"Stupid son of a bitch"


stokkebye's picture

I dont like how they push out reporters like that. I mean, I get it, they are useful idiots and all, but it just looks disrespectful. At least Trump took them on as a challenge, this admin just kicks them to curb whenever they feel like it. Imagine going to a city council meeting and as soon as the public speaking part was over they had cops come in and shoo you off yelling at you to leave now. People would go ape shit. These fuckers think they are royalty and everyone else are just peasants covered in shit and that is the optics of it.


During Occupy in my city they tried all sorts of shit to get us to leave, as we started going to the city council meetings, every time I'd sit my ass down in that chair and refused to budge when the council tried to get their cops to push us out. The cops would beg me to leave but I just sat there, others joined in when they saw I wasnt budging. The council would go into executive meeting and shut the whole place down to get us to leave. These reporters need to stand up for themselves, for us. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"At least Trump took them on as a challenge......"


wtf are you talking about? Do you live in an alternate universe where alternative facts are actually correct?

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stokkebye's picture

Trump took questions from reporters every chance he got, he loved it. biden shoos them away and is very selective with the questions and reporters he choses. Its been documented many times that he has pre-selected lists of reporters and the questions they are going to ask him. Trump went off the cuff and seemed to enjoy it. What the fuck are YOU going on about?

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Boomshackalacka's picture

How long have you lived in your alternate dimension of bullshit?

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skeptoid's picture

It's weird how they deny even obvious, clear, not at all disputed elements of reality. We had four years of a President who relished detailed, combative Q&A sessions with the press more than just about any other part of his job. It was an integral part of his marketing strategy - how he appealed to his base - to the point where many of his own allies became impatient with his tendency to say something when saying nothing would have been wiser.


And you actually sit there and try to gaslight us all that none of that happened. And there's no contrasting comparison point to Biden here. At all - what are you talking about? What universe are you....LMAO holy shit you guys have become the EMBODIMENT of comedy gold. Keep it coming.


Trump took questions when he shouldn't have, and engaged when he shouldn't have. Because it was all he seemed to want to do. Biden avoids questions from the press like a pedestrian with an empty cup in Australia avoids the police.

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daftcunt's picture
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stokkebye's picture

LOL  you are really stupid. You just proved my point. Trump loved it, Biden shoos them away. What a MORON you are. Trump would have called that reporter to "stop" and he would have addressed him personally and made sure the mic was on! Biden is just retarded and has his handlers shoo the reporters out of the room.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is how you see someone taking sbd on "as a challenge"? Figures.

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skeptoid's picture

I thought Biden was being sarcastic when he said inflation is "An asset." He was serious? They are actually actively trying to starve people? Holy shit man - WTF is wrong with this administration?


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