It's good to have some representation for the CCP here on Spiked. Show your independence and courage - don't ask questions and obey.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I can't wait for when the vaccinated refuse a single booster and then they are called anti vaxxers.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
She's describing you both, above, you know that. I congratulate you on the power of your sheer will and courage. We're burying someone tomorrow on account of the likes of you prolonging the pandemic. Statistically, 95% of ventilators being tied up by the unvaccinated, overflowing ERs in crisis mode who's staff, despite best efforts, still manage to carry the virus room to room, infecting the uninfected.. sigh. So, kindly also 'show your independence and courage - don't ask questions and obey' when I invite you, sincerely, to eat a bag of dicks.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I'm sorry for your loss.
Not to be snide, but to be frank with you. If they were vaccinated, then if you are being told the truth, they should have been protected. If they were not vaccinated then they accepted that risk. If they couldn't get vaccinated I will not accept blame for that.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Thanks blacky, but he was vaccinated, twice. But the pandemic has run longer than necessary and he was now due for a 2nd booser (3rd shot). He went in for a urinary tract infection that got worse than it should have because he got turned away the first 2 times he went to the hospital with a complaint of abominal pain, due to an overflowing ER. He eventually went septic (blood poisoning), went in on ambulance, got admitted, and ultimately infected with covid (3 days into his hospitalization at a smaller facility) as they had an outbreak. Enter pneumonia. Enter congestive heart failure. So yeah.. no.. not what you thought.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
All that other stuff going on, but yet its covid. What hospital was "overflowing" with chinavirus?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
By other stuff you mean a UTI which isn't that uncommon in older adults. St.Mary's in Montreal's Cote-des-neiges district.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
There is nothing that says the ER was over flowing with covid patients. Reports do say there was an outbreak among patients and staff, but nothing about vaccinated or unvaccinated, earlier reports do say the staff were vaccinated. The vaccine is not working, it is not anti-vaxers tying up ers as you would love for us to believe. Hospitals are/ have been relaxing their protocols for handling infected people. During the summer I got lymes and the symptoms were like covid but the hospital, not knowing what I had, did absolutely nothing to prevent me from infecting anyone else, besides wearing a stupid good for nothing surgical mask. If I had covid I'd have infected a whole lot of people in that hospital. Follow the money!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
The gentleman in question got turned away twice at the hospital near his home (Cite de la Santé, Laval) off of Montreal's north shore because of overcrowding (thanks antivax/anti-authority crowd, remember who, statistically, 95% of COVID patients on ICU ventilators are). This allowed the UTI to progress to the point of sepsis and hospitalization at another facility, St.Marys, which was dealing with its own outbreak. They are keeping it hush but staff there admitted that the problem is that this is now being spread by ancillary staff, some of whom are working 2nd jobs as personal care attendants, which the current provincial government had apparently put a stop to. By that point he was too far gone despite being doubly vaccinated (not having received care earlier) and acquiring COVID was what put him over the top. You'll say it's a combination of factors but the decline in his health started with an inability to access the care he needed due to a group.. that will remain anonymous, needlessly prolonging the pandemic.
Does the peanut gallery have any facebook stats they'd like to 'throw-up' contesting this fairly stark difference in infection, hospitalization and ICU (intubation rates, presumably), between the two groups?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This is all bullshit. "They" manipulate the data so the "sheeple" like you get vaxxed. Those in the know on here have the "real" information that vaxxed people die like flies. This is because out of some reason "they" want to harm those that comply with "their" "science".
You have to "WAKE UP"!
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schenobi (Short Spike)
Correct on all points, now you just have to remove the quotation marks. Don't worry, we'll wait.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I don't believe a single word you've written but even if it's true I really don't see how you get from a twice jabbed person dying is the fault of anti-vaxxers. You are CCP.
I'm sorry. But that's what happened. The urinary tract infection was likely due to the vaccine attacking his other organs, which set off a chain reaction combined with the immuno suppression from the gene therapy that facilitated the spread of infection to other areas. It's what it's designed to do.
Again. I am sorry for your friend. And as much as we all fight, I really hope everyone that took this is going to be ok.
I expect you to be upset with me, I expect you to not believe me. But pay close attention to your bodies going forward.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It's certainly what it looks like, based on Bobbob's circuitous description. Only a paid troll would twist themselves up like that - my guess is this is Danman or MonkeyMania resurgent. What boosts my suspicion is the fact that shortly after MonkeyMania disappeared from the site this guy starts emailing me directly trying to be my friend, explaining how he's a Christian and just can't stand to see the rating shenanigans happening on Spiked and that he's in our corner (he named you specifically) and ready to help.
Second, if the story he tells were his own story and true he would have put it in the description. Holding it back as retort ammunition given the subject of the video - obvious flag that the story is a prop and not personal experience.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Look BS, I realize not everyone has the benefit of exposure to medical reports for their work. So again and one last time just in case you're not trolling. Death/conjestive heart failure was secondary to hospital acquired pneumonia following infection with sars-covid-ii (covid 19). Basically he went into hospital because of a UTI, caught covid, and died during his stay. That's about as simply as I can relay the sequence of events leading to his death. Funeral was today and yeah..this is all kind of fresh, so I'm making an effort to stick to facts and not express anger, unless this is what you are wanting/hoping for.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Given your fascination with China can I suggest honey-glazed-cricket-dicks with cream of sum-yung-ga for you, Skeptoid. I'll let you in on a little secret. With the exception of your sock account(s) there isn't a 'person' on here who could care less if you believe them or not.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
There he is - that's more like the MonkeyMania we all know and love. Welcome back, you piece of shit. I don't think you're Danman because he wasn't as quick with one-offs like "blacky" above. How much do they pay you anyway? Whether you are or not remains to be seen, and is largely irrelevant. You are false - that's kindly obvious.
So this dude you know, he kindly caught COVID after receiving two vaccinations for COVID - are you sure you are making an argument for the jab here? And you kindly had access to his medical reports because of the job you do. I mean, kindly, come on man!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ah, so the other shoe drops. Now I understand. You think I'm one of your old best enemies resurected from the ether(net) that you can reminisce about old battles with. You poor pathetic putz. I've only ever had and this one account. How bout an exercise. I want you to consider, for a second that what I'm saying is true, and what that says about your thought process as well as the time you're spending in here vs facing whatever it is that scares you in the real world. What you're avoiding. Back away from the computer and head outside for some fresh air. And maybe reevaluate what it is that's really important. No more from me on this. Wish you the best.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
After three comments explicitly stating you're a resurgent SpikedNation troll, you kindly act like it's only at this point that you realize what I'm saying. I don't care who you are - you are no Christian, and here in this thread you're presenting a twice-jabbed person as having died from COVID and it's only the fault of those who have not been jabbed even though the jabbed, from the outset, have been, at a rate of up to 60%, reinfected and transmissable for COVID. And the thrust of your argument is "This guy died, and we buried him, and the TV says it's your fault and I feel upset about that."
Your skill with words indicates you are kindly too intelligent to actually believe the argument you are putting forth here. All of your communications of late are oriented towards convincing the maximum number of people to take an experimental, and clearly by the story you kindly told yourself defective, vaccine, but moreso to kindly convince others that obedience to this establishment is the obvious choice for anyone who is responsible and sane.
You are also now replying to me in real-time - very MonkeyMania. But if you're kindly not MonkeyMania that's cool too - I don't care when the falseness is so clear. Don't sit by your keyboarding waiting for my next reply. Kindly back away from the computer and head outside for some fresh air. And maybe kindly reevaluate what it is that's really important - genuine commitment to the Kingdom Gospel of Christ the Messiah.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You'll forgive me Skeptoid, if I don't go back and respond to every one of your points above cause that just seems to encourage your mania at the moment. I'll remind you as I did before the recent purge of posts on the site that you solicited a bunch of us, here, to check out your personal channel and I wrote to you congratulating you on your video etc and proposed a virtual coffee sometime. You responded something to the effect of 'that would be cool' and how you were busy heading into the holidays and when that didn't happen I didn't press. Your choosing to misrepresent that here indicates your motivation is skewed. And I'm not quite sure I know or care what you're implying. Moving on, I've told you and others here that I have a background in clinical research. When I responded to black swordsman above it was not to indicate that I accessed my uncle's medical records, my knowledge on the case comes from discussion with his doctors and family. No, I was just telling BS that because I look at such reports, routinely, for a living, I can probably do a better job of explaining it to him in layman's terms, which I hopefully did above (for him), but not well enough for you apparently. I'll have to learn to forgive myself. I mean it passed over your head (not the first time). Just like your initial commie and CCP comments passed over mine, brilliant though you thought they were at the time, since I've only ever used this account, as far back as the spiked humor days. So going back now to the fact that people have cell phones and can type this stuff on the fly and in near real time like you say during an interesting and charged dispute, and accepting the possibility that what I say here and above is true,..well then,.. that makes you quite the weirdo, doesn't it. Lastly, I already got my fresh air today, the cemetery, thanks, so *kindly* let's go back to 'fuck right off' (your term) after you trying to flip this back on me... If you're hoping for more fun back and forth on this or anything else with your jabs, well, you chose the wrong day.
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schenobi (Short Spike)
The longer this goes on the dumber you're going to feel.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
What, like.. compared to you even?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The thing is once society fully wakes up and turns completely on the likes of little trolls like you, you will disappear and will likely escape Justice for what you've done.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I really got to ask, do you have your dick out when you dream up and type stuff like this? Go for a walk and get some fresh air wod ya.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
And there he is again - isn't it kindly better this way, "Bobbob", whether you're MonkeyMania or not? You've kindly recently buried no one for dying of covid, and you are obviously not what you present yourself to be. Classic kindly SpikedNation troll, and now the only question is will he continue with this charade or double down?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
What a minute, so calling someone a pussy does have a connection but having one does not? LOL, yeah OK.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I know. ;-) You learn something new every day, right?
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
That's it!
Im getting the vax.
Nobody calls me a pussy.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Good Peasant.
Don't forget to grab your free fries.
Or a $25 cash card might be more appealing.
Corporate likes obedient peasants.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Good good, but I still think my complementary t-shirt idea was the best.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
lols! That's right ya fif! And tell em who sent ya!
[edit 20211002: to jdt73, lol'd again. I want to thank you for this bit of humour, reminding that there's probably a sub-population of vaccine hold-outs whose position is so weak that they could be angered into getting the jab, for the simple reason of having their manhood challenged. We'll add it to the reverse side of the t-shirts and be sure to cut you in for half!]
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
tell yousrelf that when you sleep at night.
The thing about the crazy people.... They are just crazy.
Good luck to you,.
Im not antivax, I'm just not as feeble minded as you are.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
So, you're not as feeble minded,..or 'antivax'.. I hate to tell you, but you do realize that that still leaves pussy, per above.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Nope antivax is:
deluded, vulnerable to conspiracy theories, antisocial
and if antivaxxers spread misinformation, it means they are directly responsible for people getting sick and dying, but as they don't appear to have a conscience when they push their agenda, they don't care.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Agreed, but kindly note that all these years the complaint from anitvaxers was about preservatives/metals in the shots. Scientists have been pursuing mRNA vaccines as a solution to this problem for years. And now that it's finally here and proven safe and effective in the largest outpatient clinical trial in history?.. even more excuses. So yeah, you can now add pussy to your list.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
"It's best if everyone just blindy folllows what corporations, government and big pharma says is good for them. Else they'll be labeled as a danger to society." - daftcunt
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Safe and effective? Yeah they're effective alright...
How many do you want? these were the first two that came up. My excuse? I won't even put myself at a 1% risk for this. What's your excuse for these people? At least they didn't get covid? They sacrificed themselves to longer be vectors for the covid? It's all fake? It's not even the vaccine? What? What's your smart reaction to this. There are thousands of these, and new ones every day.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Although these cases are rare, they do happen.
I don't know what you would say if you were pressuring someone to take it and this happened.
"Sorry, these things happen sometimes but it's for the greater good. Thank you for complying, heres your free pizza.
Also, I forgot to mention that anyone injured by the newly developed vaccine is automatically excluded from claiming compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation program. Hope you are well off".
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
These arn't rare I'm afraid. These are going up every day. I can copy paste a megathread of these if you really want.
The real question is. How many cases are there that weren't filmed?
VAERS has been caught deleting their reports for the last few months to scrub the numbers too.
When all of this becomes too big to contain will the leaders thank people apologetically for their sacrifice? Or will they scape goat it all onto expendable and replaceable peons to satisfy people's demand for justice?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Don't know and don't care to speculate. Videos might be real or might not. The woman explaining her case sounds creadible though...still my advice is don't take everything on face value.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if there were selective reporting going on. CDC has admitted that there are rare serious adverse effects and that includes deaths. How rare they really are, is anyones guess. I have a feeling we will know in a couple of years.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, you people are funny. You mistrust scientists but believe shit some random people post on the internet. Shit that is so dodgy they can't put on youtube because it would be removed.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's just a conspiracy remember?
I think you know by now.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I know, and "they" are after YOU!
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Not sure if the CDC is some kind of sciency thing but they have info on rare adverse effect on the vaccine.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
CDC is in on it too. They all are. The magnetitude of this is immense. Try and call them. You won't reach them.
Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer tried to call them multiple times to ask about their vaccine database. Voice mail the first few times. They disconnected the number shortly afterwards. It was meant to be a public enquiery line as a public service.
"Control the choke points, Control the body. Strangle The Choke Points, kill the body."
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You don't believe in science you believe in the scientific alchemy of hegelianism. All this time we thought you were referring to science when you were actually referring to the insane imaginations of German idealists who misunderstood science in the 1800s and have been a blight on the planet ever since. Atoms are like billiard balls right Daft Cunt? What a moron.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"...the scientific alchemy of hegelianism"
What would that be now?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
That would be your German idealism conflated with the method of science. It wouldn't surprise me if you didn't even know where the programmed thought farts you spew on this site originate from. You are that dumb.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
stereotyping much?
This is what you can come up with? And you wonder why nobody other than you conspiracy pals takes you seriously?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Oh this has nothing to do with the fact that your a German banned from returning to his country of birth. It has to do with how you engage with the subject of science, the positions you support on this site, and the arguments you make in support of those positions. It's a stretch to call them arguments. It's more pre-programmed noise - see above for an example.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Now here is another one of your obsessions. Why would I be "banned" from returning to Germany? What is it in your weird, twisted little mind that makes you think that?
"It's a stretch to call them arguments."
You are actually talking about yourself (and your conspiracy pals) here, biastoid.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Whether it's shame or a legal prohibition makes little difference - they don't want you back there and you know it. You're an identitarian. You're scum.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Whether it's shame or a legal prohibition makes little difference..."
WOW, your ethical standards are really quite low aren't they.
Next time you try and insult people make sure they respect and take you seriously first, otherwise they will just chuckle. YOU are the one making a fool of yourself here every time you run out of what you think are "real arguments".
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
So it's shame then. You don't want to risk the possibility of being recognized because they know what you've been party to or what you've done.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
yes, "they" know, and "they" are after you buddy, time to ruuuuuun!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
BS, you're being manipulated and have swallowed what they're selling hook, line and sinker if you're accepting this 'video evidence' as an argument. I watched the first 3 cases you show: northamerican lady, north american man (nick) and asian lady before stopping. Let's assume that all 3 of these people have had the vaccine (which you can't prove from these videos, but we'll assume is true for the sake of argument), you do realize that they're exhibiting the classical symptoms of a panic attack, right? The guy's hypoxic. I mean, when the nurse reminds Nick to 'take a deep breath', you see the frequency of his hand movements slow. Also, the mechanics of the breaths (when taken) seem fine. So, let's stop propagating this kind of stuff as someone proposes below. Spewing disinformation makes anti-vax JUST as responsible for anyone getting sick and dying as anyone pro-vax pushing you to side with: common sense, medical science and social responsibility. Let's not be hypocrites, please.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Iv'e had panic attacks, Nothing even remotely like that.
Panic attacks are frightengly similar to stroke symptoms. Sometimes the deciding factor between going to the hospital or not is whether or not you have memory loss.
These are severe neaurological degenerative symptoms. Closer to seizures or late stage prions.
Also, the reason your friend died from covid is because on top of attacking the organs, the vaccine also acts as an amplifier for wen they are exposed to covid. It triggers a Cytokine storm, making it much more likely your exposure could be lethal.
Also, Covid is ENDEMIC. That means it's now impossible to erradicate. Just like the common cold. It also can hold up in animal reseviors. Natural immunity and rolling the dice on whether your natural immune system can handle it is the best chance you will be protected.
Meaning, that even IF the vaccines were safe and effective, You will still deal with covid, unless you vaccinate every mammal on the planet. And that assuming the vaccine works.
But it doesn't.
Here let's have a simple chart.
If I take the vaccine Can I-
Still get covid? - Yes
Can I still spread Covid?- Yes
Still be hospitalized with covid? - Yes
Still die from covid? - Yes
Possibly have a "rare" adverse reaction from the vaccine resulting in being maimed or killed? - Yes
Possibly increase my chances of future covid exposure being lethal? - Yes
If I don't get the vaccine Can I -
Still get covid? - Yes
Can I still spread Covid?- Yes
Still be hospitalized with covid? - Yes
Still die from covid? - Yes
Possibly have a "rare" adverse reaction from the vaccine resulting in being maimed or killed? - No.
Possibly increase my chances of future covid exposure being lethal? - No
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
...SO wrong. Viral load and therefore transmissibility remains lower in covid positives who are doubly vaccinated, in a randomly selected sample from the general population. When choosing people who first show symptoms and go in for testing, viral load is the same in both groups (for delta variant, so you're only slightly right) but then shows a precipitous drop in the vaccinated group starting day7, leaving the unvaccinated a at significantly higher risk of transmitting the disease and experiencing additional damage (or long haul symptoms). Remember that it's a long game. And you've picked up your pal's nack for misquoting/misrepresenting facts and declaring victory. Stay frosty.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
ENDEMIC. Impossible to erradicate. There is no long haul.
95% of hospitalized patients in one of the provinces in Australia are vaccinated. From the premier's own mouth.
Israel, 85% + vaccinating rate, getting slammed with covid.
0% chance of having "rare" adverse reaction from the gene therapy if I don't take it. That BY ITSELF is enough for me to choose not to have it. Even under pain of prison or violent death from the authorities or outraged puppet masses.
YOU are the one that is afraid of dying. Not me.
Deal with it.
On a side note. The bible was explicitly clear about not taking anything into your body that is requirement to buy or sell. Your compliance with this is direct facilitation of the future mark of the beast system. You'll probably take the quantum dot if they tell you. Whether it's the 1st generation of quantum dot or the 5th, Then your soul belongs to lucifer. Think about it.
Or do you pick and choose which part of the bible you believe? God doesn't HATE much. But he does hate a luke warm Christian, and he will spit you out of his mouth. No one is perfect, but don't assist the devil with his work.
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schenobi (Short Spike)
What confuses me is what do randoms on here gain by pushing the vax? Do they work tangentially for big pharma? Do they own stock in J&J? Or is it that they've made a terrible decision and now they need to aggressively defend that decision or else admit they fucked up big time?
I guess it doesn't really matter, evil is evil. I'm just trying to know my enemy.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
They either work for the government or are just sheeple who love being told what to do. They have a hard time having independant thoughts and lack the ability to intake new information or information that goes against what they are/were told to think.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Yes. It's very important to distinguish they are not our enemies. They are our highly dysfunctional brothers and sisters that cry to daddy (government) when people arn't following the "rules."
The individual only makes himself an enemy when he physically comes to take your rights away or sends someone in his stead to do it. (Snitch)
Until then, they can whine and bicker all they like. And we can keep saying it like it is. These people live in soft nations that have had no real hardship in their lives. As things get worse minds will change.
In your country people are far more united now and less afraid because you are bonding through hardship.
In the U.S. the maority doesn't need to learn these lessons the hard way, because they know it's just better to stop problems before they start. It's just a poisoned and loud minority controlled by a cheated system and insane professors that are a thorn in the nations side.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
schinobi. who do you think was the first to protest? pro-vax or anti-vax? the thought that randoms would wake up one day and for no reason, decide to make signs/posts about the effectiveness of vaccines and protest when their is no opposition seems rediculous. this place is just like reality. the randoms are reactionary to the ant-vax
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I don't know what warped reality you live in, but my community is nothing like this place. Keep spinning.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
that's cause you're not in a community, you're in a cult. you represent a small percentage of the population that the remainder doesn't view you as worth their time
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Clearly I'm worth YOUR time.
You're the one that's in a cult. Follow the "majority," (You're so obsessed with what others are doing) follow the leader. Do as they say and be a good little wokeite disciple. Do your mask ritual and your needle craft four humors, soon you will have a pill you can take 2 times or more daily.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
got to have a hobby
funny how 8 months ago you said "You're a waste of time. Don't talk to me.". 3 months later you had an episode. three months after that and here we are
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Why don't you try a musical instrument instead?
It might improve your life, and will definitely make you a happier person.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
nothing makes me happier than what i do. you wouldn't ask jesus to pick up an instrument
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I hope you are talking about your career at least. If you're talking about your spiked time or your political beliefs then I feel sorry for you.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Just to point out that what also confuses schenobi is: how water comes out of the tap when you twist the knob, electricity, and just where does everything go when we turn the lights off.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I call BS, BS. Oh the joys of not being a biblical literalist. You realize the jehova's witnesses use a similar misunderstanding of scripture to argue against blood transfusions, right? A technology that didn't even exist during the times of the old and new testaments. It was a freaking dietary law! Don't eat blood. That's it. Simple. We would have been spared the AIDS epidemic if we'd all listened and some bushmen didn't kill monkeys and drink their blood as part of a ceremony. What I'm trying to say is you can twist any passage any way you want if you're motivation has been corrupted enough (I leave it to you to decide if this is by worldly or unworldly forces; the end result is the same). But remember that there is always only one correct answer... And you're opting for the wrong one.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The blood law was about cannibalism.
The jehova's witnesses are a cult.
And are you claiming the mark of the beast will not exist?
Next thing you are going to tell me hell isn't real. and Lucifer is just misunderstood.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
How so?
How so?
How so?
How so?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Cannibalism perpetuates disease. Nothing wrong with eating a medium rare steak or duck. That's a big part of what made animals "Unclean" for example pigs are known cannibals. However, with the apostle paul when he was starving God lifted his law of unclean food so paul could eat what was available. Furthermore many of the most savage enemies of Israel were cannibalistic and baby killers.
In the jehova's witnesses they impose consequences as a society upon you for leaving or violating their rituals,/non compliance. I.E. shunning. They are also immensely secretive about their practices to non members. Funny story. My mother told me about how she once let Jehova's door knockers into her home for a listen. They told her drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes was a sin, and tried to take her pack off the table and went into her cupboard for the coffee. She was having none of it lol.
3rd was a question.
4th statement was partially in jest but I am wondering if that is your belief.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ah, no. Eat your steak any way you like. I myself prefer medium (it's a shame that here in North America they can't do a medium-well that's also juicy, which you can get in Europe). But, this is a dietary restriction and why properly blood-drained Kosher chicken kicks regular chicken's ass. Try some. And the AIDS thing I said is true by the way. Look it up.
JWs are definitely a doomsday cult. They've missed their deadline for doomsday twice now but still keep plugging along. So much for not following false prophets. Also a cult because of the policy of shunning, ie telling you to cast out family members if they leave. Vintage behaviour of a cult-cultety-cult-cult. No arguments here.
Son, the mark of the beast has existed since we started keeping our money in banks. This is not me telling you to stuff the mattress with cash, but maybe diversify a little / gold and physical property. Now that everything is electronic they can whipe us all out by replacing a 1 with a 0. So, enjoy and be thankful at the end of every good day basically.
Always have a healthy respect for the power of evil. Now is not the time to be complacent. I'll keep any deeper and personal beliefs on this to myself, thanks.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"I'll keep any deeper and personal beliefs on this to myself, thanks." Sure, I respect that.
I'm way ahead on diversifying. I actually stock goods. Food and tools to get food that will keep me alive. Gold largely sounds like a good idea, but in the face of collapse, you can't eat it and neither can anyone else.
Got cash too, I like to keep it alive, and I keep people employed at check out counters rather than using self check out and QR codes. Tossing my smart phone once this one breaks too. Not going any deeper into that technological trap. I never leave the house with it anymore anyway. Most days it stays off unless I'm expecting a friend to call.
Next step is looking into rural land. Taking my time with my choice as I have a lot to consider.
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schenobi (Short Spike)
Fresh water, food, fuel, power (solar/generator/batteries/inverter), medical supplies, and a means to defend all of the above. Secrecy is the best defence. Tell no-one outside your team what you've got, where it is, or how it's protected. That word "team" is crucial - it takes more than one to watch each other's backs. Find your friends and test their convictions.
In a genuine SHTF scenario items like cigarette lighters can be far more valuable than any currency or even precious metals. Buy a 500pack of BIC lighters - that's a piece of advice from someone who survived a multi-year civil war in one of the 'stans. Certain medications and niche items can skyrocket in value when supply chains fail - and if you'll look out the window, they already are. The crises are manufactured, but the shortages won't be. Get whatever medications you need as well as antivirals, antibiotics, vitamins and so on, plus COVID-specific drugs.
Don't assume you have much time. The WEF are on a timeline and they've had to push it forward significantly. This was the biggest mistake they've ever made and gives us a window of opportunity, but it also shows they aren't willing or able to be flexible. This train only goes one way.
Any form of resistance people put up now is worth more than resistance later. As you said, it's best to stop problems before they start, but we're well past the start and again the WEF don't have the luxury of changing tactics. It's imperative we identify and disrupt their operations using creative and asymmetric methods. You're already fighting admirably for a psychological victory and I have a lot of respect for it. Good luck and may God be with us.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Always expect a tactical change, always expect greater challenges and more enemies.
Expect hack attack when they really start losing. The plan is to scrub the internet and then they plan to launch assaults on power supply and water supply. The only reason we still have internet is because they want to keep their propaganda channels open. But they will stuff it if the cost of the awakening becomes too great for them.
A couple more things. Expect the U.N. to get involved if our own forces won't do their work. And expect more bio weapons in the future. Those ones will be much worse.
Every time the difficulty increases, it's simply a minor adjustment, nothing more.
This campaign could take a year, it could take decades. They plan to have the final free societies subjugated by 2037. If by some miracle we are still alive and free, then we have certainly set them back.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Everybody needs a hobby I guess.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Got plenty, Currently learning the verse for Fade to Black and 1 figure away from completely clearing warhammer back log :)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Nice. Testicular fortitude is a requirement for both. But do you have enough beezalls to give a listen to this? 7 minutes. Audio only. I just need 7 minutes.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Sure, I'll give it a listen with supper and review later.
Which one specifically?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
There is an audio file play button right under the reporter's photo. Link re-added here: 7min44sec. Thanks.
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schenobi (Short Spike)
The doctor knows the ventilator is useless. He knows his patient is dying. He doesn't know, or he doesn't want to know, that he could have done a dozen things differently to save the patient's life. He thinks he is bound to send these patients to their graves. He thinks it is their fault. He is looking for a reason that doesn't involve his own lack of action, lack of critical thought, lack of care. He blames the patient and those he's been told to blame. Pretty tragic.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I'll say. I mean everything you wrote here is pretty tragic.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I listened to it.
Was waiting for some medical facts from a doctor on how he treated the patient, but all I got was a emotinal sob story. Personally this kind of attempt at emotional manipulation kinda pisses me off. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it has the opposite reaction for me, just like trying to bribe people to take a vaccine with free burgers or pizza.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Well, given that scientific facts and reasoning aren't appealing to the demographic in question, maybe something in a language they understand. The case and letter are real and that is the voice of the ICU physician I saw interviewed on the CBC. But I must admit, I am also curious to see if it works.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Sorry, but we are innoculated against pro mandate propoganda.
Our only acceptable solution is a complete reversal of society to 2019 levels or greater of personal liberty. Without conditions.
We are not compromising. Even at the expense of the entire human population (Which it would never come to. But the state will be happy to make you believe.)
Life without freedom is not worth living. Liberty is more valueable than life.
Those that believe differntly are free to enslave themselves to the promise of safety. Those that are patriots will continue to live free despite the consequences.
Everyone gets the government they deserve.
Things are starting to get interesting now. Once they creep it up to grocery stores and cut off food supply is when I predict things will get very spicy.
Some people have told me they will burn down stores and start beating security guards if it gets to that point. We'll see how it goes.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
When 'they come for you' as you would have us believe, you'll be on the front porch cutting your state-mandated smallpox vaccine scar with a penknife and trying to suck out the 'poison'...on principle. Absolutely pathetic. Hypocrite (hypocrites all).
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
where did you hear that?
Dont tell me you googled it.
did you hear it on the internet you poor sweet boy?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
We've cracked the 100 comments ceiling on this thread so it's hard to know exactly what you're referring to. Can you be more specific on who/what you mean? Thx.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You got yourself in a bit of a pickle here "Bobbob" - eventually your ego and economic incentives will demand that these posts of yours get more traction on the site, but you're not supposed to be Danman or MonkeyMania. We'll be watching as the mid-terms approach and you slowly morph into what we're more used to, at which point the sock accounts will come into play and your posts will suddenly be getting a lot of traction. We'll be watching to see if this is indeed the case. Take care now.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Oh my god! You do! You have your dick out while you're typing this stuff don't you! ROTFL
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yes, yes, let's kindly get back to a discourse that's more authentic to who you truly are - isn't it kindly better this way?
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Go take a gander at all these people having to ask others if they've had similar side effects, It's pretty bad.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
love it. a home for hypochondriacs. its got people asking if the shot is responsible for making them depressed. panic attacks, a sneeze that sent a shockwave through a guys body
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Bloodclots, tremors, bells palsy, lung annd heart complications, fatigue, memory issues, blackouts. Neuropathy, numbness, and paralysis from nerve damage... Yup, sounds like depressed hypocondriacs.
You really are a piece of shit, sal. Go outside and live a life instead of antagonizing people who "don't think the right way". What a fuckng loser.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
its also got a link to a study that reviewed the vears for covid and found no significant associations between the vaccine and the cases people are reporting themselves
good find bud
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schenobi (Short Spike)
How does big pharma asshole taste bro
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well, if i was a consumer of big pharma i guess it would taste like freedom. freedom to chose what i want to feel, when i want to feel it. i could take a pill to get hard for hours, lather it up with some lidocain to make it numb and drink some cough syrup to make climaxing impossible. just for fun
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
STOP giving him ideas, Sal!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
All of which have the same incidence in the unvaccinated group. Don't hold your breath, you'll give yourself an aneurysm and we'll have to change the warning label on your cannabis gummies.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Right. And maybe listen to this Alberta doctor's letter to his intubated and unvaccinated patient, IF we're not so entrenched that we've stopped exchanging information. Just saw him interviewed on the CBC (Alberta) where things are now quite dire.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Shut the fuck up, shill.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Sure thing, cuck.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
here is another example of what you can find on
A few drops of blood after vaccine
Is a few drops of blood just after the vaccine common? The blood dropped after recieving the second dose but it did stop from flowing after a few seconds. There is some redness. Is it common?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
MSM has been busted several times using paid crises actors as part of covid coverage. No I'm not referring to the fear mongering ads.
Maybe this guy is, maybe he isn't. But when they have resorted to that before, why should I believe anything they say?
When the treatment is worse than the disease, and when the consequences of patriotism are more appealing than the rules of enslavement I am more certain of my decisions daily.
(Old Spike)
It's good to have some representation for the CCP here on Spiked. Show your independence and courage - don't ask questions and obey.
(Old Spike)
I can't wait for when the vaccinated refuse a single booster and then they are called anti vaxxers.
(Site Administrator)
She's describing you both, above, you know that. I congratulate you on the power of your sheer will and courage. We're burying someone tomorrow on account of the likes of you prolonging the pandemic. Statistically, 95% of ventilators being tied up by the unvaccinated, overflowing ERs in crisis mode who's staff, despite best efforts, still manage to carry the virus room to room, infecting the uninfected.. sigh. So, kindly also 'show your independence and courage - don't ask questions and obey' when I invite you, sincerely, to eat a bag of dicks.
(Old Spike)
I'm sorry for your loss.
Not to be snide, but to be frank with you. If they were vaccinated, then if you are being told the truth, they should have been protected. If they were not vaccinated then they accepted that risk. If they couldn't get vaccinated I will not accept blame for that.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks blacky, but he was vaccinated, twice. But the pandemic has run longer than necessary and he was now due for a 2nd booser (3rd shot). He went in for a urinary tract infection that got worse than it should have because he got turned away the first 2 times he went to the hospital with a complaint of abominal pain, due to an overflowing ER. He eventually went septic (blood poisoning), went in on ambulance, got admitted, and ultimately infected with covid (3 days into his hospitalization at a smaller facility) as they had an outbreak. Enter pneumonia. Enter congestive heart failure. So yeah.. no.. not what you thought.
(sounds retarded)
All that other stuff going on, but yet its covid. What hospital was "overflowing" with chinavirus?
(Site Administrator)
By other stuff you mean a UTI which isn't that uncommon in older adults. St.Mary's in Montreal's Cote-des-neiges district.
(sounds retarded)
There is nothing that says the ER was over flowing with covid patients. Reports do say there was an outbreak among patients and staff, but nothing about vaccinated or unvaccinated, earlier reports do say the staff were vaccinated. The vaccine is not working, it is not anti-vaxers tying up ers as you would love for us to believe. Hospitals are/ have been relaxing their protocols for handling infected people. During the summer I got lymes and the symptoms were like covid but the hospital, not knowing what I had, did absolutely nothing to prevent me from infecting anyone else, besides wearing a stupid good for nothing surgical mask. If I had covid I'd have infected a whole lot of people in that hospital. Follow the money!
(Site Administrator)
The gentleman in question got turned away twice at the hospital near his home (Cite de la Santé, Laval) off of Montreal's north shore because of overcrowding (thanks antivax/anti-authority crowd, remember who, statistically, 95% of COVID patients on ICU ventilators are). This allowed the UTI to progress to the point of sepsis and hospitalization at another facility, St.Marys, which was dealing with its own outbreak. They are keeping it hush but staff there admitted that the problem is that this is now being spread by ancillary staff, some of whom are working 2nd jobs as personal care attendants, which the current provincial government had apparently put a stop to. By that point he was too far gone despite being doubly vaccinated (not having received care earlier) and acquiring COVID was what put him over the top. You'll say it's a combination of factors but the decline in his health started with an inability to access the care he needed due to a group.. that will remain anonymous, needlessly prolonging the pandemic.
(Old Spike)
a report came out yesterday of ontarios hospitals
(Site Administrator)
Thanks, Sal.
Does the peanut gallery have any facebook stats they'd like to 'throw-up' contesting this fairly stark difference in infection, hospitalization and ICU (intubation rates, presumably), between the two groups?
(Old Spike)
This is all bullshit. "They" manipulate the data so the "sheeple" like you get vaxxed. Those in the know on here have the "real" information that vaxxed people die like flies. This is because out of some reason "they" want to harm those that comply with "their" "science".
You have to "WAKE UP"!
(Short Spike)
Correct on all points, now you just have to remove the quotation marks. Don't worry, we'll wait.
(Old Spike)
I don't believe a single word you've written but even if it's true I really don't see how you get from a twice jabbed person dying is the fault of anti-vaxxers. You are CCP.
(Old Spike)
Respiratory complications, Congestive heart failure. Vaccine death.
I'm sorry. But that's what happened. The urinary tract infection was likely due to the vaccine attacking his other organs, which set off a chain reaction combined with the immuno suppression from the gene therapy that facilitated the spread of infection to other areas. It's what it's designed to do.
Again. I am sorry for your friend. And as much as we all fight, I really hope everyone that took this is going to be ok.
I expect you to be upset with me, I expect you to not believe me. But pay close attention to your bodies going forward.
(Old Spike)
It's certainly what it looks like, based on Bobbob's circuitous description. Only a paid troll would twist themselves up like that - my guess is this is Danman or MonkeyMania resurgent. What boosts my suspicion is the fact that shortly after MonkeyMania disappeared from the site this guy starts emailing me directly trying to be my friend, explaining how he's a Christian and just can't stand to see the rating shenanigans happening on Spiked and that he's in our corner (he named you specifically) and ready to help.
Second, if the story he tells were his own story and true he would have put it in the description. Holding it back as retort ammunition given the subject of the video - obvious flag that the story is a prop and not personal experience.
(Site Administrator)
Look BS, I realize not everyone has the benefit of exposure to medical reports for their work. So again and one last time just in case you're not trolling. Death/conjestive heart failure was secondary to hospital acquired pneumonia following infection with sars-covid-ii (covid 19). Basically he went into hospital because of a UTI, caught covid, and died during his stay. That's about as simply as I can relay the sequence of events leading to his death. Funeral was today and yeah..this is all kind of fresh, so I'm making an effort to stick to facts and not express anger, unless this is what you are wanting/hoping for.
(Site Administrator)
Given your fascination with China can I suggest honey-glazed-cricket-dicks with cream of sum-yung-ga for you, Skeptoid. I'll let you in on a little secret. With the exception of your sock account(s) there isn't a 'person' on here who could care less if you believe them or not.
(Old Spike)
There he is - that's more like the MonkeyMania we all know and love. Welcome back, you piece of shit. I don't think you're Danman because he wasn't as quick with one-offs like "blacky" above. How much do they pay you anyway? Whether you are or not remains to be seen, and is largely irrelevant. You are false - that's kindly obvious.
So this dude you know, he kindly caught COVID after receiving two vaccinations for COVID - are you sure you are making an argument for the jab here? And you kindly had access to his medical reports because of the job you do. I mean, kindly, come on man!
(Site Administrator)
Ah, so the other shoe drops. Now I understand. You think I'm one of your old best enemies resurected from the ether(net) that you can reminisce about old battles with. You poor pathetic putz. I've only ever had and this one account. How bout an exercise. I want you to consider, for a second that what I'm saying is true, and what that says about your thought process as well as the time you're spending in here vs facing whatever it is that scares you in the real world. What you're avoiding. Back away from the computer and head outside for some fresh air. And maybe reevaluate what it is that's really important. No more from me on this. Wish you the best.
(Old Spike)
After three comments explicitly stating you're a resurgent SpikedNation troll, you kindly act like it's only at this point that you realize what I'm saying. I don't care who you are - you are no Christian, and here in this thread you're presenting a twice-jabbed person as having died from COVID and it's only the fault of those who have not been jabbed even though the jabbed, from the outset, have been, at a rate of up to 60%, reinfected and transmissable for COVID. And the thrust of your argument is "This guy died, and we buried him, and the TV says it's your fault and I feel upset about that."
Your skill with words indicates you are kindly too intelligent to actually believe the argument you are putting forth here. All of your communications of late are oriented towards convincing the maximum number of people to take an experimental, and clearly by the story you kindly told yourself defective, vaccine, but moreso to kindly convince others that obedience to this establishment is the obvious choice for anyone who is responsible and sane.
You are also now replying to me in real-time - very MonkeyMania. But if you're kindly not MonkeyMania that's cool too - I don't care when the falseness is so clear. Don't sit by your keyboarding waiting for my next reply. Kindly back away from the computer and head outside for some fresh air. And maybe kindly reevaluate what it is that's really important - genuine commitment to the Kingdom Gospel of Christ the Messiah.
(Site Administrator)
You'll forgive me Skeptoid, if I don't go back and respond to every one of your points above cause that just seems to encourage your mania at the moment. I'll remind you as I did before the recent purge of posts on the site that you solicited a bunch of us, here, to check out your personal channel and I wrote to you congratulating you on your video etc and proposed a virtual coffee sometime. You responded something to the effect of 'that would be cool' and how you were busy heading into the holidays and when that didn't happen I didn't press. Your choosing to misrepresent that here indicates your motivation is skewed. And I'm not quite sure I know or care what you're implying. Moving on, I've told you and others here that I have a background in clinical research. When I responded to black swordsman above it was not to indicate that I accessed my uncle's medical records, my knowledge on the case comes from discussion with his doctors and family. No, I was just telling BS that because I look at such reports, routinely, for a living, I can probably do a better job of explaining it to him in layman's terms, which I hopefully did above (for him), but not well enough for you apparently. I'll have to learn to forgive myself. I mean it passed over your head (not the first time). Just like your initial commie and CCP comments passed over mine, brilliant though you thought they were at the time, since I've only ever used this account, as far back as the spiked humor days. So going back now to the fact that people have cell phones and can type this stuff on the fly and in near real time like you say during an interesting and charged dispute, and accepting the possibility that what I say here and above is true,..well then,.. that makes you quite the weirdo, doesn't it. Lastly, I already got my fresh air today, the cemetery, thanks, so *kindly* let's go back to 'fuck right off' (your term) after you trying to flip this back on me... If you're hoping for more fun back and forth on this or anything else with your jabs, well, you chose the wrong day.
(Short Spike)
The longer this goes on the dumber you're going to feel.
(Site Administrator)
What, like.. compared to you even?
(Old Spike)
The thing is once society fully wakes up and turns completely on the likes of little trolls like you, you will disappear and will likely escape Justice for what you've done.
(Site Administrator)
I really got to ask, do you have your dick out when you dream up and type stuff like this? Go for a walk and get some fresh air wod ya.
(Old Spike)
And there he is again - isn't it kindly better this way, "Bobbob", whether you're MonkeyMania or not? You've kindly recently buried no one for dying of covid, and you are obviously not what you present yourself to be. Classic kindly SpikedNation troll, and now the only question is will he continue with this charade or double down?
(sounds retarded)
What a minute, so calling someone a pussy does have a connection but having one does not? LOL, yeah OK.
(Site Administrator)
I know. ;-) You learn something new every day, right?
(Short Spike)
That's it!
Im getting the vax.
Nobody calls me a pussy.
(Long Spike)
Good Peasant.
Don't forget to grab your free fries.
Or a $25 cash card might be more appealing.
Corporate likes obedient peasants.
(Site Administrator)
Good good, but I still think my complementary t-shirt idea was the best.
(Site Administrator)
lols! That's right ya fif! And tell em who sent ya!
[edit 20211002: to jdt73, lol'd again. I want to thank you for this bit of humour, reminding that there's probably a sub-population of vaccine hold-outs whose position is so weak that they could be angered into getting the jab, for the simple reason of having their manhood challenged. We'll add it to the reverse side of the t-shirts and be sure to cut you in for half!]
(Short Spike)
tell yousrelf that when you sleep at night.
The thing about the crazy people.... They are just crazy.
Good luck to you,.
Im not antivax, I'm just not as feeble minded as you are.
(Site Administrator)
So, you're not as feeble minded,..or 'antivax'.. I hate to tell you, but you do realize that that still leaves pussy, per above.
(Old Spike)
Nope antivax is:
deluded, vulnerable to conspiracy theories, antisocial
and if antivaxxers spread misinformation, it means they are directly responsible for people getting sick and dying, but as they don't appear to have a conscience when they push their agenda, they don't care.
(Site Administrator)
Agreed, but kindly note that all these years the complaint from anitvaxers was about preservatives/metals in the shots. Scientists have been pursuing mRNA vaccines as a solution to this problem for years. And now that it's finally here and proven safe and effective in the largest outpatient clinical trial in history?.. even more excuses. So yeah, you can now add pussy to your list.
(Long Spike)
"It's best if everyone just blindy folllows what corporations, government and big pharma says is good for them. Else they'll be labeled as a danger to society." - daftcunt
(Old Spike)
Safe and effective? Yeah they're effective alright...
How many do you want? these were the first two that came up. My excuse? I won't even put myself at a 1% risk for this. What's your excuse for these people? At least they didn't get covid? They sacrificed themselves to longer be vectors for the covid? It's all fake? It's not even the vaccine? What? What's your smart reaction to this. There are thousands of these, and new ones every day.
(Site Moderator)
Although these cases are rare, they do happen.
I don't know what you would say if you were pressuring someone to take it and this happened.
"Sorry, these things happen sometimes but it's for the greater good. Thank you for complying, heres your free pizza.
Also, I forgot to mention that anyone injured by the newly developed vaccine is automatically excluded from claiming compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation program. Hope you are well off".
(Old Spike)
These arn't rare I'm afraid. These are going up every day. I can copy paste a megathread of these if you really want.
The real question is. How many cases are there that weren't filmed?
VAERS has been caught deleting their reports for the last few months to scrub the numbers too.
When all of this becomes too big to contain will the leaders thank people apologetically for their sacrifice? Or will they scape goat it all onto expendable and replaceable peons to satisfy people's demand for justice?
(Site Moderator)
Don't know and don't care to speculate. Videos might be real or might not. The woman explaining her case sounds creadible though...still my advice is don't take everything on face value.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if there were selective reporting going on. CDC has admitted that there are rare serious adverse effects and that includes deaths. How rare they really are, is anyones guess. I have a feeling we will know in a couple of years.
(Old Spike)
lol, you people are funny. You mistrust scientists but believe shit some random people post on the internet. Shit that is so dodgy they can't put on youtube because it would be removed.
(Old Spike)
It's just a conspiracy remember?
I think you know by now.
(Old Spike)
I know, and "they" are after YOU!
(Site Moderator)
Not sure if the CDC is some kind of sciency thing but they have info on rare adverse effect on the vaccine.
(Old Spike)
CDC is in on it too. They all are. The magnetitude of this is immense. Try and call them. You won't reach them.
Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer tried to call them multiple times to ask about their vaccine database. Voice mail the first few times. They disconnected the number shortly afterwards. It was meant to be a public enquiery line as a public service.
"Control the choke points, Control the body. Strangle The Choke Points, kill the body."
(Old Spike)
You don't believe in science you believe in the scientific alchemy of hegelianism. All this time we thought you were referring to science when you were actually referring to the insane imaginations of German idealists who misunderstood science in the 1800s and have been a blight on the planet ever since. Atoms are like billiard balls right Daft Cunt? What a moron.
(Old Spike)
"...the scientific alchemy of hegelianism"
What would that be now?
(Old Spike)
That would be your German idealism conflated with the method of science. It wouldn't surprise me if you didn't even know where the programmed thought farts you spew on this site originate from. You are that dumb.
(Old Spike)
stereotyping much?
This is what you can come up with? And you wonder why nobody other than you conspiracy pals takes you seriously?
(Old Spike)
Oh this has nothing to do with the fact that your a German banned from returning to his country of birth. It has to do with how you engage with the subject of science, the positions you support on this site, and the arguments you make in support of those positions. It's a stretch to call them arguments. It's more pre-programmed noise - see above for an example.
(Old Spike)
Now here is another one of your obsessions. Why would I be "banned" from returning to Germany? What is it in your weird, twisted little mind that makes you think that?
"It's a stretch to call them arguments."
You are actually talking about yourself (and your conspiracy pals) here, biastoid.
(Old Spike)
Whether it's shame or a legal prohibition makes little difference - they don't want you back there and you know it. You're an identitarian. You're scum.
(Old Spike)
"Whether it's shame or a legal prohibition makes little difference..."
WOW, your ethical standards are really quite low aren't they.
Next time you try and insult people make sure they respect and take you seriously first, otherwise they will just chuckle. YOU are the one making a fool of yourself here every time you run out of what you think are "real arguments".
(Old Spike)
So it's shame then. You don't want to risk the possibility of being recognized because they know what you've been party to or what you've done.
(Old Spike)
yes, "they" know, and "they" are after you buddy, time to ruuuuuun!
(Site Administrator)
BS, you're being manipulated and have swallowed what they're selling hook, line and sinker if you're accepting this 'video evidence' as an argument. I watched the first 3 cases you show: northamerican lady, north american man (nick) and asian lady before stopping. Let's assume that all 3 of these people have had the vaccine (which you can't prove from these videos, but we'll assume is true for the sake of argument), you do realize that they're exhibiting the classical symptoms of a panic attack, right? The guy's hypoxic. I mean, when the nurse reminds Nick to 'take a deep breath', you see the frequency of his hand movements slow. Also, the mechanics of the breaths (when taken) seem fine. So, let's stop propagating this kind of stuff as someone proposes below. Spewing disinformation makes anti-vax JUST as responsible for anyone getting sick and dying as anyone pro-vax pushing you to side with: common sense, medical science and social responsibility. Let's not be hypocrites, please.
(Old Spike)
Iv'e had panic attacks, Nothing even remotely like that.
Panic attacks are frightengly similar to stroke symptoms. Sometimes the deciding factor between going to the hospital or not is whether or not you have memory loss.
These are severe neaurological degenerative symptoms. Closer to seizures or late stage prions.
Also, the reason your friend died from covid is because on top of attacking the organs, the vaccine also acts as an amplifier for wen they are exposed to covid. It triggers a Cytokine storm, making it much more likely your exposure could be lethal.
Also, Covid is ENDEMIC. That means it's now impossible to erradicate. Just like the common cold. It also can hold up in animal reseviors. Natural immunity and rolling the dice on whether your natural immune system can handle it is the best chance you will be protected.
Meaning, that even IF the vaccines were safe and effective, You will still deal with covid, unless you vaccinate every mammal on the planet. And that assuming the vaccine works.
But it doesn't.
Here let's have a simple chart.
If I take the vaccine Can I-
Still get covid? - Yes
Can I still spread Covid?- Yes
Still be hospitalized with covid? - Yes
Still die from covid? - Yes
Possibly have a "rare" adverse reaction from the vaccine resulting in being maimed or killed? - Yes
Possibly increase my chances of future covid exposure being lethal? - Yes
If I don't get the vaccine Can I -
Still get covid? - Yes
Can I still spread Covid?- Yes
Still be hospitalized with covid? - Yes
Still die from covid? - Yes
Possibly have a "rare" adverse reaction from the vaccine resulting in being maimed or killed? - No.
Possibly increase my chances of future covid exposure being lethal? - No
(Site Administrator)
...SO wrong. Viral load and therefore transmissibility remains lower in covid positives who are doubly vaccinated, in a randomly selected sample from the general population. When choosing people who first show symptoms and go in for testing, viral load is the same in both groups (for delta variant, so you're only slightly right) but then shows a precipitous drop in the vaccinated group starting day7, leaving the unvaccinated a at significantly higher risk of transmitting the disease and experiencing additional damage (or long haul symptoms). Remember that it's a long game. And you've picked up your pal's nack for misquoting/misrepresenting facts and declaring victory. Stay frosty.
(Old Spike)
ENDEMIC. Impossible to erradicate. There is no long haul.
95% of hospitalized patients in one of the provinces in Australia are vaccinated. From the premier's own mouth.
Israel, 85% + vaccinating rate, getting slammed with covid.
0% chance of having "rare" adverse reaction from the gene therapy if I don't take it. That BY ITSELF is enough for me to choose not to have it. Even under pain of prison or violent death from the authorities or outraged puppet masses.
YOU are the one that is afraid of dying. Not me.
Deal with it.
On a side note. The bible was explicitly clear about not taking anything into your body that is requirement to buy or sell. Your compliance with this is direct facilitation of the future mark of the beast system. You'll probably take the quantum dot if they tell you. Whether it's the 1st generation of quantum dot or the 5th, Then your soul belongs to lucifer. Think about it.
Or do you pick and choose which part of the bible you believe? God doesn't HATE much. But he does hate a luke warm Christian, and he will spit you out of his mouth. No one is perfect, but don't assist the devil with his work.
(Short Spike)
What confuses me is what do randoms on here gain by pushing the vax? Do they work tangentially for big pharma? Do they own stock in J&J? Or is it that they've made a terrible decision and now they need to aggressively defend that decision or else admit they fucked up big time?
I guess it doesn't really matter, evil is evil. I'm just trying to know my enemy.
(sounds retarded)
They either work for the government or are just sheeple who love being told what to do. They have a hard time having independant thoughts and lack the ability to intake new information or information that goes against what they are/were told to think.
(Old Spike)
Yes. It's very important to distinguish they are not our enemies. They are our highly dysfunctional brothers and sisters that cry to daddy (government) when people arn't following the "rules."
The individual only makes himself an enemy when he physically comes to take your rights away or sends someone in his stead to do it. (Snitch)
Until then, they can whine and bicker all they like. And we can keep saying it like it is. These people live in soft nations that have had no real hardship in their lives. As things get worse minds will change.
In your country people are far more united now and less afraid because you are bonding through hardship.
In the U.S. the maority doesn't need to learn these lessons the hard way, because they know it's just better to stop problems before they start. It's just a poisoned and loud minority controlled by a cheated system and insane professors that are a thorn in the nations side.
(Old Spike)
schinobi. who do you think was the first to protest? pro-vax or anti-vax? the thought that randoms would wake up one day and for no reason, decide to make signs/posts about the effectiveness of vaccines and protest when their is no opposition seems rediculous. this place is just like reality. the randoms are reactionary to the ant-vax
(Old Spike)
I don't know what warped reality you live in, but my community is nothing like this place. Keep spinning.
(Old Spike)
that's cause you're not in a community, you're in a cult. you represent a small percentage of the population that the remainder doesn't view you as worth their time
(Old Spike)
Clearly I'm worth YOUR time.
You're the one that's in a cult. Follow the "majority," (You're so obsessed with what others are doing) follow the leader. Do as they say and be a good little wokeite disciple. Do your mask ritual and your needle craft four humors, soon you will have a pill you can take 2 times or more daily.
(Old Spike)
got to have a hobby
funny how 8 months ago you said "You're a waste of time. Don't talk to me.". 3 months later you had an episode. three months after that and here we are
(Old Spike)
Why don't you try a musical instrument instead?
It might improve your life, and will definitely make you a happier person.
(Old Spike)
nothing makes me happier than what i do. you wouldn't ask jesus to pick up an instrument
(Old Spike)
I hope you are talking about your career at least. If you're talking about your spiked time or your political beliefs then I feel sorry for you.
(Site Administrator)
Just to point out that what also confuses schenobi is: how water comes out of the tap when you twist the knob, electricity, and just where does everything go when we turn the lights off.
(Site Administrator)
I call BS, BS. Oh the joys of not being a biblical literalist. You realize the jehova's witnesses use a similar misunderstanding of scripture to argue against blood transfusions, right? A technology that didn't even exist during the times of the old and new testaments. It was a freaking dietary law! Don't eat blood. That's it. Simple. We would have been spared the AIDS epidemic if we'd all listened and some bushmen didn't kill monkeys and drink their blood as part of a ceremony. What I'm trying to say is you can twist any passage any way you want if you're motivation has been corrupted enough (I leave it to you to decide if this is by worldly or unworldly forces; the end result is the same). But remember that there is always only one correct answer... And you're opting for the wrong one.
(Old Spike)
The blood law was about cannibalism.
The jehova's witnesses are a cult.
And are you claiming the mark of the beast will not exist?
Next thing you are going to tell me hell isn't real. and Lucifer is just misunderstood.
(Site Administrator)
How so?
How so?
How so?
How so?
(Old Spike)
Cannibalism perpetuates disease. Nothing wrong with eating a medium rare steak or duck. That's a big part of what made animals "Unclean" for example pigs are known cannibals. However, with the apostle paul when he was starving God lifted his law of unclean food so paul could eat what was available. Furthermore many of the most savage enemies of Israel were cannibalistic and baby killers.
In the jehova's witnesses they impose consequences as a society upon you for leaving or violating their rituals,/non compliance. I.E. shunning. They are also immensely secretive about their practices to non members. Funny story. My mother told me about how she once let Jehova's door knockers into her home for a listen. They told her drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes was a sin, and tried to take her pack off the table and went into her cupboard for the coffee. She was having none of it lol.
3rd was a question.
4th statement was partially in jest but I am wondering if that is your belief.
(Site Administrator)
Ah, no. Eat your steak any way you like. I myself prefer medium (it's a shame that here in North America they can't do a medium-well that's also juicy, which you can get in Europe). But, this is a dietary restriction and why properly blood-drained Kosher chicken kicks regular chicken's ass. Try some. And the AIDS thing I said is true by the way. Look it up.
JWs are definitely a doomsday cult. They've missed their deadline for doomsday twice now but still keep plugging along. So much for not following false prophets. Also a cult because of the policy of shunning, ie telling you to cast out family members if they leave. Vintage behaviour of a cult-cultety-cult-cult. No arguments here.
Son, the mark of the beast has existed since we started keeping our money in banks. This is not me telling you to stuff the mattress with cash, but maybe diversify a little / gold and physical property. Now that everything is electronic they can whipe us all out by replacing a 1 with a 0. So, enjoy and be thankful at the end of every good day basically.
Always have a healthy respect for the power of evil. Now is not the time to be complacent. I'll keep any deeper and personal beliefs on this to myself, thanks.
(Old Spike)
"I'll keep any deeper and personal beliefs on this to myself, thanks." Sure, I respect that.
I'm way ahead on diversifying. I actually stock goods. Food and tools to get food that will keep me alive. Gold largely sounds like a good idea, but in the face of collapse, you can't eat it and neither can anyone else.
Got cash too, I like to keep it alive, and I keep people employed at check out counters rather than using self check out and QR codes. Tossing my smart phone once this one breaks too. Not going any deeper into that technological trap. I never leave the house with it anymore anyway. Most days it stays off unless I'm expecting a friend to call.
Next step is looking into rural land. Taking my time with my choice as I have a lot to consider.
(Short Spike)
Fresh water, food, fuel, power (solar/generator/batteries/inverter), medical supplies, and a means to defend all of the above. Secrecy is the best defence. Tell no-one outside your team what you've got, where it is, or how it's protected. That word "team" is crucial - it takes more than one to watch each other's backs. Find your friends and test their convictions.
In a genuine SHTF scenario items like cigarette lighters can be far more valuable than any currency or even precious metals. Buy a 500pack of BIC lighters - that's a piece of advice from someone who survived a multi-year civil war in one of the 'stans. Certain medications and niche items can skyrocket in value when supply chains fail - and if you'll look out the window, they already are. The crises are manufactured, but the shortages won't be. Get whatever medications you need as well as antivirals, antibiotics, vitamins and so on, plus COVID-specific drugs.
Don't assume you have much time. The WEF are on a timeline and they've had to push it forward significantly. This was the biggest mistake they've ever made and gives us a window of opportunity, but it also shows they aren't willing or able to be flexible. This train only goes one way.
Any form of resistance people put up now is worth more than resistance later. As you said, it's best to stop problems before they start, but we're well past the start and again the WEF don't have the luxury of changing tactics. It's imperative we identify and disrupt their operations using creative and asymmetric methods. You're already fighting admirably for a psychological victory and I have a lot of respect for it. Good luck and may God be with us.
(Old Spike)
Always expect a tactical change, always expect greater challenges and more enemies.
Expect hack attack when they really start losing. The plan is to scrub the internet and then they plan to launch assaults on power supply and water supply. The only reason we still have internet is because they want to keep their propaganda channels open. But they will stuff it if the cost of the awakening becomes too great for them.
A couple more things. Expect the U.N. to get involved if our own forces won't do their work. And expect more bio weapons in the future. Those ones will be much worse.
Every time the difficulty increases, it's simply a minor adjustment, nothing more.
This campaign could take a year, it could take decades. They plan to have the final free societies subjugated by 2037. If by some miracle we are still alive and free, then we have certainly set them back.
(Site Administrator)
Everybody needs a hobby I guess.
(Old Spike)
Got plenty, Currently learning the verse for Fade to Black and 1 figure away from completely clearing warhammer back log :)
(Site Administrator)
Nice. Testicular fortitude is a requirement for both. But do you have enough beezalls to give a listen to this? 7 minutes. Audio only. I just need 7 minutes.
(Old Spike)
Sure, I'll give it a listen with supper and review later.
Which one specifically?
(Site Administrator)
There is an audio file play button right under the reporter's photo. Link re-added here: 7min44sec. Thanks.
(Short Spike)
The doctor knows the ventilator is useless. He knows his patient is dying. He doesn't know, or he doesn't want to know, that he could have done a dozen things differently to save the patient's life. He thinks he is bound to send these patients to their graves. He thinks it is their fault. He is looking for a reason that doesn't involve his own lack of action, lack of critical thought, lack of care. He blames the patient and those he's been told to blame. Pretty tragic.
(Site Administrator)
I'll say. I mean everything you wrote here is pretty tragic.
(Site Moderator)
I listened to it.
Was waiting for some medical facts from a doctor on how he treated the patient, but all I got was a emotinal sob story. Personally this kind of attempt at emotional manipulation kinda pisses me off. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it has the opposite reaction for me, just like trying to bribe people to take a vaccine with free burgers or pizza.
(Site Administrator)
Well, given that scientific facts and reasoning aren't appealing to the demographic in question, maybe something in a language they understand. The case and letter are real and that is the voice of the ICU physician I saw interviewed on the CBC. But I must admit, I am also curious to see if it works.
(Old Spike)
Sorry, but we are innoculated against pro mandate propoganda.
Our only acceptable solution is a complete reversal of society to 2019 levels or greater of personal liberty. Without conditions.
We are not compromising. Even at the expense of the entire human population (Which it would never come to. But the state will be happy to make you believe.)
Life without freedom is not worth living. Liberty is more valueable than life.
Those that believe differntly are free to enslave themselves to the promise of safety. Those that are patriots will continue to live free despite the consequences.
Everyone gets the government they deserve.
Things are starting to get interesting now. Once they creep it up to grocery stores and cut off food supply is when I predict things will get very spicy.
Some people have told me they will burn down stores and start beating security guards if it gets to that point. We'll see how it goes.
(Site Administrator)
When 'they come for you' as you would have us believe, you'll be on the front porch cutting your state-mandated smallpox vaccine scar with a penknife and trying to suck out the 'poison'...on principle. Absolutely pathetic. Hypocrite (hypocrites all).
(Short Spike)
where did you hear that?
Dont tell me you googled it.
did you hear it on the internet you poor sweet boy?
(Site Administrator)
We've cracked the 100 comments ceiling on this thread so it's hard to know exactly what you're referring to. Can you be more specific on who/what you mean? Thx.
(Old Spike)
You got yourself in a bit of a pickle here "Bobbob" - eventually your ego and economic incentives will demand that these posts of yours get more traction on the site, but you're not supposed to be Danman or MonkeyMania. We'll be watching as the mid-terms approach and you slowly morph into what we're more used to, at which point the sock accounts will come into play and your posts will suddenly be getting a lot of traction. We'll be watching to see if this is indeed the case. Take care now.
(Site Administrator)
Oh my god! You do! You have your dick out while you're typing this stuff don't you! ROTFL
(Old Spike)
Yes, yes, let's kindly get back to a discourse that's more authentic to who you truly are - isn't it kindly better this way?
(Long Spike)
Go take a gander at all these people having to ask others if they've had similar side effects, It's pretty bad.
(Old Spike)
love it. a home for hypochondriacs. its got people asking if the shot is responsible for making them depressed. panic attacks, a sneeze that sent a shockwave through a guys body
(Long Spike)
Bloodclots, tremors, bells palsy, lung annd heart complications, fatigue, memory issues, blackouts. Neuropathy, numbness, and paralysis from nerve damage... Yup, sounds like depressed hypocondriacs.
You really are a piece of shit, sal. Go outside and live a life instead of antagonizing people who "don't think the right way". What a fuckng loser.
(Old Spike)
its also got a link to a study that reviewed the vears for covid and found no significant associations between the vaccine and the cases people are reporting themselves
good find bud
(Short Spike)
How does big pharma asshole taste bro
(Old Spike)
well, if i was a consumer of big pharma i guess it would taste like freedom. freedom to chose what i want to feel, when i want to feel it. i could take a pill to get hard for hours, lather it up with some lidocain to make it numb and drink some cough syrup to make climaxing impossible. just for fun
(Site Administrator)
STOP giving him ideas, Sal!
(Site Administrator)
All of which have the same incidence in the unvaccinated group. Don't hold your breath, you'll give yourself an aneurysm and we'll have to change the warning label on your cannabis gummies.
(Site Administrator)
Right. And maybe listen to this Alberta doctor's letter to his intubated and unvaccinated patient, IF we're not so entrenched that we've stopped exchanging information. Just saw him interviewed on the CBC (Alberta) where things are now quite dire.
(Long Spike)
Shut the fuck up, shill.
(Site Administrator)
Sure thing, cuck.
(Old Spike)
here is another example of what you can find on
A few drops of blood after vaccine
Is a few drops of blood just after the vaccine common? The blood dropped after recieving the second dose but it did stop from flowing after a few seconds. There is some redness. Is it common?
(Old Spike)
MSM has been busted several times using paid crises actors as part of covid coverage. No I'm not referring to the fear mongering ads.
Maybe this guy is, maybe he isn't. But when they have resorted to that before, why should I believe anything they say?
When the treatment is worse than the disease, and when the consequences of patriotism are more appealing than the rules of enslavement I am more certain of my decisions daily.