Canadian protester mowed down by SUV


stokkebye's picture

Of course no news coverage. 

News editor fired for airing doctored video of Trump speech; media silent

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danman's picture

it would be terrible PR for those who want these protests to go away, which seems like all Canadian broadcasters from what I've seen. Having a martyr can make quite a difference to a cause.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if you have the intellegence of a speed bump, are you not a speed bump?

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skeptoid's picture

I think you'll be able to answer this question directly pretty soon, friend.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Can't see shit, is there another angle somewhere?

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danman's picture

not that I could find

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I don't get why this hasn't been dissolved already. Everyone has the right to protest but this also has to stop at one point or another, especially when it appears to be affecting the lives of the locals. 

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danman's picture

The response has been quite half-assed from what I've seen. The immediate response from govt & media was terrible - obv trying to marginalize & criminalize them. Now they're gonna use cops & feds to fear monger, without politicians fronting up or taking the heat. They don't have a lot of options if they want to stick to their covid control plan - they can't convince these people that mandates are for their own good. They could negotiate & look for compromise but they don't seem keen to do that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Let me guess french Canada?


I don't think a vax mandate is the way forward anyway, prioritisation of emergency and ICU treatment is. As far as the truckers are concerned, do they have to be vaccinated to enter the US?

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danman's picture

sorry I don't know the details of Canada's pandemic measures or border stuff. I don't know exactly where these protests are either, other than in Ottowa. Yeah, mandates are going too far. They don't even do that in China. They're a sloppy way to motivate people to get vaxxed in place of people trusting the advice of authorities.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is not motivating it is punishing. This started in Austria now, aaaaaaaaaand, of course by the leftist marxist CONSERVATIVE government, lmfao!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so china doesn't do mandates but they got 3-4 million people in lock down and olympic athletes that test positive are quarentined, but china doesn't do mandates

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danman's picture

yea no vaccine mandates but encouragement & some coercion is used when needed ... once vaxxed target is reached it's life as normal. They have dynamic zero-covid policy & it's pretty refined - they'll lockdown an area as soon as they find a case & test everyone there within about 24 hours, then chase it down if needed til it's gone. Then once no more communal spread people spend 10 additional days in self-isolation before going back to normal. In normal time there's no mandate & no vaccine requirement to do shit. That's what I mean by "no mandate" - during regular time you can be unvaxxed & still do normal stuff without being impeded. IE no vaccine mandate.


according to this, Canada has more stringent COVID rules than China. Seems a little wonky though because according to the table of data you're just behind them (5th & 7th place)... the discrepency could be due to the Dec-Jan wave they had with about 5 provinces experiencing outbreaks at same time by end of Jan (map data) most had been squished in China. I've lost track of which provinces there have an outbreak, think it's just 1 now.


> olympic athletes that test positive are quarentined

yeah, lots of countries make people self-isolate/quarantine when they test positive. We're in a pandemic. Should the covid+ athletes be allowed to mingle with the others?


oh yeah, they did have a vax mandate in China but dropped it within the first couple months in early 2021.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

last year china required vaccination to enter. can't see that they've changed it so is that not a vaccinate mandate?


when we're not in a pandemic, none of us have mandates


maybe the reason canada has more stringent covid rules than china is that canada puts a higher value on life

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danman's picture

yeah vaccine to enter & 2 negative tests within 3 days before flight I think. Those are entry conditions, not rules for residents.


> maybe the reason canada has more stringent covid rules than china is that canada puts a higher value on life

that would just amplify canada's incompetence

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

yeah vaccine to enter I think. Those are entry conditions, not conditions for the citizens living there.

yeah vaccine to enter & 2 negative tests within 3 days before flight I think. Those are entry conditions, not conditions for the citizens living there.

yeah vaccine to enter & 2 negative tests within 3 days before flight I think. Those are entry conditions, not rules for residents. i wringed you out like a dish towel


dude, i said we had a higher value of life, i didn't say we were smarter. look the people here who follow tim pool, jordan peterson, brett weinstain, dr malone. 2 or 3 of them are canadian. without mandates, we'll be like florida

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danman's picture

> i said we had a higher value of life

based on what?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

off the top of my mind, our lack of forced labour, child labour. working conditions, our healthcare is probably better, taking a guess that our welfare system is probably better. i think in overall,  it's harder for an idiot to die in canada then it is in china

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danman's picture

no, no, yes, yes, yes

canada's developed country, china's a developing country & improving at breakneck speed

let's compare once canada & china are both developed countries with similar gdp/cap

none of this has anything to do with the thread but whatever, you can feel 3/5 good about your country, I'll allow it.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

dude, this convo is over. you deleted stokkebye's comment and yours after mutliple edits. we were talking about china's mandates which they obviously have, instead of taking it, you brought up canada's, you have the inability to deal with negative things about china. take some time to get over that shit cause if you want to go back to how it was, i'm that guy

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danman's picture

yeah this convo is over & no there aren't vax mandates in china

if you're gonna butt into a conversation try & figure out what's being said.. and stay on topic ffs

i'll delete my comments & make edits to them as I see fit & you can just cope

i've not touched anyone elses & your false accusing ass can suck a D


edit: a fat D

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


i still have the browser page open

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danman's picture

well if I did delete that it was an accident - I'm working, watching olympics & wasting time here so that's my bad for being sloppy but shouldn't normally happen. this thread became a mess once you chimed in so who even cares. stok swung by & roasted you & you're complaining that it's gone...


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danman's picture

here ya go.. feel better now?

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stokkebye's picture

Hey man, not cool! Dont abuse your admin privs. We all can disagree and bust on each other, no need to bring censorship on here. We got enough censorship out there as is, keep spiked free and open. Free exchange of thoughts and ideas is the only way forward. You want to make change, change people's minds, get a good argument, otherwise your argument is weak sauce if you censor. Pussies censor, people with bad or no arguments censor. Snowflakes need safe spaces and censorship.   

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danman's picture

yeah, yeah, it was just a sloppy mistake (my bad) not c-c-c-censorship.

had 10 windows open & watching Eileen Gu stick her last big air to take the gold >: )


dw your hot takes will be saved here for eternity so when you're much older you can cringe at them ... so long as nakey can keep this site alive.

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stokkebye's picture

I dont look to my past for reassurance in my present or for guidance of my future. Some here chose to scrub comment history to use it like a woman in a debate, in a "gotchya" moment. I dont even care you delete old comments, I would be fine if people could do that, peoples minds can be changed and I respect that. I just dont like someone deleting other peoples comments because they were offended or dont like the comment. We all see thigns differently and thats OK, we all need different perspectives, even if we dont agree. The world would be a shitty place if we all thought the same way.

Anyways, Mistakes happen :) 

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danman's picture

i wasn't aware that there was comment scrubbing going on

i deleted like 3 comments back a few years ago - 2 were attempts to doxx me & the other 1 because it was spam & disinfo which I thought the site would be better off without but had underestimate the magnitude of cunty crybaby antics people can sink to. Your one makes 4, it's back now tho thanks to Inspector Sal. My bad for falsely accusing sal of falsely accusing me too. Funny he'd rather have a comment roasting him on here than say nothing but he is a Canadian lib, probly gets off on it :p

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Hmmm i have not been following this, what are they acctualy protesting for? or against what?

seriously i dont know

It is like shopping with a kid that had no upbringing, laying on the floor of the store yelling, because the mother wont buy him candy.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

They are protesting against a vax mandate, which has been forced onto them by the american government but blame their own just because.....

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