you should have read the study that the conspiracy site and you are referencing. its talks about the effectiveness of the vaccines even with pregnant women. it also states something about the deaths, something the site doesn't mention but i'm sure that doesn't matter to you since you're already resorting to sites like that
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You should acknowledge the context of the additional deaths and admit that only those who are afraid of their vulnerability to COVID be vaccinated and I would help you do that. But we both know you don't care about any of that - you don't care about the unvaccinated old, mortally ill and obese who are dying at an increased rate due to COVID. You care about using their deaths to compel obedience to nonsensical authoritarian government edicts, either because you are genuinely cognitively deficient or because you are fully aware of your active duplicity. We both know which of the two it is with you. So go fuck yourself.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Will a UK government report do? Infections seem to be higher.
the site he supplied used a uk government report. basically the same one you used, but yours is 5 weeks older. you're also doing the same thing. read the page before where you got that graph, at the bottom
when it comes to studies regarding covid, do you think those that have an anti-vaccination stance are more or less likely to participate?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I've read it. It's basically saying don't rely too much on the number because it's not what we would expect. Testing patterns and whatnot might differ. It goes against what you constantly hear on the media so of course, they need to counter that with something.
"when it comes to studies regarding covid, do you think those that have an anti-vaccination stance are more or less likely to participate?"
It's just data from testing. When you go for a test you become one data point wheter you want or not. Highly doubt you can choose to opt-out from the stats they are collecting.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
so what it basically says not to do is exactly what your doing. it also has a part in it that says people that choose to get tested are going to be more prevelant, probably somerthing to do with the fact that people who have anti-vaccines stances are less likely to get tested
did you only read it after i mentioned it?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
So you mean I shouldn't post official stats? I'm betting such scrutiny wouldn't be needed if the results were reversed.
But yeah, people who are more worried about covid will most likely get all the jabbs and possibly more likely to go for testing at the first sign of any symptoms.
OTOH vaccinated might be asymptomatic a lot of the time, so who know how many there are.
Those who don't care or aren't worried about it, get tested less and possibly have it without getting into the statistics. If they get sick enough, they most likely will go to the hospital get into the stats.
I read it earlier when the report was new, just becuse I was curious how they explained it.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
if you read it before, why did you start with " Will a UK government report do?". both of them are from the exact same agency. why do you think they went from posting that warning i told you about on the previous page of the graph to now posting that warning underneath the graph? you think its cause people that are anti-vaccines are more likely to skip past that kind of stuff and use the information for misinformation purposes?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I didn't even check the link lawngnome posted. I just read about you saying something about conspiracy sites so assumed it's just claims with no sources, as they ususally are.
"you think its cause people that are anti-vaccines are more likely to skip past that kind of stuff and use the information for misinformation purposes?"
Sure, might be.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
great. so why did you post this
instead of this
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Because the stats are the same even if we read it with extra caution.
I'm sure theres some wiggle room there, but the infection rate is more than double for 40-79 year olds in the vaccinated. Seem quite a big difference for it to be just a fluke or due to "testing patterns".
Bottom line. The vaccine seems to leak.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well, nothing in the report would lead anyone to believe that the vaccine leaks. if that was the case. in reality, these new variants would emerge from heavily vaccinated countries. the new one came from a place with less than 20% of the pop having both shots. delta was found in india in oct of 2020, vaccines came out for them in jan of 2021. so 0% of the pop was vaccinated. alpha and beta came out before vaccines
do you not see the infection rate for those under 18? its like 3x the rate of any other unvaxxed group and bigger than any of the vaxxed group. 40 is the median age of the uk, it makes sense for them to get tested because they're the most common age group you find in hospitals and jobs where you're going into peoples homes of 79 year olds. and like you said, people that are worried about it are more than likely to get tested
i like the other graphs in the report. it really emphasizes natural immunity
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"well, nothing in the report would lead anyone to believe that the vaccine leaks."
It's well know fact that there are breakthrough cases in the vaccinated. That's what a leaky vaccine means. And those who have breakthoughs have similar viral loads to the unvaccinated.
"if that was the case. in reality, these new variants would emerge from heavily vaccinated countries."
Leaky just means one can transmit it even if vaccinated. The concern is that these might spawn new variants, but it's not proven. As far as I know, it's almost impossible to pinpoint from who the first new variant came from.
"do you not see the infection rate for those under 18?"
I see it.
According to the graph you posted most will breeze through it and death rate seems to be zero in these stats.
I'm willing to bet most of the cases that needed hospital care were already compromised by being overweigh or due other comorbidities.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
every vaccine leaks. meaning it has breakthrough cases. what were not getting is any leaks meaning situations where vaccines are causing mutations which is something thats not proven but its still brought up which if it was true, we would be dealing variants of everything we've been vaccinated with since we were born. just about every other vaccine has a lower effective rate than the covid vaccines. did you know that some of them are only like 60-70 effective, one of them gives no guarantee of getting an immunity but neither does getting that virus
if you're willing to bet on something that specifically tells you not to try to intrepret the data because it has no data on the cases. i'm willing to bet that those that needed hospital care were already compromised by a three week, full contact kumate. they're the winners, deaths are comprised mostly of the losers
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The most common vaccines are more effective (less leaky) and immunity lasts way longer.
Also it's a totally different thing to vaccinate during a pandemic than it is to vaccinate to prevent a pandemic.
The virus never gets a foot in if it's a preventive measure.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
He'll always to check the narrative position of his ideology first, and then go to work on crafting his arguments and presenting his "evidence" for his position. He never approaches a subject with an open mind set on evaluating objectively and using critical thinking. He's always thinking "How does this agree or not agree with wokeism" and then he goes from there. Wokeism specifically rejects objectivity, empiricism, the scientific method, and nuance.
I'm glad you bother to take the time to interact because it provides a lot of material from which anyone who isn't possessed by the ideology can draw this conclusion, but I've come to realize that this guy is just very, very, very needy and that's the only reason why he's having this conversation with you. If all things were exactly set as he wants, and you two were having this conversation in person and in private, he'd by arranging to have you killed right now, for real. He'd be too much of a coward to do it himself - he would have told himself he'd be able to, but when faced with the actual moment he wouldn't be able to and would try to arrange someone else to do it. And it wouldn't be hard for him to make that happen if everything that's happening right now continues to proceed in his direction and ultimately resolves in his ideological favour.
(Long Spike)
Well, here is one from the UK that shows the Vaccinated are getting infected and croaking at a significantly higher amount.
(Old Spike)
you should have read the study that the conspiracy site and you are referencing. its talks about the effectiveness of the vaccines even with pregnant women. it also states something about the deaths, something the site doesn't mention but i'm sure that doesn't matter to you since you're already resorting to sites like that
(Old Spike)
You should acknowledge the context of the additional deaths and admit that only those who are afraid of their vulnerability to COVID be vaccinated and I would help you do that. But we both know you don't care about any of that - you don't care about the unvaccinated old, mortally ill and obese who are dying at an increased rate due to COVID. You care about using their deaths to compel obedience to nonsensical authoritarian government edicts, either because you are genuinely cognitively deficient or because you are fully aware of your active duplicity. We both know which of the two it is with you. So go fuck yourself.
(Site Moderator)
Will a UK government report do? Infections seem to be higher.
(Old Spike)
the site he supplied used a uk government report. basically the same one you used, but yours is 5 weeks older. you're also doing the same thing. read the page before where you got that graph, at the bottom
when it comes to studies regarding covid, do you think those that have an anti-vaccination stance are more or less likely to participate?
(Site Moderator)
I've read it. It's basically saying don't rely too much on the number because it's not what we would expect. Testing patterns and whatnot might differ. It goes against what you constantly hear on the media so of course, they need to counter that with something.
"when it comes to studies regarding covid, do you think those that have an anti-vaccination stance are more or less likely to participate?"
It's just data from testing. When you go for a test you become one data point wheter you want or not. Highly doubt you can choose to opt-out from the stats they are collecting.
(Old Spike)
so what it basically says not to do is exactly what your doing. it also has a part in it that says people that choose to get tested are going to be more prevelant, probably somerthing to do with the fact that people who have anti-vaccines stances are less likely to get tested
did you only read it after i mentioned it?
(Site Moderator)
So you mean I shouldn't post official stats? I'm betting such scrutiny wouldn't be needed if the results were reversed.
But yeah, people who are more worried about covid will most likely get all the jabbs and possibly more likely to go for testing at the first sign of any symptoms.
OTOH vaccinated might be asymptomatic a lot of the time, so who know how many there are.
Those who don't care or aren't worried about it, get tested less and possibly have it without getting into the statistics. If they get sick enough, they most likely will go to the hospital get into the stats.
I read it earlier when the report was new, just becuse I was curious how they explained it.
(Old Spike)
if you read it before, why did you start with " Will a UK government report do?". both of them are from the exact same agency. why do you think they went from posting that warning i told you about on the previous page of the graph to now posting that warning underneath the graph? you think its cause people that are anti-vaccines are more likely to skip past that kind of stuff and use the information for misinformation purposes?
(Site Moderator)
I didn't even check the link lawngnome posted. I just read about you saying something about conspiracy sites so assumed it's just claims with no sources, as they ususally are.
"you think its cause people that are anti-vaccines are more likely to skip past that kind of stuff and use the information for misinformation purposes?"
Sure, might be.
(Old Spike)
great. so why did you post this
instead of this
(Site Moderator)
Because the stats are the same even if we read it with extra caution.
I'm sure theres some wiggle room there, but the infection rate is more than double for 40-79 year olds in the vaccinated. Seem quite a big difference for it to be just a fluke or due to "testing patterns".
Bottom line. The vaccine seems to leak.
(Old Spike)
well, nothing in the report would lead anyone to believe that the vaccine leaks. if that was the case. in reality, these new variants would emerge from heavily vaccinated countries. the new one came from a place with less than 20% of the pop having both shots. delta was found in india in oct of 2020, vaccines came out for them in jan of 2021. so 0% of the pop was vaccinated. alpha and beta came out before vaccines
do you not see the infection rate for those under 18? its like 3x the rate of any other unvaxxed group and bigger than any of the vaxxed group. 40 is the median age of the uk, it makes sense for them to get tested because they're the most common age group you find in hospitals and jobs where you're going into peoples homes of 79 year olds. and like you said, people that are worried about it are more than likely to get tested
i like the other graphs in the report. it really emphasizes natural immunity
(Site Moderator)
"well, nothing in the report would lead anyone to believe that the vaccine leaks."
It's well know fact that there are breakthrough cases in the vaccinated. That's what a leaky vaccine means. And those who have breakthoughs have similar viral loads to the unvaccinated.
"if that was the case. in reality, these new variants would emerge from heavily vaccinated countries."
Leaky just means one can transmit it even if vaccinated. The concern is that these might spawn new variants, but it's not proven. As far as I know, it's almost impossible to pinpoint from who the first new variant came from.
"do you not see the infection rate for those under 18?"
I see it.
According to the graph you posted most will breeze through it and death rate seems to be zero in these stats.
I'm willing to bet most of the cases that needed hospital care were already compromised by being overweigh or due other comorbidities.
(Old Spike)
every vaccine leaks. meaning it has breakthrough cases. what were not getting is any leaks meaning situations where vaccines are causing mutations which is something thats not proven but its still brought up which if it was true, we would be dealing variants of everything we've been vaccinated with since we were born. just about every other vaccine has a lower effective rate than the covid vaccines. did you know that some of them are only like 60-70 effective, one of them gives no guarantee of getting an immunity but neither does getting that virus
if you're willing to bet on something that specifically tells you not to try to intrepret the data because it has no data on the cases. i'm willing to bet that those that needed hospital care were already compromised by a three week, full contact kumate. they're the winners, deaths are comprised mostly of the losers
(Site Moderator)
The most common vaccines are more effective (less leaky) and immunity lasts way longer.
Also it's a totally different thing to vaccinate during a pandemic than it is to vaccinate to prevent a pandemic.
The virus never gets a foot in if it's a preventive measure.
(Old Spike)
He'll always to check the narrative position of his ideology first, and then go to work on crafting his arguments and presenting his "evidence" for his position. He never approaches a subject with an open mind set on evaluating objectively and using critical thinking. He's always thinking "How does this agree or not agree with wokeism" and then he goes from there. Wokeism specifically rejects objectivity, empiricism, the scientific method, and nuance.
I'm glad you bother to take the time to interact because it provides a lot of material from which anyone who isn't possessed by the ideology can draw this conclusion, but I've come to realize that this guy is just very, very, very needy and that's the only reason why he's having this conversation with you. If all things were exactly set as he wants, and you two were having this conversation in person and in private, he'd by arranging to have you killed right now, for real. He'd be too much of a coward to do it himself - he would have told himself he'd be able to, but when faced with the actual moment he wouldn't be able to and would try to arrange someone else to do it. And it wouldn't be hard for him to make that happen if everything that's happening right now continues to proceed in his direction and ultimately resolves in his ideological favour.