They are rounding up the village idiots, on a beautiful day the same will happen to danman, but finds himself stationed on the wrong side of the trenches as his beliefs
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Dude (Old Spike)
With your admin powers you messed with the timestamp.
you first posted this before sal posted ''russians doing an exodus'' i came back and your post has moved to the slot after sal
(Old Spike)
They are rounding up the village idiots, on a beautiful day the same will happen to danman, but finds himself stationed on the wrong side of the trenches as his beliefs
(Old Spike)
With your admin powers you messed with the timestamp.
you first posted this before sal posted ''russians doing an exodus'' i came back and your post has moved to the slot after sal
Not that i care, but there is the question why?
(Site Moderator)
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
People want to live.
(dumb cunt)
LOL nice try man baby. Let's all give credence to this totally NOT PROPAGANDA post from spiked most downvoted user..
(Old Spike)
What real russian "patriots" do:
Kremlin spokesman's son unwilling to fight in Ukraine, Navalny-lead prank call reveals
...and he knows why!