And Tim has a guest on who is exactly the kind of person this movie is mocking - it's hilarious and impressive to see Tim and Luke's patience and control. It's also hilarious to see how people choose to interpret the film - we know Leo's interpretation. You wokeists live in a bubble so you don't understand that the film makes many of the points people like Tim, and breaking points, and Gabbard, and Darkhorse and I have been making to you for years now.
(7 votes)
(sounds retarded)
Yeah, I just watched it this morning. The left did try to get ahead of this and make it all about about Trump and the right but they are too stupid to figure out the president is literally Hillary fucking Clinton. Yes it pokes fun at Trump. It pokes fun at everyone, the establishment, the media, the left and the right. The guy who wrote it said he finished writing it before the Chinavirus, 2018-19. The guy is a activist about global warming and I think that is what it was referencing, if anything, besides the obvious, a meteor. It was a good movie for what it was, just have fun with it, but it is a Hollywood movie. It is a commentary on our society.
(Old Spike)
Oh look, you found someone who could expain it to you.
(sounds retarded)
Oh look! Its the loser showing up again. You really are just pathetic. I would pity you but you are just toxic and need to be shooed away. Shoo, go away troll. Go back under your bridge and bath in your misery by yourself, all alone.
(Old Spike)
Come on Clifford, you can do "better" than that!
(Old Spike)
You don't seem to understand that having a small group of your family follow you around a comment section up voting your comments and down-rating video posts and comments from people who disagree with you makes you look just like you're really insecure about your own intellect and very needy. Or is that what you're trying to project?
(Old Spike)
Wouldn't you like that somehow to be true now? Let me clue you in: Not everyone is as desperate for attention and deluded as you are, hun.
(Old Spike)
Aren't all you comrades family in the end? It doesn't matter if they're family or friends or dedicated members of some local chapter of the wokeist Justice Union it just makes you look terribly insecure and needy. You don't seem to get that.
Just like you don't seem to get that Tim pool doesn't explain the movie he simply describes what happens in the movie and it's hilarious how well it mirrors the experience of people like him and all of the anti-establishment and anti elite truth tellers out there trying to minimize the damage these idiots do despite rubes like you out there doing whatever you can to make it as difficult as possible. Tim Pool's audience doesn't need Tim to explain things to him. You're the one who apparently sits at home and waits for some bureaucrat to explain to you what's going on and what you should think about it and what you should do about it. When people like the people showcased in this movie try to warn you that a crisis or a problem is being exploited to further harm you you mock them as instructed by the shallow and fraudulent media just as depicted in this film. As oblivious as you are I don't think all of that went entirely over your head.
(Old Spike)
What I would like to know is if you first watched the movie and then had tim explain it to you or vice versa.
(Old Spike)
If all you want to do is be a clown, which you really are ramping up around this movie (self-conscious), be a clown. The irony of the film is that it was written before COVID, probably with climate change as the intended proxy, but it actually maps more neatly and directly onto COVID, don't you think? The maniacal billionaire maps onto Gates more cleanly than he maps onto Musk, the plan to exploit the comet rather than deflect it maps onto the new vaccine tech and authoritarian rollout to exploit COVID - it's amazing. A small cadre of sociopathic, fascist elite exploiting a crisis for profit instead of mitigating the crisis responsibly. Now, here's the question - did you see all of that and come running out here to get ahead of it or did someone have to point all of that out to you?
(Old Spike)
This is not a reply to what I asked.