Betting does what betting does.... It's a crime against reason that he put it all on Apple. He found the perfect loophole, a once in a lifetime "hack". Why apple?... couldn't he put it in .....say, Yamaha.... I don't know what I'm talking about, but I know that apple stocks ha's life on its own.
If he put his stock in said... Phillips, surely a calm harbour. Would he be able to draw out a profit he gained trough the loophole, or would he come out with noting unless he bet hard on a volatile stock?
Did he even own the 50k regardless of where he put it?
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
he literally bet Apple was going to go down 20% in one day after its earnings report. Apple has never had a 20% down day, even in 2008. If If he bet Apple would go up, he would have made 250k. Apple isnt a volitile stock, but he had Apple options, which a volitile, and those Apple options were going through earnings which is super volitile.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Holy fuck... ok, that's nuts and I have no idea. All I know after each Tim Cook speech stock seems to go haywire, and of course the actual launch. What I'm confused about. Did he have the option to withdraw the cash or did he have to invest it? Some f.. crazy shit... he had a free pass or am I missing something.
*edit* what I'm trying to say, could he pull out and still have the cash?
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
no. he borrowed a line of credit from robinhood using an exploit. the only way he could have withdrawn money is if Apple did crash 20% then he could have paid robinhood back the 50,000$ worth of credit he borrowed then keep the proceeds of the gains for himself
(Old Spike)
Betting does what betting does.... It's a crime against reason that he put it all on Apple. He found the perfect loophole, a once in a lifetime "hack". Why apple?... couldn't he put it in .....say, Yamaha.... I don't know what I'm talking about, but I know that apple stocks ha's life on its own.
If he put his stock in said... Phillips, surely a calm harbour. Would he be able to draw out a profit he gained trough the loophole, or would he come out with noting unless he bet hard on a volatile stock?
Did he even own the 50k regardless of where he put it?
(Long Spike)
he literally bet Apple was going to go down 20% in one day after its earnings report. Apple has never had a 20% down day, even in 2008. If If he bet Apple would go up, he would have made 250k. Apple isnt a volitile stock, but he had Apple options, which a volitile, and those Apple options were going through earnings which is super volitile.
(Old Spike)
Holy fuck... ok, that's nuts and I have no idea. All I know after each Tim Cook speech stock seems to go haywire, and of course the actual launch. What I'm confused about. Did he have the option to withdraw the cash or did he have to invest it? Some f.. crazy shit... he had a free pass or am I missing something.
*edit* what I'm trying to say, could he pull out and still have the cash?
(Long Spike)
no. he borrowed a line of credit from robinhood using an exploit. the only way he could have withdrawn money is if Apple did crash 20% then he could have paid robinhood back the 50,000$ worth of credit he borrowed then keep the proceeds of the gains for himself
(Old Spike)
ahhhhhh cheers