historical revisionism


sato's picture

alright so how about for the good of all, everyone is limited to owning no more than $1m in property and anyone with more has to sell it on the open market. that'd give housing freedom to lots of people currently struggling with homeless and poverty caused by high real estate prices. you on board? no? hmm suddenly freedom not so important anymore, eh?


his point is good but only holds true for objective solutions. masks don't do anything, vaccines are hit and miss, neither are black and white and thus his logic is flawed.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It couldn't be simpler: Use common sense!

Regardless of how efficient masks work is not the issue, the issue is they have a potential to limit the spread of the virus AND THEY DON'T  FUCKING HURT YOU WEARING THEM. So shut up and put up is a non fucking brainer.


It is irrelevant of whether one gets vaccinated or has regular covid tests, the issue is that one should prove that they pose little risk to others in a social environment until this shit is over. 


It is like the alt right doesn't want this to be over......

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