Should be 5 stars across the board. As I suspected, as some people realize they have made a mistake they will get desperate for others to join them.
There are treatments. All you have to do is ask.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Everyone knows pharmacuetical companies only care about their customers, not the profits they are making.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Clearly anyone who downvoted this is working on pure feeling and emotions, not truth. Cant handle the truth.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Fake, all actors.
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Dude (Old Spike)
The first guy has no idea how the vaccine works,
this one guy called it the Delta variant, acctualy there is not one, there are many delta variants going around, but it seems he...doesn't know?
And they got the advise to get the shot if your immunity against the virus is linguering, you should also get it if you have no immunity at all then right<?
either way you are fucked, either you take the vaccine or you have to be taken to the hospital where if it gets out of hand you be but in a fuckin coma, happened to someone i know, could not talk when he woke up
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Can I shorten this for you?
"Pfizer employees - the kind of people being guided to determine and communicate public policy - are incompetent. We're all fucked."
The end.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What's sad is that it doesn't matter what information comes to like and how reliable it is and this stuff is as solid as it gets. The woke brigade has been so thoroughly programmed that they won't even look at the information. They've been taught that to even look at the information is blasphemy. There's no telling what it will take to get them to escape their conditioning.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
When it all backfires on them and makes their lives miserable. Which it will. Historically useful idiots are subjugated in short order. The regime appreciates their work along the journey, but sees them as disgusting and completely untrustworthy for selling out the bretheren.
They hate us too, but the difference is they respect and fear us. If they didn't, we would get zero censorship, and police wouldn't be deployed to stop our legitimate grievances.
Not that I care what trash like that thinks about me.
"When you are attacked, be proud and take heart that you are worthy of attack." - Robert Greene
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Dude (Old Spike)
''I dislike all groups, but love every individual'' - Kjell Wuyts
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I agree.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I don't know about that - the innovation here is the fine distillation and fusion of collectivism and fascism to form a perfect storm of shit. I think those who obey will be richly rewarded for some time - it will be years before their purpose is served and they are dispensed with.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The backfiring of the normal yet decieved citizen's is exclusive to the extermination of the useful idots. The good people will see through this as life gets worse. The useful idots will cling to the sinking ship while some will attempt to make a strategic jump to the other side far too late for retribution. The most loyal and instrumental (Like Klaus and Sorros if they live long enough.) will be punished severely for their failure right before the plan reaches it's final collapse.
Freedom is a natural tendency to humanity. It can never die completely. The globalist cult has to expend immense effort to unnaturally contain it, and as soon as they slip up it will spill forth from the container once again. It's already happening like a snowball effect.
It really is a matter of weathering the storm and not giving in. Whether it reaches combat or not is yet to be seen. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The part of me that Christ admonishes is very eager for combat.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
There is a time to seize the moment, there is a time for movement, and there is a time to wait. Warfare is mostly waiting, and then rapidly changing tactics when the time for waiting is over.
Right now the cabal is watching us as much as we are watching them. They are fixing their infrastructure and damage controlling the masses. Even when their infrastructure is complete, it still won't be enough. They want people to be demoralized and feel like they must spring to action.
Doing nothing and reaching others is the correct tactic at this time.
When they have had enough waiting, or when too many are awake they will initiate false flags in order to accuse patriots of crimes.
If gun grabs, door kicking, or neighborhood occupation takes place, that's when the action starts.
No matter what they choose, sooner or later they must send bodies in to carry out their will. They can't avoid it.
If neighborhood occupation happens without force, then you spend that time demoralizing their troops. Letting them know they arn't welcome on duty in the community, telling everything like it is, and sowing division amongst the troops, without being hostile or snide.
The longer they sit without action the more comfortable they become, the more time they have to think and consider their mission, the more they begin to question their officers, and the less ready they will be in response to whatever happens.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
They are filling empty school bus drivers with Nat Gaurds, I started a campaign to show the sheeple that it is not OK to have soldiers trained for combat/war to driving our kids around, its catching on but boy were the "you dont support our troops?" folks out in force. LOL
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
better to have someone that is professionally trained for combat/war driving the bus than someones that pretends they are
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Those who won't obey are being purged from workforces. Your Jew fantasy is closer than you think.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Parents should start teaching their children to make fun of them. Telling them they are doing bad things and following perverse orders.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Im assuming you looked their credentials before posting? If not.... type in their names into a thing called google. Took me 5 minutes or don't as it becomes quite embarressing once your done!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
No, it really doesn't when you realize that google serves the same paymasters as big pharma.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Chris Croce (the one who acutually sounds like he knows what hes talking about) seems to have his twitter account deleted. Still found on Googles cache though.
Account made in 2012 with the description "Scientist Vaccine Research and Development"
Who knows, maybe this was a long con to fool us all.
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Dude (Old Spike)
This puts me to thinking, he had nothing other to tweet then his work
And he likes it up the butt by parachutists aye? curiouser and curiouser..
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Got an IT guy and engineer ... Then we have this "Crotch" guy with not a single paper to his name.... Either way i have no quarrel with natural immunity other than it's temporary like the vaccine.
In other news: New mutation in norway seem to bypass everything! *laughs*
I digress, the gential guy.....he's trying to smash som puss!
(Old Spike)
Should be 5 stars across the board. As I suspected, as some people realize they have made a mistake they will get desperate for others to join them.
There are treatments. All you have to do is ask.
(Long Spike)
Everyone knows pharmacuetical companies only care about their customers, not the profits they are making.
(sounds retarded)
Clearly anyone who downvoted this is working on pure feeling and emotions, not truth. Cant handle the truth.
(Site Moderator)
Fake, all actors.
(Old Spike)
The first guy has no idea how the vaccine works,
this one guy called it the Delta variant, acctualy there is not one, there are many delta variants going around, but it seems he...doesn't know?
And they got the advise to get the shot if your immunity against the virus is linguering, you should also get it if you have no immunity at all then right<?
either way you are fucked, either you take the vaccine or you have to be taken to the hospital where if it gets out of hand you be but in a fuckin coma, happened to someone i know, could not talk when he woke up
(Old Spike)
Can I shorten this for you?
"Pfizer employees - the kind of people being guided to determine and communicate public policy - are incompetent. We're all fucked."
The end.
(Old Spike)
What's sad is that it doesn't matter what information comes to like and how reliable it is and this stuff is as solid as it gets. The woke brigade has been so thoroughly programmed that they won't even look at the information. They've been taught that to even look at the information is blasphemy. There's no telling what it will take to get them to escape their conditioning.
(Old Spike)
When it all backfires on them and makes their lives miserable. Which it will. Historically useful idiots are subjugated in short order. The regime appreciates their work along the journey, but sees them as disgusting and completely untrustworthy for selling out the bretheren.
They hate us too, but the difference is they respect and fear us. If they didn't, we would get zero censorship, and police wouldn't be deployed to stop our legitimate grievances.
Not that I care what trash like that thinks about me.
"When you are attacked, be proud and take heart that you are worthy of attack." - Robert Greene
(Old Spike)
''I dislike all groups, but love every individual'' - Kjell Wuyts
(Old Spike)
I agree.
(Old Spike)
I don't know about that - the innovation here is the fine distillation and fusion of collectivism and fascism to form a perfect storm of shit. I think those who obey will be richly rewarded for some time - it will be years before their purpose is served and they are dispensed with.
(Old Spike)
The backfiring of the normal yet decieved citizen's is exclusive to the extermination of the useful idots. The good people will see through this as life gets worse. The useful idots will cling to the sinking ship while some will attempt to make a strategic jump to the other side far too late for retribution. The most loyal and instrumental (Like Klaus and Sorros if they live long enough.) will be punished severely for their failure right before the plan reaches it's final collapse.
Freedom is a natural tendency to humanity. It can never die completely. The globalist cult has to expend immense effort to unnaturally contain it, and as soon as they slip up it will spill forth from the container once again. It's already happening like a snowball effect.
It really is a matter of weathering the storm and not giving in. Whether it reaches combat or not is yet to be seen. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.
(Old Spike)
The part of me that Christ admonishes is very eager for combat.
(Old Spike)
There is a time to seize the moment, there is a time for movement, and there is a time to wait. Warfare is mostly waiting, and then rapidly changing tactics when the time for waiting is over.
Right now the cabal is watching us as much as we are watching them. They are fixing their infrastructure and damage controlling the masses. Even when their infrastructure is complete, it still won't be enough. They want people to be demoralized and feel like they must spring to action.
Doing nothing and reaching others is the correct tactic at this time.
When they have had enough waiting, or when too many are awake they will initiate false flags in order to accuse patriots of crimes.
If gun grabs, door kicking, or neighborhood occupation takes place, that's when the action starts.
No matter what they choose, sooner or later they must send bodies in to carry out their will. They can't avoid it.
If neighborhood occupation happens without force, then you spend that time demoralizing their troops. Letting them know they arn't welcome on duty in the community, telling everything like it is, and sowing division amongst the troops, without being hostile or snide.
The longer they sit without action the more comfortable they become, the more time they have to think and consider their mission, the more they begin to question their officers, and the less ready they will be in response to whatever happens.
(sounds retarded)
They are filling empty school bus drivers with Nat Gaurds, I started a campaign to show the sheeple that it is not OK to have soldiers trained for combat/war to driving our kids around, its catching on but boy were the "you dont support our troops?" folks out in force. LOL
(Old Spike)
better to have someone that is professionally trained for combat/war driving the bus than someones that pretends they are
(Old Spike)
Those who won't obey are being purged from workforces. Your Jew fantasy is closer than you think.
(Old Spike)
Parents should start teaching their children to make fun of them. Telling them they are doing bad things and following perverse orders.
(Old Spike)
Im assuming you looked their credentials before posting? If not.... type in their names into a thing called google. Took me 5 minutes or don't as it becomes quite embarressing once your done!
(Old Spike)
No, it really doesn't when you realize that google serves the same paymasters as big pharma.
(Site Moderator)
Chris Croce (the one who acutually sounds like he knows what hes talking about) seems to have his twitter account deleted. Still found on Googles cache though.
Account made in 2012 with the description "Scientist Vaccine Research and Development"
Who knows, maybe this was a long con to fool us all.
(Old Spike)
This puts me to thinking, he had nothing other to tweet then his work
And he likes it up the butt by parachutists aye? curiouser and curiouser..
(Old Spike)
Got an IT guy and engineer ... Then we have this "Crotch" guy with not a single paper to his name.... Either way i have no quarrel with natural immunity other than it's temporary like the vaccine.
In other news: New mutation in norway seem to bypass everything! *laughs*
I digress, the gential guy.....he's trying to smash som puss!
(Old Spike)
OMG, like, I am like, like a scientist, right?