Dr Joseph J. Rogan on the spotify shitstorm


jdt73's picture

Joe conceeded an inch to the haters.

BIG mistake!

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Not at all. Acknowledging them is an excellent strategy and will take the wind out of many of their sails. He's also going on record thanking the folks at Spotify, so even if this is a corporate-initiated damage control effort, we can still appreciate what comes off as a sincere desire to do better and show both sides of an argument closer together in time (as he's quite correct in pointing out that he had Sanjay Gupta MD on previously).

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danman's picture

Dog bless Dr. Joseph J Rogan

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lawngnome's picture

Open dialogue and personal opinions are illegal.


And what is really funny and ironic, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell were famous in their day for going against the establishment/ being counter culture. Now they are siding with the authoriarian narrative and trying to silence free speech.





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danman's picture
daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Quite a few claims of his guests have been debunked by real scientists producing studies that are peer reviewed by other real scientists. 


Has he actually ever invited someone competent and up to date on the topic?

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danman's picture

yeah he mentioned in the video above a couple that he's had on incl the CNN Gupta guy

but I think his show is at least 70% hacky edgelord stuff compared to 30% mainstream accepted stuff on COVID overall, very roughly speaking.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

It was a mistake using the CNN guy, given vaccine hesitants are distrustful of media. It should have been a virologist, preferably a prof from one of the larger teaching hospitals who would have the necessary communication skills... It shouldn't have been too hard to find one. Hopefully that's something Rogan provides going forward, but there aren't big ratings in stating the boring old truth.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just look at all the deluded twats on here, they think whoever is not of their opinion is "in on it". It doesn't matter who says something, it matters what they say. Even if trump would have promoted it they would still have disregarded it (but out of some reason still voted for him).

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Actually, weren't Alex Jones et al. accusing Trump of betraying the cause when he said 'the vaccines are good', a month or two ago? They were livid.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

possibly, probably actually, but as I said the tards will "forgive" and then forget this quite quickly.

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