Weekly Image Gallery 10/14/2017


fozx's picture

Top stuff, as always!

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Benign Individual's picture

Can you start using imgur instead of photobucket? photobucket is pretty terrible

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Violetninja420's picture
Beta Tester

My photobucket subscription renewal is in 3 months. After the shit they've been pulling lately, there's no chance I'll be paying those useless twats anymore money. Just bear with me till January and I'll switch it over to literally any other hosting site.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

That #31. I laughed. Good thing nobody is dumb enough to take it seriously right?

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wtd's picture

i think people really are. it's sad. that whole statistic is wrong, not sure wehre they get that from. heart disease is #1 killer at just over 600,000 people a year. 


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PizzaBoi's picture

(Thru June 15) so double that and you get the yearly.

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

I didn't take the photos, nor do I know the person who did, but those beautiful fall pictures are of my home town.

#1 from last weeks gallery is the street I grew up on and #103 this week is the street parallel to it.

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Mori's picture

I keep waiting for that 4 stars gallery to break the monotony of the 5 stars one's but it never comes :(

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