" ourselves into some crocodile tears, and move on.

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skeptoid's picture

Naw the duckling posted on this hours before you did. You don't honestly believe any law would have prevented this from happening, do you?


I've been quietly gathering information as it comes out. His family say he had no political or religious affliliations that they were aware of, nor was he an activist of any kind. He was, however, a retired internal auditor for Lockheed Martin. Some outlet associated with ISIS has claimed he converted to Islam two months ago. So far all we have is a lot of speculation.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Where the hell is Alex Jones on this one??!!!.

I want to know what really happened here.

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eh's picture

Alex Jones predicted this would happen days ago. He was right on top of it. Of course if you throw thousands of rocks, you will kill a bird eventually especially if you craft your predictions.

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skeptoid's picture

Eh do you subscribe to the Alex Jones channel? I get all of my latest Alex Jones news from you - if there's anything noteworthy happening with Alex I can be sure you'll let me know.

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eh's picture

Alex Jones triggers you? It will be OK. I've posted his insanity a few times on here, maybe 3 times. Where are you coming up with your statement?

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skeptoid's picture

I'm saying that for the past 6 months I have been continuously informed about the latest noteworthy Alex Jones details by you and like-minded cohorts. I see you as a reliable source for the latest on Alex Jones. Between you, Duckling and the late Berg, I can't count the number of times I've been prompted to learn something new about Alex Jones.

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eh's picture

Oh come on. You love Alex Jones. How can you not? His insight, factual non-fake news, and fascinating ability to predict the future as well as "See thorough the smoke" are uncanny. I'm a believer.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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BabyDuckling's picture

Thats really grasping at straws.  Can you find evidence that he wasn't a White American commiting mass murder?  I'm betting Right Wing Nazis like yourself across the nation were wishing it was a minority that did it , anything to pretend their race is superior.  In my video post your the only one to turn it into politics and claim he was Liberal right away.  Shameful

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Grasping at straws?  And why the fuck would I go looking for evidence he wasn't white?  Why doesn't even matter what his skin color was you fucking racist?


I'm pointing out he likely was a radical leftist because of who he chose to target.  But you're incapable of considering factors beyond skin tone, again, because you're a racist.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

If it's not a muslim it's gotta be an anti Trump leftist. 


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Maxpower's picture

Well, his dad was a bank robber and psychopath that made it onto the FBI's Most Wanted list. He could've just been some mentally ill dude who decided yesterday was finally the day. No political motivations at all.

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eh's picture

No! Sorry, but just as many people on the left need mass murderers to be on the right, many people on the right (I'm on the right but don't give a flying fuck whether that sick fucking coward was liberal or conservative) are circle jerking in celebration that he is a liberal.

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BabyDuckling's picture

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Beseeched1's picture

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yeah, for some its hard to accept that a random white guy could go on a killing spree. 

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, guy that can't even afford a mic that's better than Wal-Mart quality is one the case on pinning yet another mass shooting on a Leftist Democrat cuck.


Edit:  Heh, the fake news bullshit video was already removed.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

This is the same gunman that killed Tupac

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eh's picture

Good on. Solved. Now if you could just solve the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman that would be great.

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BabyDuckling's picture

If anything this Terrorist act proves that we need to start profiling retired white people.

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