Why force Vaccination when it doesnt work. Ron Paul Report "If Vaccine Don't stop the spread. Then How can the Vaccine Stop the spread?"


KarlJohanson's picture

The vaccine reduces but doesn't eliminate your chances of infection. If you do catch COVID19 your chances of dying or having other severe reactions are lower if you're vaccinated. 


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stokkebye's picture

That is a great excuse.

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skeptoid's picture

So if those things are important to you, you should get vaccinated. Otherwise, ?

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Pdub's picture

I wonder if the vaccine is just a slow-release symptom reliever.  I remember them talking about how a cytokite storm was causing blood clots in the lungs resulting in patients dying, and it was due to an immune response to the virus.  If the virus isn't actually deadly to the majority of the healthy public, except for patients with comorbidities, than it's possible that this giant symptom reliever is allowing the virus to use the body as a host for reproduction and evolution/mutation, hence the outbreaks among the vaccinated.

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stokkebye's picture

In the early days of the ourbreak it was known that it was the viral load that cuased the immune system to overload, those that got the virus from contact surfaces were fine, those that got a massive load from someone coughing directly in their face were sure to have problems. It is natural for a virus to mutate to a less lethal strain as it just wants to replicate, it doesnt want to kill. Chances are we just prolonged the OG strain artificially. 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Thats not how it works for those with a certain genetic profile.... dicovered this back in early 2020. We have the genetic marker that gives baaaaaaad covid as us in immune response. 

They be dead now though, can't vaccinate that shit afaik

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

“To question fauci is to question science “

In reality...to question science is to do science. 

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