Disowned for Going to Ottawa?!

sal9000's picture

Disowned for Going to Ottawa?! TheFringe #shorts

this was from 5 days ago. her mom has stage 4 cancer. the next day, her voice sounded a bit rought. the day after she said she had a cold "they still happen". 2 days later, she's not sure when she can head back to ottawa since she doesn't know whats going on with her lungs. her mom has stage 4 cancer

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lawngnome's picture

I'm sure she's glad that you are keeping track of her health...

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Nice crisis acting , psy op propaganda .

all your moms are pro trucker at this point . 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

The mother has no internet presence at all! Suspicious :D

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skeptoid's picture

So many Canadians from all over the country have converged on Ottawa. I'm meeting so many people from across this great land. They'll never be able to put forward the fake media crap again now that millions of Canadians have seen that millions of Canadians think just the way they do and what's been represented to them on the television has been a false reality.

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