Post your photos for Gallery 02Dec22, below - thanks!
Pdub (Old Spike)
I put these in the old thread on accident.
Plus some more-
Ok, I think that's enough. If you would like some NSFW submissionaries as well, just upvote, or say yes or whatever.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Wow thanks for these, Pdub! I'll use for next week's gallery. And I made Tumbi aware of your gifs on the latest gifs page.
NSFW submissions are fine but given how readily available smut is on pornhub or spankwire or whatever, we're trying to keep it tasteful on the site. As Nakey noted many moons ago, it was a point of pride when the site stopped having a blue vagina in the top banner. So until there's more of a demand for a standalone NSFW gallery, absolutely send in some of your classy faves. Thanks.
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Pdub (Old Spike)
I can always keep it more tasteful than raunchy. With clothes on, of course.
(Old Spike)
I put these in the old thread on accident.
Plus some more-
Ok, I think that's enough. If you would like some NSFW submissionaries as well, just upvote, or say yes or whatever.
(Site Administrator)
Wow thanks for these, Pdub! I'll use for next week's gallery. And I made Tumbi aware of your gifs on the latest gifs page.
NSFW submissions are fine but given how readily available smut is on pornhub or spankwire or whatever, we're trying to keep it tasteful on the site. As Nakey noted many moons ago, it was a point of pride when the site stopped having a blue vagina in the top banner. So until there's more of a demand for a standalone NSFW gallery, absolutely send in some of your classy faves. Thanks.
(Old Spike)
I can always keep it more tasteful than raunchy. With clothes on, of course.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
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