Fascist Gov Agencies Target Specific YouTube Vids


stokkebye's picture

Good luck filing FOIL request! All just straight up deny you records, most charge excessive fees and ignore request for appeal. I received an acknowledgment email 3 YEARS after I filed one! I scored on one recently, at least I think, took about 6 months, had to appeal, the crooked agent in charge of the entire east coast for the USDA FOIL division was using a made up PDF fee schedule, wanted like $800 for something that should have cost about $50, I spent months going back and forth with him, reading and copy and pasting federal statutes and in the end it went to appeal and they said i was right, they will grant me a fee waiver for the fuck up and made the records go to the date they fulfill the request, which could be $1000's and $1000's, BUT they have a backlog going back to 2018. LOL. I've been doing this for about 5-6 yrs, went up against State AG's and demolished them, you have to know how to word those request like an attorney, you have to cover your rear and your future rear and leave no wiggle room. I might be getting a law changed in Maine regarding open records, the State AG wants to use my email to convince the legislators to change the wording of a statute. A few years ago I started helping out the youtubers doing those first A videos, I've filed records request all over this country.   

Oh and my town started fucking with me about codes violations, because of the fencing around my garden, had a feeling a neighbor was complaining, so I filed records request, havent heard from the codes guy since, been about a 1 and a half now.

End Rant...

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