Hey, Bradlox. POOP SHOTGUN!


bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

holy fuck an all-time classic! 

very nice call lawn you read me well,

points could be coming your way !!

multıple entries are allowed btw...


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I endorse lawngnomes application although I do NOT have a clue what this shit (pardon the pun) is actually about!

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

It's a pointless points giveaway challenge !!

Ill consider your entry ( great upload btw )

I can let you know at this point its just yourself and lawn in poll position .

1500 points will be donated to the winner later today !!

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

congrats lawn , you wın on a technıcallıty !


1500 poınts ıncommıng !!

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lawngnome's picture

Oh my!   

This will make up for the 1k points I passed off to Nakey (trying to get him to 5k points, then realizing he already had full privileges). And it puts me at 5k points!   WOOOT motherfuckin WOOT!   I'M A BIG BOY NOW!


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