I'll hold my breath waiting for someone to question the authenticity of the CCP's media
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i also do birthday parties
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Dude (Old Spike)
He has the power to change his comments at any time, noticed that before,
look at how he quickly buries this video by posting another one
Look at the timestamps of his posting, he gets payed per submission he is litteraly spamming this site, and getting no sleep.
''Could only edit post this after ajax error''
Now i get nothing but errors, when i edit, this site is going to hell
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danman (Site Administrator)
how do you know there's not more than one of us or that we're even human?
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Dude (Old Spike)
CCP is not organized enough to put 2 ppl on this small site
do you think you are human? you have no opinion other then what the manufacturer tells you what is right, i don't think you believe any of it, but you are in to deep to quit. you receive money and the truth can not leak out, you are scared of the ppl giving you money, happy and scared at the same time.
What would happen when you quit?
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danman (Site Administrator)
what's "CCP"?
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Dude (Old Spike)
The ones that give you money to finance this website, and post propaganda, Flynn is not going to boot you as long as you pay, correct? I have seen ppl getting kicked for far less.
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danman (Site Administrator)
The ones?
Do you know any of the ones names?
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Dude (Old Spike)
when you are behaving like this you are trying to be manipulative and condescending, it just shows i am right in the bulls eye, you don't see it, most ppl here do.
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danman (Site Administrator)
most people are on your side, got it.
but who are the ones?
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Dude (Old Spike)
I got you right where i want you now, don't burst into tears hu
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danman (Site Administrator)
so who's manipulating who here, I'm having trouble keeping up.
I have to ask again, who are The Ones?
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Dude (Old Spike)
I cen not forro convelsation at arr, confuused ay aam
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
ajax errors only show up when you're in conversations with dan. its something to do with his edits. i don't know the specifics but it's like it checks what your posting to whats currently hosted on the site. some times you got to open a new tab before you can post the comment
dan's a very petty person, he edits his videos for views, he edits his comment after they've been replied to. he downvotes an upvote. he doesn't get the nuances of the site
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danman (Site Administrator)
sal9000, last week you said a major financial crash was immenent in Russia, do you stick by this prediction or nah?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
no, i said the russian stock market was going to crash and putting it off was giving the rest of the world time to protect themselves from it. 80% of all the stocks listed on the russian stock exchange are owned by foreginers, who still can't sell them off because of restriction.
i've also said seperatly that the russian economy is collapsing and the longer they continue, the worse it will get. its been a month, projected to have shrunk by 10%. i also put up videos and mentioned that it took two years from the first chechen war to the 98 collapse
so, if i said what you say i said, can you quote me?
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danman (Site Administrator)
"if russia wants to buy products from china, its going to cost them close to a third more right now. its problem and its only going to get worse for them"
- 21 March
shown below is ruble-usd rate for 21st March, ruble was worth $0.93
it's not "gotten worse"
before you wriggle around saying "that's not what I said", you clearly fucking said that the value of the ruble was going to keep going down. Just look at the 2 sentences you wrote - don't act dumb & try not to be a sleazeball for once in your life.
Man up & take the L, you'll be an even bigger loser if you argue about what you said.
Alternatively, give a new prediction & preferably some kind of timeframe for when you think the ruble's gonna drop. I'll bookmark it & remind you later, will tell you you're wrong if I think you are, as I did last time when you were gloating about what Biden was gonna do to Russia's economy.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you think what i says implies crash over night of everything. you fail to realize even after i've said it that countries can manipulate the value of their dollar by buying their own and selling others. increasing the interest rate. what you see isn't the market acting natural. there is no market intersting in buying rubles to account for it other than a country taking action to stabilize the exchange and i say that knowing you don't understand what i'm saying
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danman (Site Administrator)
I understand what you're saying
you're too pussy to make a prediction or even admit that you got it wrong
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i've said it multiple times. you're still an admin. poll the site
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danman (Site Administrator)
you gloated over what Biden was gonna do to Russia's economy & now you know it's not happening, can't admit it and are just backpeddling with obfuscation everytime you're called on it
what a pussy
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danman (Site Administrator)
obviously you were predicting the ruble was gonna slide
just admit it
acting like you didn't make a prediction or it's complicated shows what a gutless wonder you are
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"or give a timeframe - by end of 2022 or nah?
can you even manage that??
or you gonna make new prediction?"
predicting would be saying it before it happened. when i said it, it was almost a month after it started. i'm explaining why its happening, your trying deny its even happening under the pretense of ignorance on the subject
i've explained inflation, stock exchange, currency exchange manipulation and the consequences of the sanctions. those are certainties, not opinions. a shrinking economy means less the next year. they lost 10% gdp in a month. are they going to bomb another childrens hospital next week? are they're more sanctions next week? do they invade maldova? a lot of things can happen to expediate a time frame. i can't give you a date because i don't know how long its citizens are willing to live in austere conditions among other factors but none of them distract from the fact that russia economy is collapsing(in progress). could take 6 years, it could happen in a year. its happening and we get to see it live
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danman (Site Administrator)
ok so you refuse to admit you fucked up & now you're trying to give yourself 6 years without even limiting it to that. How ridiculous to say 6 years from now that this assault on Russia's economy will still be working to collapse it. What a joke.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
I'll hold my breath waiting for someone to question the authenticity of the CCP's media
(Old Spike)
i also do birthday parties
(Old Spike)
He has the power to change his comments at any time, noticed that before,
look at how he quickly buries this video by posting another one
Look at the timestamps of his posting, he gets payed per submission he is litteraly spamming this site, and getting no sleep.
''Could only edit post this after ajax error''
Now i get nothing but errors, when i edit, this site is going to hell
(Site Administrator)
how do you know there's not more than one of us or that we're even human?
(Old Spike)
CCP is not organized enough to put 2 ppl on this small site
do you think you are human? you have no opinion other then what the manufacturer tells you what is right, i don't think you believe any of it, but you are in to deep to quit. you receive money and the truth can not leak out, you are scared of the ppl giving you money, happy and scared at the same time.
What would happen when you quit?
(Site Administrator)
what's "CCP"?
(Old Spike)
The ones that give you money to finance this website, and post propaganda, Flynn is not going to boot you as long as you pay, correct? I have seen ppl getting kicked for far less.
(Site Administrator)
The ones?
Do you know any of the ones names?
(Old Spike)
when you are behaving like this you are trying to be manipulative and condescending, it just shows i am right in the bulls eye, you don't see it, most ppl here do.
(Site Administrator)
most people are on your side, got it.
but who are the ones?
(Old Spike)
I got you right where i want you now, don't burst into tears hu
(Site Administrator)
so who's manipulating who here, I'm having trouble keeping up.
I have to ask again, who are The Ones?
(Old Spike)
I cen not forro convelsation at arr, confuused ay aam
(Old Spike)
ajax errors only show up when you're in conversations with dan. its something to do with his edits. i don't know the specifics but it's like it checks what your posting to whats currently hosted on the site. some times you got to open a new tab before you can post the comment
dan's a very petty person, he edits his videos for views, he edits his comment after they've been replied to. he downvotes an upvote. he doesn't get the nuances of the site
(Site Administrator)
sal9000, last week you said a major financial crash was immenent in Russia, do you stick by this prediction or nah?
(Old Spike)
no, i said the russian stock market was going to crash and putting it off was giving the rest of the world time to protect themselves from it. 80% of all the stocks listed on the russian stock exchange are owned by foreginers, who still can't sell them off because of restriction.
i've also said seperatly that the russian economy is collapsing and the longer they continue, the worse it will get. its been a month, projected to have shrunk by 10%. i also put up videos and mentioned that it took two years from the first chechen war to the 98 collapse
so, if i said what you say i said, can you quote me?
(Site Administrator)
"if russia wants to buy products from china, its going to cost them close to a third more right now. its problem and its only going to get worse for them"
- 21 March
shown below is ruble-usd rate for 21st March, ruble was worth $0.93
it's not "gotten worse"
before you wriggle around saying "that's not what I said", you clearly fucking said that the value of the ruble was going to keep going down. Just look at the 2 sentences you wrote - don't act dumb & try not to be a sleazeball for once in your life.
Man up & take the L, you'll be an even bigger loser if you argue about what you said.
Alternatively, give a new prediction & preferably some kind of timeframe for when you think the ruble's gonna drop. I'll bookmark it & remind you later, will tell you you're wrong if I think you are, as I did last time when you were gloating about what Biden was gonna do to Russia's economy.
(Old Spike)
you think what i says implies crash over night of everything. you fail to realize even after i've said it that countries can manipulate the value of their dollar by buying their own and selling others. increasing the interest rate. what you see isn't the market acting natural. there is no market intersting in buying rubles to account for it other than a country taking action to stabilize the exchange and i say that knowing you don't understand what i'm saying
(Site Administrator)
I understand what you're saying
you're too pussy to make a prediction or even admit that you got it wrong
(Old Spike)
i've said it multiple times. you're still an admin. poll the site
(Site Administrator)
you gloated over what Biden was gonna do to Russia's economy & now you know it's not happening, can't admit it and are just backpeddling with obfuscation everytime you're called on it
what a pussy
(Site Administrator)
obviously you were predicting the ruble was gonna slide
just admit it
acting like you didn't make a prediction or it's complicated shows what a gutless wonder you are
(Old Spike)
"or give a timeframe - by end of 2022 or nah?
can you even manage that??
or you gonna make new prediction?"
predicting would be saying it before it happened. when i said it, it was almost a month after it started. i'm explaining why its happening, your trying deny its even happening under the pretense of ignorance on the subject
i've explained inflation, stock exchange, currency exchange manipulation and the consequences of the sanctions. those are certainties, not opinions. a shrinking economy means less the next year. they lost 10% gdp in a month. are they going to bomb another childrens hospital next week? are they're more sanctions next week? do they invade maldova? a lot of things can happen to expediate a time frame. i can't give you a date because i don't know how long its citizens are willing to live in austere conditions among other factors but none of them distract from the fact that russia economy is collapsing(in progress). could take 6 years, it could happen in a year. its happening and we get to see it live
(Site Administrator)
ok so you refuse to admit you fucked up & now you're trying to give yourself 6 years without even limiting it to that. How ridiculous to say 6 years from now that this assault on Russia's economy will still be working to collapse it. What a joke.
(sounds retarded)
Is that your selfie Danman?
(Site Administrator)
it's a happy NPC