Let's hope this is over before winter.

daftcunt's picture

Ukraine - The Beginning of the End

Not for freezing western europeans (it is their own fault that they voted for politicians supporting putins gas buddies) but for the ukrainian population.

Let's also hope that ukraine gets crimea back and putin is getting arseraped in a gulag.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


danman's picture

People in Crimea don't want to be part of Ukraine. They never did, & it was a strange turn of events that caused them to ever be part of it in the first place.

It was the economic war the US convinced the EU to impose on Russia that caused the energy & inflation worries they're facing, not the cheap gas they were buying in these past decades. This isn't going to be over by Winter.

also, Adam Something. LOL.

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sato's picture

so the ottoman empire never existed now? the people of crimea fought i mean didn't fight against russia for 200 years, the fact that the cities of the crimea are rooted in greece and are centuries older than any in russia is just an illusion, and all those crimeans murdered by invading russians during the civil war weren't because they weren't russians but just some form of protection...

just keep stretching and revising, stretching and revising...

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Acctualy the Russian empire kind of kicked off in Ukraine, they see it as their motherland, the ppl living in what is now russia- so the real russians, where different ppl who lived off the land and became civilized because of Ukraine.

They did intermix but the countries where originally different countries, in soviet uprising they kind of joined up because of the unbreakable blood tie that was made over time, that is what Russia wants back,.... correct me if i am wrong

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danman's picture

Your half-baked rant doesn't apply to what I said, silly weeb.

read it again:
> People in Crimea don't want to be part of Ukraine. They never did, & it was a strange turn of events that caused them to ever be part of it in the first place.

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n0val33t's picture
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Quite frankly no one knows what they want unless you're there, not a long shot to say they welcomed Russia, I personally believe that. I can see it in the eyes of liberated Ukranian people the unmistakable behaviour in true joy, whilst the occupation was meet with NK forced smiles. If you further into Russian occupid territory, Ukraina .... troops will likely be meet with forced smiles if any. Large loyal Russian population in Ukraine, can't just glaze over that.

It's best to move if you can't stand your neighborhood, don't bomb them into accepting you! Russians citizens are fighting along with Ukranians, that's one more...... that's not an easy thing to do!

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sato's picture

to be fair, the russian gas was only ever intended to be a temporary measure. the transition to renewable energy had already begun, albeit slowly, then following the fukushima disaster everyone looked at the nuclear plants and saw they had the same 99% safe setup where it wasn't unfeasible that something could take out the backup systems all at once, and so they went to gas while they continued the renewable progress.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"the transition to renewable energy had already begun" BY NO MEANS as efficient and quick as they wanted. The gas crisis clearly shows that. Germany has a huge problem that they can't get their green electricity to the south.
nordstream 2 was intended ti supply gas for decades to come (and probably will once putin is removed and reparations to Ukraine are agreed)
In Germany and other european countries people rely on the physical supply of gas to heat their homes, for hot water and cooking, this will not be changed in a heartbeat!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Even though the population is growing the demand for gas is dropping, every new building runs fully electric, makes you wonder if Russia set up the war to sell their last gas at higher prices.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

It's slow as fuck... spain can't get their solar anywhere, big ass cities littered with solarpanels with 10X usage to spare....... sometimes Goverment have to step it up, cause private can't be bothered. They don't wan't to expand powerlines on free energy even though they get payed for every electron they move around. Just not enough...... what 5-10$ a month grid rent? (dunno the english word for it) 

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n0val33t's picture
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Could argue that the nortstream 2 was a stop gap measure to appease Russia and prevent more bullshit into Ukraine. I like to think that. If this war came any earlier.... it would be over already. Win-win..... Russians behave as they should reliant on selling gas or they freak out and start a war. Northstream 2 and money incentive and insane earnings might have keep the Bear away.


Unfortunatly they chose door Nr2....... war....... i believe it posponed the invasion in years, i don't know... i just know. When we read the russian and european classified manoeuvring 40 years from now..... I would not be suprised.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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The energy crises is the point. There will be no abundance of energy coming. Ever.


Food shortages are the point. There will be no abundance of nutrition and choice of food coming. Ever.


Dependence and depopulation is the point. 


Soon you, the masses. will be left with about 3 choices.


1. Be dependant on those you regard as authorites and do as you are told when you are told no matter what it is.


2. Be self and community reliant while living a much more simple way of life.


3. Organize and Get out there DEMANDING OBEDIENCE from your governments the rights to food and heat for your homes. What that really means is putting in new government that stops "doing things for you," and stops obstructing you from doing thing for yourself.


Up to you.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if you get caught stealing vegetables out of someones backyard garden. is it ok if they stab you over it?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Does them helping themselves mean less food for your family?


Anyways. It seems all you can do is laugh at how screwed you are.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i just want to know the ground rules. like, when people get home from working a 9-5 job and they're relaxing on the couch to see you through the window rummaging through their garden. do they call the cops or do they cosplay and go all "Possessions are more valueable than the life of a thief." and stab you?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Considering the societal circumstances underlying such behaviour. Are the police going to have the resources available to stop or even follow up on a garden robbery?


Is the starvation of the thief more important than the starvation of your children?


All of this is assuming you will be "allowed" to possess a garden by this point.


They certainly don't intend for you to possess property at some point, and I'm sure you know how anal housing "authorites" are.


You're supposed to eat bugs and live in pods remember?

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

So how much money does the rest of the world still have to send them? Israel is getting jealous. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

If I had to guess, I would say until the nations are sufficiently bankrupt and forced to turn to a fake digital currency. Where value, inflation and even use can be much more easily manipulated.


As a cherry on top they can also say going cashless stops the spread of disease and is great for the environment.

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