Another rapey general outed


GKhan's picture

So it's sounding like these weren't just sexual misconduct cases and that there was a lot of rape. Has anyone seen details on this?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

A good case of why women shouldn't serve in the military.

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GKhan's picture

That's kind of like saying, cut off a limb to solve an infection. So maybe not a good case. Not that I agree with you but I'm sure you could come up with other reasons.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

It was tongue in cheek.


A lot of the accusations particularly of the top brass reek more of political purge than any proof of misconduct.


Govenor General was illegally demoted and fired by the PM when she demanded an investigation into his money laundering.


A couple of the generals accused of crimes were patriots, and would not put the government before ethical decisions. A retired Vet I know served with one of them and knows his character well.


If it's on CBC, Global, CTV  it's truth mixed with lies in the best case, the exact opposite of the truth in the worst.



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