gofundme cancels the hillbilly convoy

sal9000's picture

Go Fund Ne is crooked. Go show your anger to Go Fund Me

they canceled the gofundme for canberra australia convoy too, yesterday the organizer got caught with a rifle or something




probably something to do with the fact that the money is pretty much just going to people antagonizing a neighborhood

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stokkebye's picture

I dont know why people are still using gofundme. They are left wing corporate govt aligned. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You really deserve your subtitle and you make this clear every single fucking day onhere, and probably irl too, Clifford!


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Idiots post: "Govt trying to steal Gofundme money for Freedom Convoy truckers"


Reality check:

  1. gofundme froze assets whilst checking conformity to terms of use
  2. found that use was not in line with terms
  3. REFUNDED donors
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stokkebye's picture

Didnt seem to stop them with BLM or antifa or any of those autonomous zones. Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down bitch!

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danman's picture

what happened to that reporter dragged away video

I saw your comment & was just gonna say "well I can calm down now & breath" or something lol

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stokkebye's picture

I read comments of people interpreting what was being said. Something like "cant stand here, move along" and the reporter, who spoke Chinese, ignored him. And the reporter finished later on. Not what I initially thought it was, but of course was not reported as such.


I am willing to take in new information and change my mind on things, unlike Dumbcunt and Sal.

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danman's picture

nice 1, for keeping an open mind. The video's gone viral & lots of "journalists" are reporting on it but leaving out the translation & even turning comments off, on youtube. Some people are trying to correct the misunderstanding & as usual being accused of witchcraft lol...eg.



I don't know why westerners hold "journalists" in such high regard, most are ladder climbing punk bitches who feed us lies consistently either for $$ or for some political agenda. There are so few decent ones & none are in the mainstream press.


We have them on a pedestal but (rightly) don't even trust them smh

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stokkebye's picture

Its supposed to be connected to freedom of press, a way to hold government accountable. Here in the USA freedom of press covers everyone, that is why we can record government. Government tries to limit that right by trying to narrow the definition of "press" to a corporate sponsored journalist. Now there is not much of a line anymore between media and govt. I've read SCOTUS decisions and heard there arguments, anyone who disseminates information to the public IS covered under freedom of press. So an attack on a journalist or journalism is an attack on all. 

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danman's picture

yeah I get that we are supposed to have a 4th estate & all that. Our capitalist liberal democratic system requires the press to look out for our interests because the capitalists who sit above the govt will eat us for breakfast otherwise. Unfortunately journalism is taking a tumble for a number of reasons. All the years of deception from media & govt have built up or something. Now we don't trust either.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Getting all fired up again, Clifford? Do you need venting, Clifford? 

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Bunch of bitch ass Karen’s ! 

oh the honking... oh the truckers .. wearing black face is fine ... not provided clean drinking water to indigenous for 5 years not bad , truckers bad 


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